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Blog Task #2: Chapters 14-18 of I Am Malala

Vocabulary Terms

Define the following terms. In your definition, it may also help to make reference to how these terms apply
to Malalas memoir.

IDP, refugee, UNHCR tent, Ambassador, Diplomat

Discussion Questions

Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the keywords in the question stem to plan your
answer, and to the grading indications of each to ensure you are meeting the requirements.

1. In our discussion on radical islamic extremists, we examined Donald Trumps ban on Muslims as a
solution to terrorist attacks. In this discussion, two amendments of the constitution came up. What are
the two amendments, and how do they apply to Trumps ban on Muslims?

( /2 K /2 I /1 C)

2. Criticism of the Muslim ban suggests that these barriers towards Muslim refugees break the UNs
International Refugee Law. Research the UN (United Nations) and answer the following questions: What
is the UN? Why was it formed? What are the four main purposes of the UN?

( /3 K /1 C)

3. Describe the state of Mingora, Malalas house and her fathers school when her family returned to the
Swat River after three months.

( /3 K /1 C)

4. What is project Open Minds Pakistan? Why are projects like this important?

( /1 K /1 I /1 C)

5. Based on the information in Chapter 17, what is your opinion of the Pakistan army? Use evidence to
support your answer.

( /1 K /1 I /1 C)

6. Why do the Pakistani people become angry about the death of Osama bin Laden?

( /1 K /1 C)
7. What news did the Pakistani journalist from Alaska deliver to Malala and her father? If you were
Malalas father, what would you do?

( /1 K /1 I /1 C)

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