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External rotators of the shoulder:

a. Infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior deltoid
b. Subscapularis, teres major, latissimus dorsi
c. Pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, subscapularis
d. Trapezius, rhomboid, levator scapulae
Muscle that is not attached to the humerus:
a. Supraspinatus c. pectoralis minor
b. Pectoralis major d. teres major
The principal muscle involved in light hand closure is the:
a. Lumbrical
b. Flexor digitorum profundus
c. Interossei
d. flexor digitorum superficialis
This blood vessel does not originate from the aortic arch:
a. Right common carotid artery
b. Left subclavian artery
c. Innominate artery
d. Left common carotid artery
In a third class lever:
a. None of these
b. The weight arm is longer than the force arm
c. The weight arm and force arm are equal
d. The force arm is longer than the weight arm
A muscle of facial expression:
a. Digastric
b. Temporalis
c. Masseter
d. Platysma
The bell of the foot corresponds to the:
a. Sole of the foot
b. Heads of metatarsals
c. Base of metatarsal
d. Calcaneus
The anconeus is responsible for:
a. Helping maintain elbow extension
b. Stabilizing the elbow joint during other movements of the upper extremity
c. All of these
d. Initiating extension of the elbow
Muscle innervated by the radial nerve:
a. Flexor carpi radialis
b. Flexor pollicis longus
c. Flexor digitorum superficialis
d. Abductor pollicis longus
Overlapping of receptive field improves this phenomenon of sensation:
a. Localization
b. Contrast
c. Specific nerve energies
d. Projection
The conoid and trapezoid are ligaments that connect the:
a. Clavicle and sternum
b. Acromion and clavicle
c. Coracoids and humerus
d. Coracoids and clavicle
In the process of rising up from the sitting position, the following muscles are active, EXCEPT:
a. Iliopsoas
b. Gastrocsoleus
c. Gluteus maximus
d. Quadriceps femoris
The trapezius and serratus anterior:
a. Act synergistically in abduction
b. Act as synergists in upward rotation and antagonists in retraction and protraction
c. Act as synergists in retraction and antagonists in upward and downward rotation
d. Act as synergists in upward rotation and antagonists in depression
In what movement of the scapula are the upper and lower trapezius muscles synergists:
a. Scapular retraction
b. Upward rotation
c. Scapular protraction
d. Scapular elevation


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15. In a midclavicular fracture, the structure that protects the underlying vessels from being injured is the:
a. Pectoralis minor
b. Subclavius
c. Platysma
d. Subclavian fat pad
16. The highest content of elastic fiber is found in the ligament:
a. Posterior longitudinal ligament
b. Ligamentum flavum
c. Anterior longitudinal ligament
d. Interspinous ligament
17. NOT an extrinsic muscle of the hand:
a. Extensor pollicis longus
b. Extensor digitorum
c. Extensor carpi radialis
d. Flexor digitorum superficialis
18. This does not describe the 7th rib:
a. Typical rib
b. Has two demifacets on its head
c. Longest rib
d. Most oblique rib
19. Stimulation of the vagus nerve may be expected to result in:
a. Decreased blood pressure and increased cardiac contractility
b. Vasodilatation and bradycardia
c. Vasodilatation and tachycardia
d. Vasoconstriction and increased heart rate
20. Bradycardia is heart beats less than:
a. 60 per minute
b. 80 per minute
c. 65 per minute
d. 72 per minute
21. The interaction between actin and myosin filaments during muscle contraction is brought to a stop because of:
a. Ionization of the cell
b. Depolarization of the cell membrane
c. Sodium pump reversal
d. Decrease concentration of intracellular calcium ions
22. A shunt muscle:
a. Is exemplified by the biceps and brachialis
b. Generate very little force
c. Will usually have a long lever arm like the brachioradialis
d. Is chiefly rotatory in its effect on moving bone
23. A house painter who often works with raised arms as the hands work at a height should primarily be given strengthening
exercises for the:
a. Middle deltoid
b. Serratus anterior
c. Coracobrachialis
d. Supraspinatus
24. Efferent fibers of the muscle spindle come from the:
a. All of these
c. alpha motor neuron
b. Gamma motor neuron
d. extrafusal muscle
25. The inability to make a complete fist with palmarflexion of the wrist is due to:
a. Inadequate length of the FDP and FDS
b. Marked approximation of the proximal and distal attachments of the fingers flexors
c. Passive insufficiency of the wrist extensors
d. Active insufficiency of the finger extensors
26. The muscle which has its distal attachment on the pisiform:
a. Flexor carpi radialis
b. Extensor carpi radialis longus
c. Flexor carpi ulnaris
d. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
27. The glenohumeral joint is most instable in this position:
a. Flexed, abducted, externally rotated
b. Extended, adducted, internally rotated
c. Flexed, protracted, externally rotated
d. Extended, refracted, externally rotated
28. The functional position of the ulna includes the following, EXCEPT:
a. None of these
b. Slight extension of the wrist to 40 degrees
c. Radial deviation to 5 degrees
d. Ulnar deviation to 15 degrees


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29. The attachment of the deltoid ligaments are the following, EXCEPT:
a. Tuberosity of navicular
b. Lateral malleolus
c. Medial tuberosity of talus
d. Sustentaculum tali
30. Type of nerve fiber that has the fastest conduction:
a. Large myelinated axons
b. Small unmyelinated axon
c. Small myelinated axons
d. Large unmyelinated axon
31. This ligament does NOT contribute to the stability of the hip joint:
a. Ischiofemoral ligament
b. Ligamentum teres
c. Pubofemoral ligament
d. Iliofemoral ligament
32. This is a movement in the transverse plane:
a. Circumduction
c. abduction
b. Lateral flexion
d. external rotation
33. The most commonly injured ligament of the ankle joint in sprain is the:
a. Anterior talofibular ligament
b. Anterior tibiofibular ligament
c. Medial deltoid ligament
d. Calcaneofibular ligament
34. With the forearm in the fully pronated position, flexion of the elbow is carried out mostly by the:
a. Brachioradialis
c. pronator teres
b. Brachialis
d. biceps brachii
35. The biggest volume that can be expired by a person is called:
a. Total lung capacity
c. vital capacity
b. Tidal volume
d. inspiratory capacity
36. The lumbrical muscle:
a. All of these are true
b. Is the only intrinsic muscle responsible for MCP-flexion
c. Together with the dorsal interossei, are primarily responsible for extension of the DIP joint
d. Has a better leverage as a DIP extensor compared to its leverage as an MCP flexor
37. The blood supply of the posterior thigh muscles comes mainly from:
a. Popliteal artery
c. profunda femoris artery
b. Inferior gluteal artery
d. femoral artery
38. Responsible for shoulder retraction:
a. Trapezius and rhomboids
b. Trapezius and levator scapulae
c. Trapezius and latissimus dorsi
d. Trapezius and serratus anterior
39. A lesion of the subthalamic nucleus will result in:
a. Tremors
c. athetosis
b. Hemiballismus
d. rigidity
40. Triceps activity is enhanced by:
a. Elbow extension combined with shoulder extension
b. Elbow flexion combined with shoulder flexion
c. Elbow flexion combined with shoulder extension
d. Elbow extension combined with shoulder flexion
41. The arcade of Frohse may compress the:
a. Ulnar nerve
b. Musculocutaneous nerve
c. Median nerve
d. Posterior interosseous nerve
42. The first line of defense against bacterial infections, among the cellular elements, are the:
a. lymphocytes
c. basophils
b. neutrophils
d. eosinophils
43. The movement of C1 ions across the membrane is mainly by:
a. active transport
c. passive diffusion
b. facilitated diffusion
d. osmosis
44. The normal width of the walking base:
a. 5-6 inches
c. one to two inches
b. 2-4 inches
d. one foot
45. When the knee is extended, hip flexion is limited to 60-80 degrees because of passive insufficiency of the:
a. gluteus maximus
c. hamstring
b. iliopsoas
d. rectus femoris


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46. The nerve that crosses the elbow as a pure sensory is the:
a. radial
c. ulnar
b. median
d. musculocutaneous
47. Given a blood pressure of 130/95, the pulse pressure is:
a. 115 mm Hg
c. 35 mm Hg
b. 95 mg Hg
d. 130 mm Hg
48. Which part of the upright lung has the greatest perfusion?
a. base
c. uniform throughout
b. middle lobe
d. apex
49. The axis for subtalar abduction and adduction is:
a. Transverse
c. oblique
b. Longitudinal
d. vertical
50. Muscle power is greatest at approximately
% of the maximum load:
a. 20
c. 10
b. 30
d. 40
51. The most abundant cation found inside living cells is:
a. Potassium
c. chloride
b. Sodium
d. calcium
52. The space that is entered during a lumbar puncture to obtain cerebrospinal fluid sample is the:
a. All of these
c. subarachnoid space
b. Subdural space
d. epidural space
53. A forearm muscle that belongs to the extensor group but flexes the elbow is the:
a. Anconeus
c. extensor carpi ulnaris
b. Brachioradialis
d. supinator
54. Pronation-supination movement of the forearm brings about gliding motion in the following, EXCEPT:
a. Ulnar-humeral articulation
c. proximal radio-ulnar joint
b. Distal radio-ulnar joint
d. radio-humeral articulation
55. Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter of the:
a. Postganglionic sweat glands
c. Preganglionic autonomic findings
b. Majority of the postganglionic sympathetic endings
d. Myoneural junction
56. Inspiration requires:
a. Decrease in intrathoracic volume
c. increase in intrathoracic volume
b. Increase in extrathoracic volume
d. no change in intrathoracic volume
57. Stability of the ankle joint is primarily afforded by the:
a. Negative intra-articular pressure
c. Osseous architecture
b. Musculotendinous attachment
d. Ligamentous connection
58. Proprioception is characterized by:
a. The rapid adaptation of the receptors
c. all of these
b. A strong affect
d. stimulation of the receptors by joint motion
59. Of the following substances, which of them can cross the plasma membrane most easily:
a. O2
c. proteins
b. K
d. C1
60. The external intercostals:
a. When present with the internal intercostals, the external intercostals will act in expiration only
b. Assist in forced expiration
c. Has fibers that are slanted downward and backward
d. Does not show any activity during normal, quite breathing
61. The radial head is kept in place by the:
a. Biceps insertion
c. radial collateral ligament
b. Ulnar collateral ligament
d. annular ligament
62. Paralysis of the left gluteus medius can be compensated by:
a. Allowing the pelvis to sag laterally toward the unsupported side until the left hip is maximally adducted
b. Placing a cane on the left hand
c. Laterally bending the upper trunk to the right
d. By reducing the knee and ankle motion
63. The calorie coat of walking a given distance is lowest at a walking speed of about
miles per hour:
a. 3.0
c. 1.5
b. 3.5
d. 2.0
64. Ligaments that limit shoulder flexion and extension at the glenohumeral joint:
a. Coracohumeral ligament
c. acromioclavicular ligament
b. Coracoacromial ligament
d. coracoclavicular ligament
65. The most superficial muscle in the posterior trunk:
a. Semi-spinalis
c. multifidus muscles
b. Longissimus
d. rotation and suboccipital muscles
66. The average total range of motion for knee axial rotation:
a. 40 degrees
c. 90 degrees
b. 60 degrees
d. 20 degrees


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67. The strongest support for the longitudinal arch of the foot is the:
a. peroneus longus
c. tibialis posterior
b. tibialis anterior
d. peroneus brevis
68. Men climbing high mountains will have enormous water losses from:
a. decreased drinking
c. increased urination
b. increased ventilation
d. increased sweating
69. Given a blood pressure of 130/95, the mean arterial pressure is around:
a. 102 mm Hg
c. 107 mm Hg
b. 115 mm Hg
d. 110 mm Hg
70. The main function is to stabilize the scapula:
a. Levator scapulae
c. latissimus dorsi
b. Deltoid
d. serratus anterior
71. The center of gravity of the extended upper extremity is approximately:
a. At the elbow joint
c. at the mid-humerus
b. Just above the elbow joint
d. just below the elbow joint
72. Ulnar deviation at the wrist is brought about by the action of the:
a. Extensor carpi ulnaris
c. Flexor carpi ulnaris with the extensor carpi ulnaris
b. Flexor carpi ulnaris with Palmaris longus
d. Flexor carpi ulnaris
73. A persons grip is weaker, if his wrist is in a flexed.
a. Passive insufficiency of the finger extensors and active insufficiency of the finger flexors
b. Passive insufficiency of the finger flexors and extensors
c. Active insufficiency of the finger flexors and extensors
d. Passive insufficiency of the long finger flexors and active insufficiency of the finger extensors
74. The cellular property of neurons which enables them to receive and transmit information is:
a. Facilitation
c. summation
b. Accommodation
d. excitability
75. A stab wound to the popliteal fossa will primarily injure which structure:
a. Posterior tibial nerve
c. common peroneal nerve
b. Popliteus
d. popliteal artery
76. Neck side flexion isometric movements is a test for muscles innervated by roots:
a. C3-C4
c. C5-C6
b. C1-C2
d. C4-C5
77. This term implies passage of an impulse across a junction:
a. Divergence
c. convergence
b. Transmission
d. conduction
78. If the heart rate is 60 beats per minute and the stroke volume is 90 ml, then cardiac output is:
a. 5.4 L
c. 6.2 L
b. 5.2 L
d. 5.6 L
79. With paralysis of the gastrocsoleus:
a. In children, a secondary clubfoot deformity is likely to develop
b. There will be marked difficult in running and jumping
c. An AFO should always be prescribed
d. The deep muscles of the posterior compartment can substitute as plantar flexors in the ankle
80. Anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint is usually potentiated by weakness of this muscle:
a. Supraspinatus
c. subscapularis
b. Deltoid
d. teres minor
81. During your dissection, in order to expose the brachial artery at the elbow, you have to cut this structure:
a. Brachioradialis
c. bicipital aponeurosis
b. Biceps insertion to the radius
d. pronator teres
82. Deconditioning effects of prolonged bed rest, EXCEPT:
a. Decrease in the contractile strength of body musculature
b. Decrease in the circulation blood volume
c. Decrease in the heart rate response to effort
d. Decrease in lung volume
83. The epiphysis of a bone is:
a. Found below the metaphysics
c. located above the diaphysis
b. None of these
d. located next to the joint
84. The H-zone contains:
a. Z-disc
c. actin
b. Myosin
d. none of these
85. The soleus muscles:
a. Contains a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibers compared to the gastrocnemius
b. Shows greatest activity when the ankle is plantar flexed against resistance while in prone with the knee extended
c. Is most effective as a plantar flexor only when the knee is extended
d. Shows equal activity with the gastrocnemius during normal quiet standing
86. Which of the following correctly describes the intrapleural pressure during a normal unforced breathing:
a. Varies from negative to positive
c. always negative
b. Always positive
d. none of these


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87. The teres minor as a rotator cuff muscle:

a. Is responsible for the characteristic roundness of the shoulder
b. Depresses the humeral head in the glenoid together with the suprapinatus and subscapularis
c. Internally rotate the glenohumeral joint during flexion and abduction
d. Prevent shoulder subluxation when carrying a load in the hand while standing erect
88. The connection tissue covering of a muscle fiber:
a. Epimysium
c. endomysium
b. Sarcolemma
d. perimysium
89. Injury to this nerve produces this type of winging of the scapula. The medial border of the scapula is closer to the midline
and the inferior angle is medially rotated:
a. Spinal accessory
c. long thoracic
b. Dorsal scapular
d. thoracodorsal
90. The hip hiking muscle:
a. Quadrates lumborum
c. transverse abdominis
b. Iliopsoas
d. erector spinae
91. NOT a characteristic of the lateral epicondyle:
a. It is the common origin of the wrist extensors
c. It is more prominent than the medial epicondyle
b. Injury of this area would not affected the ulnar nerve
d. Inflammation is commonly called tennis elbow
92. In the contrast to a nerve action potential a muscle action potential has:
a. A shorter duration
c. a slower conduction velocity
b. A more negative resting membrane potential
d. a lower overshoot
93. The first heart sound is associated with the closure of:
a. Aortic and pulmonic valves
c. tricuspid and mitral valves
b. Pulmonic and tricuspid valves
d. aortic and mitral valves
94. How many compartments are in the lower leg:
a. 3
c. 2
b. 4
d. 5
95. NOT found in the I-band:
a. Meromyosin
c. troponin
b. Actin
d. tropomyosin
96. A hacking wound in the posterior and midpart of the arm by a halo may injure the following, EXCEPT:
a. Triceps short head
c. triceps along head
b. Musculocutaneous nerve
d. radial nerve
97. Death of the cortex of the bone from occlusion of the nutrient vessels caused by intense infection is called:
a. Osteomalacia
c. trabeculations
b. Involucrum
d. sequestrum
98. The tibialis anterior:
a. Is also an effective toe extensor
b. Can only invert the foot from a fully everted position up to the neutral position
c. Is not capable of everting the foot at all
d. Is primarily an ankle dorsiflexor as well as a strong invertor
99. True of the brachialis muscle:
a. Is active as an elbow flexor mainly when used against resistance
b. Is more active as a flexor during slow muscle contraction
c. Its effectivity as an elbow flexor is unaffected by the position of the forearm
d. All of these
100.The anterior cruciate ligament of the knee is taut during:
a. Full internal rotation at the femurotibial joint
c. Full side extension
b. 40-50 degrees of knee flexion
d. Knee adduction
101.The following muscles act to flex the humerus, EXCEPT:
a. Biceps brachii
c. subscapularis
b. Pectoralis major
d. coracobrachialis
102.The muscle which covers the 6 external hip rotators is:
a. Gluteus medius
c. tensor fascia latae
b. Gluteus minimus
d. gluteus maximus
103.The following cranial nerves have spinal sensory functional components, EXCEPT:
a. The vestibulocochlear nerve
c. the glossopharyngeal nerve
b. The olfactory nerve
d. the optic nerve
104.What is the test position of a fair or better lower trapezius muscle:
a. Prone with the arms over the head
c. Sitting with the arms over the head
b. Prone with the arms in 90 degrees abduction
d. Supine with the arms over the head
105.When an individual stands erect, with weight evenly distributed on both feet, the load on each hip is approximately. What
percentage of the total body weight:
a. 1/3
c. 1/5
b. 1/4
d. 1/2
106.The primary function of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum is:
a. Maintenance of equilibrium
c. coordination of skilled movement
b. Regulation of muscle tone
d. maintenance of posture


To God Be the Glory 6




107.The highest tension is generated in which of the following muscle contractions:

a. Slow lengthening
c. slow shortening
b. Fast shortening
d. fast lengthening
108.Facets of thoracic spine are oriented in what plane:
a. Frontal
c. horizontal
b. Sagittal
d. transverse
109.The main source of ATP immediately after exercising for 10 seconds:
a. Glycogen breakdown
c. glycolytic processes
b. Phosphocreatine
d. oxidative processes
110. Heat receptor:
a. Krause and bulbs
c. pacinian corpuscles
b. Ruffinis end organs
d. Merkels disc
111. The gluteus maximus shows peak activity during:
a. Late stance
c. early stance
b. Midstance
d. swing phase
112. Course of the anterior cruciate ligament:
a. Upward, backward, medial
c. upward, forward, medial
b. Upward, forward, lateral
d. upward, backward, lateral
113. The strongest extensors of the lumbar spine in strengthening up from a forward flexed bending position are the:
a. Multifidus muscles
c. gluteus maximus muscles
b. Hamstring muscles
d. latissimus dorsi muscle
114. The flexor muscles of the elbow would be at best advantage when at what degree of flexion?
a. 90 degrees
c. 45 degrees
b. 60 degrees
d. 120 degrees
115. The union of the brachiocephalic vein of both sides form the:
a. Superior vena cava
c. subclavian vein
b. Internal jugular vein
d. inferior vena cava
116. The most important shoulder flexors are the:
a. Anterior deltoid and sterna portion of the pectoralis major
b. Coracobrachialis and biceps brachii
c. Coracobrachialis and anterior deltoid
d. Anterior deltoid and clavicular potion of the pectoralis major
117. Voluntary breathing control resides in the:
a. Cerebellar cortex
c. cerebral motor cortex
b. Medulla
d. pons
118. During defecation, an individual has voluntary control over the motor activities of his/her:
a. Internal anal sphincter
c. sigmoid colon
b. External anal sphincter
d. rectum
119. The normal pinch strength of adult males:
a. 3-4 kg
c. 1-2 kg
b. 2-3 kg
d. 4-5 kg
120.The ventricles of the brain are lined
a. Ependymal cells
c. ordinary connective tissue
b. Choroid epithelium
d. neuroglia cells
121.Not a part of the muscle spindle:
a. Annulo-spiral ending
c. extrafusal fibers
b. Intrafusal fibers
d. flower spray ending
122.Injury to the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen with result in:
a. Impaired lacrimation
c. hyperaccusis
b. Loss of taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue
d. facial palsy
123.The lung volume that is involved in gas exchange with the capillary blood at the end of a normal expiration is:
a. Functional residual capacity
c. vital capacity
b. Tidal volume
d. expiratory reserve volume
124.The most stable position of the hip:
a. externally rotated
c. adducted
b. internally rotated
d. abducted
125.Determinant of heart rate:
a. Changes in HCO3
c. changes in K
b. Changes in CO2
d. changes in Na
126.Structure medial to the biceps tendon and deep to the bicipital aponeurosis:
a. Median nerve
c. deep brachial artery
b. All of these
d. median cubital vein
127.A fracture at the proximal neck of the fibula may injure the:
a. Saphenous nerve
c. common peroneal nerve
b. Tibial nerve
d. sural nerve
128.The external jugular vein is found at the:
a. Submandibular triangle
c. anterior triangle of the neck
b. Posterior triangle of the neck
d. carotid triangle


To God Be the Glory 7




129.The muscles which flex the MP joints after extending the IP joint are the following, EXCEPT:
a. Lumbricals
c. dorsal interossei
b. Palmar interossei
d. long flexors
130.The only prehension pattern that can be observed in a patient with a median nerve injury:
a. Three jaw chuck
c. cylindrical grasp
b. Lateral pinch
d. palmar grasp
131.A fan knife trust into the medial and midpart aspect of the arm may injure the following, EXCEPT:
a. Median nerve
c. brachial artery
b. Radial nerve
d. ulnar nerve
132.Posterior border of the posterior triangle of the neck:
a. Trapezius
c. splenius capitis
b. Sternocleidomastoid
d. latissimus dorsi
133.A razor slash at the anterior surface of the wrist will likely damage the:
a. Median nerve
c. all of these
b. Ulnar nerve
d. radial nerve
134.Major sensory component of the spindle:
a. Nuclear bag
c. flower spray nerve endings
b. Nuclear chain
d. annulospiral nerve endings
135.The predicted maximum heart rate for a 50 year old male is:
a. 140-160
c. 160-180
b. 120-140
d. 100-120
136.Shoulder medial rotation is performed by the:
a. All of these
c. subscapularis
b. Latissimus dorsi
d. teres major
137.The key joint in hand movements:
a. Writs joint
c. interphalangeal joints
b. Elbow joint
d. shoulder joint
138.Flexion-extension of the thoracic spine totals how much?
a. 30 degrees
c. 15 degrees
b. 60 degrees
d. 40 degrees
139.This is not a characteristic of a hamstring muscle:
a. Supplied by the tibial division of the sciatic nerve
b. Inserts into the tibia or fibula
c. supplied by the peroneal division of the sciatic nerve
d. arises from the ischial tuberosity
140.The automatic respiratory center is located in the:
a. Medulla
c. cerebrum
b. Cerebellum
d. pons
141.Intervertebral discs are located between vertebral bodies from:
a. C1 to S1
c. C2 to L5
b. C1 to L5
d. C2 to S1
142.Pulls the scapula medial, upward and posteriorly:
a. Rhomboids minor
c. all of these
b. Rhomboids major
d. levator scapulae
143.Branch of the vertebrobasilar artery of the brain:
a. Lenticulostriate artery
c. anterior cerebral artery
b. Internal auditory artery
d. ophthalmic artery
144.The bandage muscle, wrapping around other neck muscles:
a. Sternocleidomastoid
c. splenius
b. Trapezius
d. serratus anterior
145.During flexion of the ankle:
a. The malleoli approximate each other
b. Tibiofibular and interosseus ligaments tend to become horizontal
c. Malleoli are pulled inferiorly
d. The fibula is laterally rotated
146.Most important function of the astrocyte:
a. Structural support to nervous tissue
c. repair of damaged tissue
b. Production of myelin
d. central nervous system scavenger
147.The following muscles help maintain the relationship articulating parts in the shoulder joint, EXCEPT:
a. Teres major
c. subscapularis
b. Supraspinatus
d. teres minor
148.Meniscal tears in the knee joint usually result from:
a. Hyperextension
c. rotation in full extension
b. Hyperflexion
d. rotation in partial flexion
149.Osseous structure which serve as guides to completion of skeletal maturation include all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. Closure of distal radial epiphysis
c. union of iliac apophysis with the ilium
b. Union of ischium and pubis
d. union of ring epiphysis of vertebral bodies


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150.The swaying of the arms when walking occurs around this axis:
a. Anteroposterior/horizontal
c. sagittal
b. Vertical
d. frontal
151.The muscle lateral to the pectineus:
a. Rectus femoris
c. iliopsoas
b. Adductor longus
d. piriformis
152.The superficial group of the muscles of the back includes:
a. Serratus posterior
c. longissimus
b. Levator scapulae
d. splenius capitis
153.The origin of the parasympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers supplying the urinary bladder is:
a. Inferior mesenteric ganglion
c. dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve
b. Sacral spinal cord segments 2,3,4
d. lumbar spinal cord segments 1, 2, 3
154.Considering the pain distribution along the medial border of the dorsum of the foot, which spinal level is represented by
the saphenous nerve?
a. L5
c. L2
b. L3
d. L4
155.Largest branch of the lumbar plexus:
a. Ilioinguinal
c. anterior crural
b. Genitofemoral
d. iliohypogastric
156.Synergist of finger flexors:
a. Ulnar deviators
c. wrist flexor
b. Wrist extensors
d. radial deviators
157.Muscle tested as an elbow flexor with forearm pronated:
a. Coracobrachialis
c. brachialis
b. Brachioradialis
d. biceps
158.The nerve necessary for a normal precision grips.
a. Radial
c. median
b. Ulnar
d. radial and ulnar
159.Stroke volume is lowest in:
a. Muscular activity
c. recumbent position
b. Erect position
d. slow walking
160.The fibers in connective tissue are synthesized by the:
a. Histiocyte
c. mast cell
b. Fibroblast
d. plasma cell
161.Expulsive form of cough requires which of the following muscle to contract most forcefully:
a. Sternocleidomastoid
c. diaphragm
b. Abdominals
d. scalene
162.The normal physiologic curves in children will become similar to that of an adult by the age of:
a. 16
c. 12
b. 8
d. 10
163.A patient has bilateral quadriceps weaknesses. The most difficult task for him to do is:
a. Running
c. walking at a fast pace
b. Climbing upstairs
d. going downstairs
164.In a full term baby, knee extension is incomplete by about:
a. 20 degrees
c. 40 degrees
b. 10 degrees
d. 30 degrees
165.The principal product of the adrenal medulla is:
a. Dopamine
c. norepinephrine
b. Epinephrine
d. histamine
166.A fracture of this bone typically involve the neck and may result in a vascular necrosis:
a. Trapezoid
c. hamate
b. Scaphoid
d. lunate
167.The femur is approximately what portion of a persons height?
a. 1/4
c. 1/6
b. 1/5
d. 1/3
168.A hack wound extending to the bone on the postero-medial aspect of the upper limb above the elbow joint will likely
damage the:
a. Ulnar nerve
c. radial nerve
b. Median nerve
d. musculocutaneous nerve
169.Muscle which may compress the sciatic nerve as the nerve passes underneath it:
a. Rectus femoris
c. piriformis
b. Quadrates femoris
d. gluteus maximus
170.Minors elbow refers to an inflammation of the:
a. Olecranon bursa
c. medial epicondyle
b. Anconeus
d. lateral epicondyle
171.In lowering yourself to a chair from standing to sitting, the quadriceps are doing:
a. Isometric contraction
c. positive work
b. Eccentric contraction
d. concentric contraction


To God Be the Glory 9




172.The lateral cord continues as the:

a. Axillary nerve
c. radial nerve
b. Musculocutaneous nerve
d. ulnar nerve
173.This route of the sound waves is fastest and used in normal hearing:
a. Fluid conduction
c. ossicular conduction
b. Air conduction
d. bone conduction
174.The bodies of the fifth to the ninth thoracic vertebral are usually asymmetric because of:
a. None of these
c. presence of thoracic aorta
b. Presence of pericardium and heart
d. asymmetric ribs
175.During the stance phase of the gait cycle:
a. Increase activity of the gastrocsoleus
c. increased activity of the gluteus medius
b. Increase activity of the quadriceps
d. all of these
176.The plane of progression during ambulation:
a. The horizontal plane
c. the sagittal plane
b. The frontal plane
d. the vertical plane
177.The line of the ground reactive force at heel strike extends:
a. None of these
c. in front of the knee
b. Behind the knee
d. through the knee
178.Branch of the facial nerve innervating the lacrimal gland:
a. Temporal branch
c. chorda tympani
b. Zygomatic branch
d. petrosal nerve
179.Muscle which substitutes for a weak or paralyzed scapular adduction:
a. Triceps
c. biceps
b. Posterior deltoids
d. pectoralis
180.Strongest hand prehension position is provided by:
a. Hook prehension
c. tip prehension
b. Lateral prehension
d. cylindrical prehension
181.Will lead to edema formation, EXCEPT:
a. Increase in venous pressure
c. lymphatic obstruction
b. Decrease in permeability of the capillariesd. increase in arteriolar hydrostatic pressure
182.After removal of the patella from the knee:
a. The quadriceps useless force to extend the knee c. The quadriceps acts with a shorter level arm
b. The patellar tendon lies farther from the center of motion d. Full active extension of the knee in no longer possible
183.The decerebrate posture generally indicates lesion of the:
a. Cerebellum
c. medulla
b. Midbrain
d. trapezoid
184.With the exception of the pisiform, which is the smallest of the carpal bone?
a. Triquetrium
c. trapezium
b. Hamate
d. trapezoid
185.Functions of the cruciate ligaments, EXCEPT:
a. Limit rotational movement of knee
b. Tense in all positions of the knee especially in extreme flexion and extension
c. Prevent anteroposterior displacement of the joint
d. None of these
186.A facet oriented in the sagittal plane allows what motion?
a. Gliding
b. Flexion-extension
c. lateral flexion
d. rotation
187.The following statements are TRUE about the lateral malleolus, EXCEPT:
a. It extends further distally than the medial malleolus
b. It is more posterior than the medial malleolus
c. Its configuration permits the ankle mortise to point 15 degree laterally
d. Its distal extension acts as a deterrent to inversion ankle sprains
188.Hyperventilation in the absence of increased CO2 production results in:
a. Hypoxemia
c. acidosis
b. Alkalosis
d. hypercapnea
189.Flexion at the metatarsophalangeal joints is possible up to:
a. 30-45 degrees
c. 90 degrees
b. 180 degrees
d. 10 degrees
190.The most abundant protein in the body:
a. Keratin
c. collagen
b. Elastin
d. hyaline
191.Point at the root of the nose where the frontonasal suture crosses the median plane:
a. Nasion
c. lambda
b. Nasal septum
d. bregma
192.Muscles responsible for rotation of the scapula as in full abduction of the arm:
a. Levator scapula and rhomboid minor
c. trapezius and serratus anterior
b. Deltoids and biceps
d. subclavius and pectoralis major


To God Be the Glory 10




193.In contrast to axons, dendrites are typically:

a. Thinner
c. product one or more synaptic and feet
b. Receive more synaptic contacts
d. longer
194.If the motor root of the trigeminal nerve is injured, paralysis occurs in:
a. Buccinator
c. tensor tympani
b. All of these
d. posterior belly of digastric muscles
195.A strong maximum concentric contraction of the biceps is best elicited when elbow flexion is combined with:
a. Forearm pronation and finger flexion
c. forearms supination and finger extension
b. Neutral forearm position and finger flexion
d. forearm supination and finger flexion
196.Forms part of the medial wall of the axilla:
a. Coracobrachialis
c. pectoralis minor
b. Latissimus dorsi
d. serratus anterior
197.A brainstem level reflex:
a. Body righting acting on the body
c. crossed extension
b. Positive supporting reaction
d. neck righting
198.This cranial nerve has NO connection with the parasympathetic system:
b. CN V
d. CN XI
199.NOT an important crutch walking muscle:
a. Anconeus
c. pectoralis major
b. Latissimus dorsi
d. middle trapezius
200.A muscle that complements the posterior cruciate major and helps prevent forward subluxation of the femur when doing
knee bends is the:
a. Gastrocnemius
c. plantaris
b. Popliteus
d. vastus medialis


To God Be the Glory 11

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