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PSR model essay


Write a story

It was a hot Monday morning. Alimin was on his way home from school. As he
was feeling hungry, he took a shortcut through Pak Abus house. Upon reaching Pak
Abus house, he saw a huge mango tree. It was bearing a lot of ripe juicy mangoes.
The mangoes made Alimins mouth water. He was tempted to pick the mangoes.

Alimin put his knapsack down and looked left and right. There was nobody
around. Without much hesitation, Alimin started to climb up the tree. He picked all
the big and juicy mangoes. He ate them to his hearts content. Then he saw more
juicy mangoes at the far end of the branch. He decided to pick them. He stepped on
a weak branch and reached for the mangoes.

All of a sudden, the branch broke. Alimin fell to the ground. He groaned in pain
and screamed for help. Luckily apasser-by heard his scream. He quickly ran to
the rescue. He examined Alimin and told him that his right leg was broken.Taking
pity on him, the man took Alimin to the hospital. Alimin regretted what he had done.


A Rearrange these letters to form words. These words are taken from the
model essay.






















ba r nh c






B Give the opposites of the following words. The answers can be found in
the model essay.















everybody -







C Do you know the meaning of these words? Use your dictionary to help

















Write a story


Sazali who is twelve years old, is an active boy. He likes to go outing with his
friends. They love nature. They often go for a picnic at the river nearby. Usually, they
cycle to the river for a dip in the crystal clear water.

Last week during the first semester holidays, Sazali and his friends had a
picnic by the river in their village. The river was just a stones throw away from Mr
Tans orchard. After cycling for half an hour, the boys finally arrived at
theirdestination. Upon reaching there, they quickly looked for a nice spot to put their
things. They had brought along a lot of food and drinks.

Without much delay, the boys changed their attires and jumped into the water
for a swim. They were on cloud nine, playing and swimming in the river. Suddenly,
Sazali noticed something floating in the water. It was coming towards them. He
thought it was a crocodile. Feeling scared, he screamed his lung out.
Everyone panicked and ran out of the water as quick as lightning. They ran for their
lives. One of them, Meng Keong even climbed up a tree. They waited anxiously for
someone to come and save them.

As the object floated by, Sazali braved himself to take a closer look.
He realised that it was just a log, not a crocodile. He told all his friends about it. They
felt relieved and burst out laughing.


A The following words are used in the model essay. Do you know the
meaning for each of the words in Column A? Match each of the words with
its meaning in Column B correctly.
Column A

Column B

1 outing


2 a dip


3 orchard
unpleasant thing has

felt happy because


4 destination

6 on cloud nine
7 screamed his lung out

shouted loudly

a place to go to

a place where fruit trees are grown

8 relieved

feeling very happy

9 panicked

a short trip for enjoyment




B Give the opposites of the following words. The answers can be found in
the model essay.





a little

















C Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word from the model essay. The
word can only be used once.

My family and I always go for a ___________ at the waterfall on weekends.

Mother asked the children to change their _________ because they were dirty
and smelly.

All the teachers are _________ that everyone is safe and unhurt.

We flew to Paris last weekend. It took us more than eleven hours to reach
our____________ .

When the little girl saw a leech, she _______ as loud as she could.

He __________ at the sight of the dark figure when he walked alone in the


Write a story

Last week on a fine Sunday morning, Izat and his family went to Rantau Abang
beach for a picnic. They set of their journey at nine oclock in the morning and
arrived there an hour later. Upon arriving there, they could see a big crowd of people
on this golden sandy beach. They could also witness many people swimming happily

in the sea. The water was indeed crystal clear. Everyone was in the seventh heaven.
They quickly looked for a nice spot to put all their things. Izat and hissiblings helped
their parents to take out all food and drinks from the car.

Guys, shall we go for a swim, suggested Izat excitedly. Everyone nodded in

agreement. In no time, Izats family was in the water, enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, Izat heard a faint noise. At first, he paid no heed to it. But, soon it
grew louder and louder. He heard someone screaming for help. He looked around. To
his surprise, he saw a boy struggling in the water. He was bobbing up and down. Izat
quickly told his father about it. Without much thinking, Izats father swam towards
the boy. He put his arm around the drowning boys neck and pulled him to the shore.
He swam with all his might. Finally he managed to save the boy. He felt very tired
but happy for he had saved a life.

A Do you know what an adjective is? An adjective is a word that tells you
more about a noun.

Now, list out 15 adjectives used in the model essay.



2 ______________

3 _______________


5 ______________

6 _______________


8 ______________

9 _______________

10 ______________

11 ______________

12 _______________

13 ______________

14 ______________

15 _______________

B Find the word which has the same meaning as each of the following
words. The words are all in the model essay.


- ___________


- ___________

shouting - ___________


- ___________





- ___________



- ___________



- ___________


Construct a good sentence with each of the words given below.










in the seventh
heaven - __________________________________________________________

might -



Write a story

Last weekend Salmas parents were away on business. They had to attend an
important meeting in Pulau Langkawi. After spending two hours reading a story book,
Salma felt bored and wanted to do something more challenging. So, she invited her
friends over to her house.

Salma and her friends played hide-and-seek in the garden. They were running all
over the place, looking for a suitable place to hide. Azman, one of Salmas friends
did not want himself to be found easily. So, he decided to hide outside the house. He
ran out without looking left or right. Just then, their neighbour, Pakcik Hassan who is
a fishmonger, rode by on his motorcycle. When he saw Azman appeared in front of
his motorcycle, he swerved to the left to avoid hitting him. He lost control of
his vehicle and crashed into a pond.

Pak Hassan fell off his motorcycle and landed in middle of the pond. He was wet
all over. His motorcycle was badlydented. His weighing scale and many other things
were thrown into the air. When the children saw this, they screamed in fear. Mrs Lim,
the neighbour rushed out to see what was happening. She scolded the children. All

the children apologisedto Pak Hassan. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured. He
only had bruises on his hands and legs. However, his shirt was dirty and wet.


A Find 15 words that are used in the model essay in the maze below. One
of them has been circled.

B Give the meaning of each of these words or phrases. Use a dictionary to

help you.











C Read the following sentences. Correct the spelling of the underlined


His waeghing scale and other things were throwed into the air.
He only had bruses on his hands and lags.
He lost control of his vihikle and crashed into a pon.

Pak Dollah who was an ais-krim seller rode by on his motosikal.

The chideren played hih-and seek in the garden.

The motorcyclist sewered to the reight to avaid hitting the woman.


Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.

Aiman who is my schoolmate, is twelve years old. He lives with his beloved family of
five in Kampung Aman. His teachers and friends like him very much as he is not only
friendly but also helpful. To many villagers, Aiman has a heart of gold.

Last Saturday morning, Aiman and his classmates visited an old woman in the
nearby village. The old woman was very poor and lived alone in an
old dilapidated wooden house. The children sympathised her when they saw the
condition of the house. They decided to help her clean the house.

The children divided themselves in two groups and Aiman was in the first group.
Without wasting much time, they started working. They repaired the broken walls
and stairs. Later they painted the walls. As for the girls who are in the second group,
they helped to sweep the dirty floor. They also cleaned and tidied the house
compound. After three hours of hard work, the children finally completed their tasks.
The house really looked beautiful and clean.

The woman was as happy as a lark. Her face lit up with joy. She was
very grateful and thanked the children for their kindness. It was rare to see such kind
hearted children.

At about five in the evening, the children decided to go home. They were feeling
tired but happy because they had done a good deed. It was a memorable moment
for Aiman and his classmates.


Give the meanings of the following words. Use a dictionary to help


lit up with joy

- ______________________________
- ______________________________


- ______________________________



- ______________________________


- ______________________________

a heart of gold - ______________________________


- ______________________________

- ______________________________

B Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word from the essay. Use the
word only once.

All the pupils are busy planting trees around the school _____________ .

The old beggar has been living in that old ________ house since she was born. I
think we need to repair the house immediately.

The boy __________ his homework before he went out to play football.

It was a ___________ event for all he children. Everyone really enjoyed
themselves and wanted to visit the orphanage again.

When his boss called him, he came to the office without a ______________.
We should be ______________ our parents for taking good care of us.

On Teachers Day, pupils give presents to their teachers to appreciate their hard
work and ___________.
Salim and I go to the school but we are in different classes. So, Salim is
my ______________

C Check how good is your past tense? Give the past tense for the
following words.


- ____________

2 visit



- ____________

4 break



- ____________

6 delay



- ____________

8 take


- ____________

10 thank





- ____________

12 decide




- ____________

13 live



Write a story.

Puan Zaharah Ariffin, sixty-five, is a kuih seller. She lives in Kampung Sentosa.
Her husband passed away in a car crash six years ago. Fortunately, she has two
helpful and obedient daughters. They al
ways help their mother whenever they are free.

Every weekend, Ain and her older sister, Nurul wake up at dawn. They get up
early as they want to help their mother make kuih. Their mother makes a few types
of local kuih such as curry puffs, seri kaya and sardine rolls. When all the kuihare
ready, both the sisters will pack them in different attractive plastic containers.

Later, they will bring their kuih to the market to sell. They walk to the market
as it is just a stones throw awayfrom their house. There, they display all their kuih at
their stall. Ain and Nurul always smile and invite many people, mostly housewives, to
their stall. Many customers come and buy their kuih as they as cheap
and scrumptious.

Normally, in two or three hours all their kuih will be sold out. After that they
pack their things and get ready to go home. Along the journey, they often grin from
ear to ear. At home, the two sisters count the money. They save some of their
money in a big piggy bank. They also use the rest to buy the ingredients to
make kuih. Both Ain and Nurul hope that one day they would be able to open
a kuih shop and make their mother proud of them.

A Find the words or phrases in the model essay that have the following

very old and in a bad condition -


a very kind character

felt sorry for

feeling thankful


to make late or to hold up


showing great feeling of happiness


to make a place look clean and neat -


a piece of work that must be done

parents and children





made up ones mind


B Give the opposites of the underlined words. The answers are in the
model essay.

Everyone felt sad when they heard the bad news.

The young woman who was rich, lived alone in a wooden house.

The scouts were divided into groups and Halim was in the last group.

The house on top of the hill is ugly and dirty.

His friendly brother is liked by all the villagers.

Construct good sentences using the words given below.

took pity


dilapidated -________________________________________________


heart of gold -________________________________________________

lit up with joy -________________________________________________

completed -________________________________________________



Write a story.

Chin Fei who is my cousin, is twelve years old. He lives with his loving family in
Taman Pendek. He has very caring andsupportive parents. Every weekend, his
parents will make it a point to bring the family out to any shopping complexes in

A fortnight ago, Chin Fei and his family went window-shopping at Han Seng Mall.
There was a big crowd of people as Hari Raya was just around the corner. At
the concourse area, a lot of people gathered to watch a dance show. It was
performed by a troupe of dancers from the famous Dancing Academic from Kuala
Lumpur. Chin Fei and his family joined in the fun. They clapped and cheered as the
dancers danced gracefully to the music.

After more than half an hour, Chin Fei felt bored. He began looking around at the
crowd of spectators. He turned left and right. Suddenly, something caught his eyes.
To his surprise, he saw a woman pickpocket a man who was so engrossedwatching
the dance. Chin Fei quickly informed his father. His father told the whole family
to keep an eye on the woman while he rushed to alert the security guard.

Before the woman could escape, the security guard caught her. They retrieved the
mans wallet and returned it to him. The man was very thankful to Chin Fei and his
family. As a reward, he gave Chin Fei and his sister ten ringgit each.


A Find the meaning for each of the following words. Use a dictionary to
help you.

1 a fortnight


2 engrossed


3 pickpocket


4 keep an eye


5 retrieved


6 reward


7 concourse


8 spectators


9 alerted


10 around the corner - ______________________________

B Do you know the past tense of the words in the box below? Then find the
past tense of these words in the word maze.


Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.

Zawiah who is my nephew, is a chubby nine-year-old girl. She lives happily with her
family in Taman Kemumin, ten kilometres from Kota Bharu. She studies at Sekolah
Kebangsaan Kemumin. She is a friendly, kind and hardworking girl. All the teachers
and friends like her very much.

One Tuesday morning, Zawiah woke up with a severe stomach-ache. She felt very
sick and was groaning in pain. She went in and out of the toilet. She told her mother
about it. Feeling worried, Zawiahs mother quickly took her to the nearby clinic. At
the clinic, there were a lot of people waiting to get treatments. Zawiah and her
mother sat and waited patiently to see the doctor. Her mother kept consoling her. At
last, it was Zawiahs turn to enter the doctors room.

The doctor gave Zawiah and a smile and asked her a few questions. He then
examined her thoroughly. Zawiah told the doctor that the day before she had lunch
at a stall which was just a walking distance away from her school. After paying for
her food, she noticed that the cook who had prepared her food had dirty hands. His
clothes was old and dirty too. The doctor then diagnosed that she probably suffered

from food poisoning. He gave her some medicine. He also advised her to rest and to
drink plenty of water. Lastly, he also advised Zawiah to be extra careful and choosy
when eating out.


Match the words to their meanings correctly.

B Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase from the model
essay. Use the word only once.

The accident victim suffered from a ________________ head injury.

The doctor _____________ that the old man was suffering from lung cancer.

Its already one oclock. Lets go for _____________. I am really hungry.

She is very _____________ about clothes. She buys only the branded ones.

Murusamy is ___________ that little girl. She has been crying for more than an

All the pupils waited _____________ for their school bus to arrive.

You do not have to take a bus to go to that shopping complex. It is just a
_____________ away from our hotel.

Mother _____________ my brother to study hard but he did not listen to her.

Can you form 15 new words from these two words in the boxes? Each
word must be more than three letters.


Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.

Zainuddin who is eleven years old, lives in a small fishing village, forty-eight
kilometers from Kota Bharu. He has a small loving family. Everyone in the village
is fond of Zainuddin. He is not only friendly but also kind. He likes to help people who
are in trouble.

One night, there was a fearful storm in Zainuddins village. The winds were
blowing strongly and the rain was pouring. The next morning, all the villagers were
surprised to see many trees were rooted off and roofs were blown away. Then,
Zainudins parents found out that a big tree had fallen on to Makcik Lijahs house. It
had damaged her kitchen. Makcik Lijah was very sad and weeping the whole

Taking pity on her, Zainuddin and his family went over to Makcik Lijahs house.
Zainuddins father promised to help her. He called some villagers and asked them to
help to repair Makcik Lijahs house. The villagers saw eye to eye with the idea.

Without wasting time, Zainuddins father and the villagers started working.
Some of them helped to remove the tree trunk while one of them sawed up the logs
into smaller parts using a chain saw.They spent the whole day repairing the kitchen.
At last, just before dusk, they managed to complete the work. Makcik Lijah was very

grateful to all of them. Cheerful tears welled up in her eyes. She thanked them for
being such kind and helpful neighbours.


A Rearrange these letters to form words. These words are taken from the
model essay.




















eurrispsd -


What is Past Continuous tense? The past continuous tense is formed
with wasor were followed by the main verb in an- ing form.

Read through the passage again and find sentences which use past
continuous tense. Copy them.


Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.

Azim who is in his mid-teens, is a very helpful and obedient boy. Every weekend
when he is free, he will help his parents to do house chores. All his teachers and
family members love him very much. He is indeed the apple of his parents eyes.

Last Saturday morning, at about half-past six, Azim and his father went to a small
fishing village which is located ten kilometers away from their house. They went
there to buy fish to sell in the market. They went in a van to the jetty where the
fishermen landed their catch. The journey took more than half an hour.

At the jetty, there was a big crowd of fishmongers. There were also baskets of fishes,
clams and prawns, ready to be sold. Azims father bought several types of fish and
prawns. They looked fresh. The fishermen then weighed each of the baskets with a
big weighing scale. The scale was hung from a pole carried by two men. They helped
Azims father to load the baskets on to the van.

When Azim and his father arrived safely at the market, Azim quickly helped his
father to pour all the fish and prawns into a large ice box so that they would stay
fresh. Then, they opened their stall. Many customers were already waiting patiently
to buy the fish and prawns. Everyone loved to buy Azims fathers fish because they
were cheap and fresh. Azim and his father were on cloud nine when all their fish and
prawns were sold out.


A Find the words or phrases in the model essay that have the following
1 feeling very happy


2 a person who sells fish


3 one who is loved dearly


4 a small job done regularly


5 a machine for weighing object

6 a trip made

7 a pier used as a landing place

8 always doing what is told to do



B Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase taken from the
model essay.
The fishermen were very happy because they had a good ________ in those two
The ___________ to the desert was rough and unpleasant. Many tourists fell sick
and vomited.

Are the vegetables still _____________? Mother bought them five days ago.

4 Lokmans father is a _____________. Every morning he goes to the market to sell

fish, prawns, crabs and clams.
5 Please get me a ____________. I want to know how many kilogrammes are these
6 He always finishes his house _____________ before he goes out to play.
7 All the villagers tied their boats at the ___________ near Pak Hussins house.
8 Gopal is a very ____________ son. He never disobeys his parents.

C Construct a good sentence with each of the following words.

1 on cloud nine -______________________________________________

2 customers


3 arranged


4 chores


5 patiently



Write a story.

Tong Kiat who is my cousin, is an adventurous boy. He studies in SK Panglima Bayu

and is a good scout in his school. One oh his hobbies is camping. He is not only a
clever but also responsible boy. All the scouts and teachers praise him for his good

A fortnight ago on a fine Sunday morning, Tong Kiat and a group of scouts went on a
camping trip. The camp was situated beside a river, five kilometers away from their
school. Upon arriving at the campsite, the scouts searched for a nice spot
topitch their tents. Then they went jungle trekking. Everyone was excited. After
enjoying themselves looking at the beautifulfloral and fauna in the jungle, they also
saw a few flying squirrels.

Lets follow one of those creatures, suggested Tong Kiat. Everyone nodded in
agreement. They quickly followed the flying squirrel. They then realised that they
had gone too far into the jungle. They also knew they were lost. All of them felt
worried. They sat on a big rock and looked around. They started to think of a plan to
go back to their campsite.

After a while, Tong kiat heard the sound of running water. An idea came to him. All of
them decided to run along the riverbank. They were sure they would be able to
reach the campsite. After running for more than half an hour, they feltexhausted.
They walked slowly. Finally reached their campsite. They felt relieved and happy.


Write a story.

Ganesh who was my classmate, came from a poor family of five. He lived in a small
village, just outside Kuantan town. As his family was poor, he had to walk to school
every day. Both his parents were rubber-tappers. Although they were poor, they were
happy and contented with their lives.

Every day, whenever Ganesh had free time, he would revise his lessons and study
hard. Some of his friends called him abookworm. He wanted to further his studies in
a university. He wanted to pursue his dream of becoming an architect.

Ganeshs hard work really paid off. He managed to achieve his dream. After a few
years, he graduated from University Science Malaysia and became an architect. He
got a job in one of the big companies in Kuala Lumpur. He started to save money.
Later she bought a beautiful bungalow in Subang Jaya. He also brought both his
parents and siblings to live with him. He knew that they had sacrificed a lot to make
his dream come true. With heavy hearts, Ganesh parents left the village and lived
happily with their obedient and filial son.

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