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ARTS MEETING June 2016 9AM Black Box

Artistes, there are a few items to deal with as a department

but I think overall we can keep the meeting pretty succinct.
We all have other things to do. I plan to be done by 10AM
Here is a rough agenda:
EMMA Document on making connections with our courses
Vermont Square
Toms group
Film scoring
Blood brothers
TIM Document on research skills
Invite him in.
Use of Smart Boards do we have any opinion on the need
for this or other technology in our classrooms?
Folio schedule these for Monday
Form distribution?
KICA for all grades most of us already are familiar with this
Edusite feedback any feelings on how this is contributing
to our work?
Vision 18fill in sections as Department how we dig deep,
blaze trails and take risks
Hard copy
DES what ways might we use this area?

Ghost Image do we want anything loaded on laptops for

our students? (Set Design Software in drama and/or Visual
Projects and collaboration requests? (Galleries, Concerts,

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