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Lexical Item: Nervous (Intermediate)

a) Meaning Analysis:
To feel excited and worried, or slightly afraid of something.
b) Conveying Meaning:
I would put up a picture of a nervous woman (1) and I would give a
brief situation based on personal experience and incorporate mime
into it. My aim would be to engage the students in the story so that
they could grasp the meaning of the word from context.
Last year I applied for a job at the BC in Bucharest. I was called for
an interview a month later. The day of the interview I kept thinking I
would say or do something wrong and wouldnt get the job. I was so
nervous (mime biting nails and pacing around).

c) Checking Understanding of Meaning:
1. Did I feel relaxed? (no)
2. What makes you nervous? (exams, flying, etc)

afraid interview day calm

d) Form:
Nervous is an adjective. It is often followed by about/ of as in the
horse was nervous of cars, he felt nervous about the future and can
also be found in constructions such as a nervous smile, a nervous
voice (one that shows that you feel anxious, worried)

e) Phonology

Stress: nervous
Students are likely to over-pronounce the/ r/ and pronounce /o/ in
vous instead of

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