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Ritu or Season

Fall in the
Ritu(s) Lunar months English Name

1. Vasanta Chaitra and VaishAkha spring, March-May

2. GrIshma Jyeshtha and AshAdha summer, May-July
3. VarshA Shravana and BhAdrpada rainy, July-September
4. Sharada Ashwina and KArtika autumn, Sept-Nov
5. Hemanta MArgshirsha and Pausha winter, Nov-January
6. Shishira MAgha and PhAlguna cool, January-March

1. SPRING SEASON: A person born in the spring season is endowed
with beauty and intelligence, is famous, expert in music and arithmetic,
and follows the teachings of scriptures.

2. SUMMER SEASON: A person born in the summer season is blessed

with opulent wealth and fortune, is a lecturer, has long hair, is sensual
and is also interested in aquatics.

3. RAINY SEASON: If a person is born in the rainy season, he is a

winner, intelligent, is famous and powerful, loves to possess vehicles, is
endowed with beauty.

4. AUTUMN SEASON: If a person is born in the autumn season, he has

an excess of wind element in his body, is rich, ready to perform his
duties all the time. Pious and possesses vehicles.

5. HEMANTA RITU: A person born in this season is clever, generous,

full of qualities, religious minded and a philosopher.

6. WINTER SEASON: A person born in winter is a lover of sweetmeats,

has excess of appetite, has a happy family life, performs virtuous
actions, is handsome and beautiful but short tempered, anger and

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