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Site Owner:______________________________ Peer Editor:_______________________________

Graduation Project WEBSITE Criteria and Peer Editing Checklist
URL Address (first and middle initials, last namelowercase, no spaces):
My URL address and email address, etc. have been added to my teachers Google Docs class spread sheet. Yes No
Home Tab
Title of site /What is it?_________________________________________________________________________
Name /Whose website is this?_______________________________________________________________________
Photo of yourself /Is it included? Yes No Is it professional in appearance? Yes No
Autobiographical Abstract
o First day letter/Is personal get to know me information included? Yes No
o Letter of proposal /Can you open it?____________
o All necessary consent forms /Can you open them?_____________
o Resume /Can you open it?____________
Research Tab
Thesis/Goal Statement /What is it?
Subtopics listed /What are they?____________________________________________________________________
Photos representing each subtopic (for talking points) /Are they included for each subtopic?____________
Captions (for talking points) /Are they included for each subtopic?_____________
o Final draft of research paper (includes graphics and works cited) /Can you open it?____________
Mentor Tab
Photo of You with Your Mentor /Is it included?_______________
Description of Expertise /How is the mentor an expert?
Description of how mentor aided in the project /How did the mentor help?
o Mentor Evaluation /Can you open it?____________
Blog Tab
Reflection and summary of activities for each time the Practical Experience was conducted /Number of entries?
o Dates for each time /Are they included for each entry?_________
o Time spent is logged for each entry /Are they included for each entry?_________
o Total sum of time for practical experience calculated after each entry, included in parentheses /Total # of hours?
o Mentor involvement discussed /How did the mentor help (summarize)?
o Reflection include in each entry /Check all that apply below.
o Success(es)
o Challenge(s)
o Plan of action for next activity
o What should be done differently
o Other______________________________________________________________________________________________
Feedback from teacher /Is it included?_________
Practical Experience Tab
Photos of projects progression WITH YOU IN THEM (in sequential order) /How many photos are included?
Subheadings and/or captions (if needed for talking points) /Are subheadings/captions included?_____________
Video Uploaded Through Youtube / Does it open and play properly? Y N
Self-evaluation Tab (there IS a hyphen in the compound word)
Photo(s) /Is there a photo(s)?____________
Challenge(s) /What challenge(s) did the senior experience?
Solution(s) /What solution(s) did the senior use to overcome the challenge(s)?
Site Owner:______________________________ Peer Editor:_______________________________
Successes /What successes did the senior experience?
Future use /How will the senior use the new knowledge and/or new skills obtained from the project in
the future?_________
Spelling /What needs fixing?
Capitalization /What needs fixing?
Grammar/mechanics /What needs fixing?
Organization /What needs fixing?
Readable fonts /What needs fixing?

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