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The example of a Muslim is like that of a date palm




(muamalat) and etiquettes
of social life (muasharat)
are the branches of the
Tree of Islam

Ikhlas (sincerity) is juice

or nectar of that fruit

Akhlaq (good conduct)

is a fruit of the Tree
of Islam

The branches of the tree signify the different deeds in Islam. There are many deeds
that a person is responsible
for, e.g. dhikr, Salh, fasting,
hajj, tilaawat, charity etc.
They are all branches of the
same tree and should be
given equal time and

A Muslims quality of Islam is recognized
by akhlaq, muasharat,
muamalat, and lifestyle, this is why it is
compared to a fruitbearing tree, not a
thorn-bearing tree.


Sacrifice of our wealth is
food for Tree of Islam

Oxygen of Tree of Islam is the tilawa of the
Quran, Dikr and Dua

The strong trunk is similar to
his attesting Imaan. If he attests his Imaan strongly, it is
like that strong trunk. A believer cannot show his Imaan
as it is within, but attesting
to it is a sign of strength in an
environment of disbelief.

Just like seeds need soil to
mature into a tree, the seed
of kalima tayyiba needs to
first enter our hearts

The Imaan in his heart is

like the roots in the
ground. The palm tree
roots are extremely
strong and far reaching.
This is how we should develop and work on our
Imaan too, supplying it
with the water of a good

Just as the branches do not

fall off, in the same way, the
duas of a person will not be
in vain. They will be of use either in this world or in the

The fruit on the branches are
similar to the reward for the
good deeds he does. As a person experiences joy when
harvesting, similarly, he will
have lots of joy in Jannah. It
takes a whole season to get
the fruit, so a person should
be patient and after his
whole life, he will get the

Ilm of deen taught is
water for Tree of Islam

Commands and prohibitions of Islam are like the
stem of Tree

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