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CEPA MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Villanueva de los Infantes

Curso 2016/2017 2 CUATRIMESTRE


1. Pon en pasado los siguientes verbos:

1. drink 2 eat 3. write 4. read

5. go 6.come 8 swim
9 find 10. give 11 gete 12 buy

2.Completa estas oraciones con el Pasado Continuo de los verbos entre parntesis.
a) While he _____________ (talk) on the phone, I _____________ (watch) TV.
b) I _____________ (overtake) a lorry when I heard a noise.
c) We _____________ (watch) a movie when the television went black.
d) While she _____________ (pack) the bags, I_____________ (look) for our
e) We _____________ (complain) about the weather when it stopped raining.
f) Sandra _____________ (wash) the dishes when she broke a glass.

3.Write the following sentences in affirmative and negatives sentences.

a) She __________________(work) in a bank last year.
b) My young brother ___________(play) in a basketball team two years ago.
c) My cousin Tom __________(study) at Brighton UniversIty when he was 18.
d) I _______________(clean) my bedroom when I lived with my uncles.
e) Claudia _________________(love) eating fish when she was a child.
f) When I was a child, I _______________(live) in New York
g) My father ________________(finish) work before seven oclock.
h) My teacher ____________________(explain) Unit 5 yesterday.

4. Choose the correct answer: Simple Past or Past Perfect. (Escoge la

respuesta correcta: Pasado Simple o Pasado Perfecto)
a) When Peter arrived/had arrived home, I cooked/had cooked dinner.
b) I didnt finish/hadnt finished my homework when Susan phoned/had
c) By the time we arrived/had arrived, the party began/had begun.
d) He left/had left the museum after he saw/had seen everything.
5. Read the text and answer the following questions.

Hans is the king of Denmark and a big soldier. He has many treasures. One
day he decides to construct a wonderful palace. When he finishes the palace,
he offers a banquet. When the party finishes, his soldiers go to sleep. In the
morning the servants see a dead man on the floor and the soldiers arent there.
Hans hears a noise, a monster is behind the table. He fights with him and kills


Who is Hans?
What does Hans decide to construct?
When do the soldiers go to sleep?
Where is the monster?

Ten en cuenta la presentacin, hazlo en folios, a boli azul o negro

respetando los mrgenes, buena caligrafa (escritura) y sin faltas de
ortografa. Recuerda, es un trabajo individual y se te valorar en
consonancia a tu esfuerzo.

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