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8,760 hours

how to get the most out of next year

Version 2
8,760 hours
how to get the most out of next year

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Content by Alex Vermeer. Design and layout by Jimmy Rintjema.

This is version 2 of this guide.

Disclaimer: This guide does not contain legal, medical, or any other type of advice. Please be safe and responsible!

8,760 hours | 2
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................... 4 IV Optimizing for Success..............19
Why plan at all?.......................................................... 4 The procrastination equation..............................19
Your life in a nutshell (life is short).............. 5 Building on the major goals................................19
The problem with new years resolutions........ 5 Yearly calendar.........................................................20
How to use this guide................................................ 5 Ongoing reviews........................................................20
Who this is for............................................................. 6 Prioritizing....................................................................21
A quick personal introduction............................ 6
Resources and Thanks.................. 22
I The tools................................................. 8 If you found this useful........................................22
A note on mind mapping............................................ 8 Acknowledgements..................................................22
The Twelve Life areas................................................. 9 Additional resources..............................................22
Version 2.......................................................................22
II A Snapshot of Your Life...............11
The initial overview....................................................11
Getting specific: your present reality...............11

III The Next 8,760 Hours.....................16

Your ideal future.......................................................16
The next 8,760 hours................................................16
Your major goals...................................................... 17

8,760 hours | 3
This is a guide for plan- Why plan at all?
ning the next 8,760 Want to learn an instrument? Want to
hoursone full yearof write a book? Want to beat every computer
game ever designed? Want to cure can-
your life. More import- cer? Want to have a positive impact on the
antly, it is about creating a world and an impactful career? Do you have
something to protect, something that gets
detailed plan and optimiz- you out of bed in the morning?
ing for success, based on Whatever your primary motivations are in
an understanding of what life, you wont get anywhere by waiting for

Never put works. something to happen. We plan because we

have sh*t we want to do with our lives.
For the last few years this system has
off till worked very well for me. My hope is that Humans do not think strategically by de-
you will find it useful as well. fault. Even when we know what our goals
tomorrow areand we often dontwe are still bad at
Many of the ideas here are not original to
what you me. This guide builds off many hours of
asking things like:
What exactly do I want to achieve?
can do the reading many articles and blogs about pro-
ductivity, goals, and the brain, which are at-

How will I measure success?

day after tributed when possible.1
Am I actively seeking out information
tomorrow. The end result is a system for keeping your- about this?
self constantly moving towards your goals Can I break this down into more man-
Mark Twain over the next year, and constantly staying ageable parts?
on track.
Is this really my goal? Am I con-
1 A big early influencers is Chris Guillebeau who has strained by fears or uncertainties?
written about his yearly planning process.

8,760 hours | 4
Our brains are not optimized for achieving guide 8,760 hours rather than one year. from self-critical admonitions for still
our larger goals in life. They are sculpted by Even if there is a sense that life is incredibly not doing That Thing you always
evolution for survival and reproductive abil- short, there are still 8,760 hours in a single wanted to do or felt you ought to do
ities, but not much else! year! That is a lot of time to get some real Im such a slacker, but this year will
stuff done. be different.
We need systems and processes in place to
help us get around these evolutionary abil- Given that our natural life-planning skills They take on too much at onceIm
ities so that we can get the most out of our are lacking, this guide hopes to help us committing to these ten big, vague,
lives. overcome that limitation and get things life-changing things and start them all
done anyway. on January 1st.
Your life in a nutshell They are not really your highest pri-
We need specific goals and a concrete plan orities, and they inevitably fall to the
(life is short) for obtaining them that is optimized for wayside.
If you live to be 80 years old, which is about success. We need a clear picture of our lives
the first-world average life expectancy, then and where our priorities lie. What better This guide outlines my process for avoid-
you will experience about 30,000 days or time to do some fresh planning than at the ing all of these shortcomings and trying to
700,000 hours of life (if we take out sleeping start of a new year? make some real changes over the next year.
time the number drops to more like 450,000 The start of a new year is useful. There
hours).2 The problem with new tends to be a positive change can happen!
The point is that we have limited time and years resolutions atmosphere that explains why people make
we must choose how to spend it. Unfortu- We've all made them and we've all failed their new years resolutions in the first
nately, from personal experience, I rarely to achieve them. The number of times I've place. A new year. A clean slate. A time to
take the time to consciously do this. resolved to take up regular exercise or stop make some changes. Lets still do that, but
procrastinatingand failed miserablyis lets do it right.
The only way to decide what to work on is embarrassing.
to prioritize. Thats why I take a big picture How to use this guide
approach to life and break down the big pic- New Years resolutions often have at least
ture into present year and day actions. one of the following problems: Im going to illustrate what it is that I do,
and I invite you to follow along.
This is part of my motivation for calling this They are vague, non-specific goals like
be fit, be nice to people, or read First I do an initial overview of my life. This
2See more books. helps get the mind ready to do the whole
I, for one, plan to live to be at least 1,000 years old, but process and starts me thinking about what
thats a story for a different guide. They are overly pessimistic and stem

8,760 hours | 5
Im doing with my life, where my priorities ready. for you.
are, what I wantin general, and roughly An excuse when things dont work
over the next year. But even if you find specific parts of this
out. But I tried. I even used this guide useless, I believe you can still get some
Next I review, in detail, the state of all guide! You are responsible for your value out of it.
areas of my life, and specifically any major life; if things dont work out then fig-
projects completed in the past year or still ure out why and do something about A large part of the reason this works for me
underway. it. is because I enjoy using it. If you dont like
using your system then it will not survive
Then I spend some time thinking about the The number one way to use this guide for long. If at any point there is a part of the
ideal futurehow I want my life to look. wrong is to be dishonest with yourself, process that you do not want to do or would
whether intentionally or accidentally. You like to modify, then please do.
Finally I extract from my ideals what I want need to be willing to face yourself, dirt and
to focus on for the next 8,760 hours (1 year) all. If youre not up for that, then file this No matter what, do what works for you. The
of my life, and optimize those plans for guide away and continue on with life as you whole point of this process is to help you
success by taking advantage of several mo- see fit. get the most out of the next year. As you
tivation and anti-procrastination tools and follow or deviate from this process, dont
tricks. Who this is for forget the reason why youre reading this in
the first place
I try to spend at least a few days using this Im very analytic, and this guide strongly re-
process at the end of every calendar year. flects that. In the process of reviewing my
The more time you spend on it the more past year and planning the upcoming year
A quick personal
value you will likely get out of it. Also, I break down my life into a bunch of areas, introduction
spreading it over several days gives the repeatedly mind map my goals and pro- For the purposes of this guide it is sufficient
mind lots of time to process what its think- jects in great detail, develop ways to track to say that I enjoy reading and thinking
ing about, which I find useful. my progress, and try to optimize my life for about various topics ranging from under-
success. standing how our minds work, thinking
Before we get started, I will mention what
this guide is not for: The whole process is very analytical and clearly, improving productivity and organ-
systematic, and wont work for everybody. ization, maximizing my positive impact on
Determining what your bigger goals the world, learning cool things, resolving
There is some risk with trying to optimize
in life should bethis is something I internal conflicts, and generally improving
other peoples lives, because we don't all
cant get into here, and something I my life as much as possible.
work the same. People are complex. This
highly recommend you spend some
process, which I enjoy, might be unpleasant Life is short, and Ill be damned if I dont at
time thinking about if you havent al-

8,760 hours | 6
least try to make the most of it.
Planning out my year and optimizing it for success are natural actions in the pursuit of my
If you want to know more, the best place is on my website (, which has a
bunch of info on how I run my life, what major projects Im working on, and what Im cur-
rently reading, among other things.

8,760 hours | 7
I The tools
Before we go ahead and do For things like outlining, big picture think-
ing, and connecting ideas, mind mapping is
Some mind mapping software options are:

any life planning we need vastly superior to linear note taking, wheth- Mindmanager by Mindjetexpensive
some tools to help us out. er its with pen and paper or a software on but powerful. (This is my current pro-
gram of choice, though I have some
your computer.
The process outlined in this guide is flex- reservations.3)
ible. You can easily adapt it to use whatever FreeMindopen source and free.
tools you prefer. I always require the fol-
MindMeisterfree and online.
Pen and notebook
Mind mapping software (optional)
If at any point in this guide you would rath-
er use a different set of toolssuch as paper
and pen rather than mind mapping soft-
warethen do it!
Figure 2: A sample Mindmanager
Figure 1: A sample paper & pen mind
A note on mind mapping map
mind map

Mind mapping consists of starting with a You must also be sure you will have enough
central idea in the middle of the page and Paper has the benefits of flexibility and time. As mentioned in the introduction, I
branching out ideas from there. For ex- creativity, whereas software has the bene-
ample, the following two figures are of an fits of any electronic toolmobility, copy- 3 Specifically, when I switched from Windows to OSX
early pen and paper mind map I made when ing and pasting, printing, resizing, easy I discovered that the Mac version of Mindmanager is not
as good as for Windows. Some key features I enjoyed
outlining this guide and my review mind scaling, etc. using were missing, and it is all-around more buggy. Still
map from last year, respectively. powerful, but less good.

8,760 hours | 8
stretch out this process over at least a few Money & Finances or pessimism, positivity or negativity. Your
days to get the most out of it. Your savings, investments, assets, and debt. emotional intelligence. Your subjective
How your money is organization and man- well-being, self-esteem, self-respect, and
The Twelve Life areas aged. Your inflows, budgets, and outflows. self-compassion.
One last thing before we get to the core Career & Work Character & Identity
content of this guide. Your identity and model of yourself. Your
Your work, job, career, and business. Your
Just as an airplane has wings, engines, win- position, title, role, and responsibilities. strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices.
dows, controls, and landing gear, your life Your source of income. Your intelligence, integrity, honesty, cour-
has various components. Ignoring some of age, compassion, honor, self-discipline, and
them is like trying to fly without wings. Health & Fitness so on.
Your eating habits, diet, exercise habits, and Productivity & Organization
There are many ways to break down your activity levels. How resilient you are to sick-
life into different buckets. Over time I ness. Your overall energy level. Your sleep- Your memorized solutions, daily routine,
have collected and combined various meth- ing patterns and quality. Your major health schedule, effectiveness, organization, and
ods and currently use twelve categories.4 issues and susceptibilities. productivity. Your setup, systems, process-
es, tools, and techniques.
Values & Purpose Education & Skill Development
Your deeper, underlying, fundamental val- Adventure & Creativity
Your learning, education, and mental de-
ues and wants. Your philosophy of life. Your velopment. Your talents and skills. Your Your hobbies, pastimes, and things you do
sense of purpose, vision, and meaning. skill development, practicing, and training. for fun and adventure. Your creativity and
its expression.
Contribution & Impact Social Life & Relationships
v v v
How you give value to the world, make a The intimate relationship(s) you have or
difference, and have a positive impact. want to have. The quality of your relation- Yes, twelve is a lot of categories. Some of
ships. Your home life and relationships with you may prefer a different breakdown.5
Location & Tangibles
family members. Your friend circles and Whatever categories you choose to use, the
Your physical presence in the world. Where
social experiences. Your club, organization, 5 For example, Chris Guillebeau's categories or the
you are in the world. Your living situation.
and community memberships. ones Steve Pavlina uses in his book: Habits & Daily
Your stuff. What you own and why. Your Routine, Career & work, Money & finances, Health &
material sufficiency. Your mobility. Emotions & Well-Being fitness, Mental development and education, Social life
& relationships, Home & family, Emotions, Character
4 I keep an up-to-date list of these categories at https:// Your general feeling about life, optimism & integrity, Life purpose & contribution, Spiritual development.

8,760 hours | 9
rest of the guide should be easily adaptable to suit.
Note that certain aspects of your life will naturally overlap between the categories above.
For example, rock climbing has elements of Social (it is quite communal), Character (facing
fears), Fitness (makes you stronger), and Adventure (because its fun!).
For me, I climb because of how much fun it is, but I think of climbing as primarily great for
my mental and physical health, so I classify it under Health & Fitness. This overlap is perfectly
v v v

Now that we have the tools we can begin the actual review and planning.

8,760 hours | 10
II A Snapshot of Your Life
Now that we have the necessary tools in Getting specific: your present
our toolbox, it's time to build a detailed reality
picture of our life as it currently stands. Now it's time to dive deep. For each of the areas we will map out
a complete status report that includes an assessment of that area
The initial overview and any relevant information or metrics.

Pull out that pen and paper. To start, you want to get the brain For example, for Career & Work I assess my current career, my
thinking about this stuff by answering the following questions standing within the company, my options, and my passion for
about the past year: what I do.

1. What went well? To do this, I create a mind map with something like Life Status
End of 20xx in the center with all of the life areas branching out,
2. What did not go well?
and then add as much detail as possible about that area.
3. Where did you try hard?
General Questions & Prompts
4. Where did you not try hard enough?
Detailed answers to each of the questions at the start of this
You also want to ask the following questions about right now: section.
What is the current situation here? A short paragraph summarizing your thoughts about that
How do things stand right now? area of your life.

How would I summarize to a friend the status of this area? Project status updates.
Projects completed in the past year?
You don't need to get into thorough detail yet, as that comes later. Milestones from the past year?
I spend at least a few minutes brainstorming (using mind maps) Important events from the past year?
answers to each of these questions. Once I have around ten items Accomplishments?
I move onthey key here isnt to find 10 things, but to get all the
obvious things out of your head, and quickly. Failures?

8,760 hours | 11
Key life metrics such as income, qual- your life as a whole: part was better. I quickly jot these ideas
ity of relationships, amount of dona- down on a separate piece of paper, for later
tions, etc.? What is the most important problem reference, and then continue on with the
here? current task.
Your overall rating for this area
What is my biggest bottleneck?
Strengths in this area? Weaknesses? v v v
What is most holding me back from
For many of these, such as the overall area achieving my full potential? As you brainstorm for each of the life areas,
rating and many of the key metrics, I like What single thing, if successfully per- review the descriptions outlined earlier.
using a seven-level Likert Scale from 1 (very formed, would have the biggest impact Also, feel free to use the following questions
bad) to 7 (very good).6 here? and metrics that I use in my review mind
Hamming Questions An example might be solve my bad sleep
Richard Hamming used to ask his co-work- problems. If you have reasons to think you Values & Purpose
ers over lunch, What are the important are not sleeping wellsleep apnea, bad mat- Do I have a sense of purpose and dir-
problems of your field? and then a while tress, intermittent noise, seems real- ection in life?
later ask What problems are you working ly important to tackle this head-on as quickly What do I want out of life?
on? and then a while later ask Why arent as possible. Poor sleep has a significant ef-
you working on the important problems? fect on your quality of life and your ability How do I want the world to be differ-
He soon found himself unwelcome at many to do anything with your life. ent?
lunch tables!7 What is my philosophy of life?
A Note about Judgements
The general theme here is that we often What are my fundamental values?
It is important in this part of the process to
know what problems in our lives are more be objective and descriptive about the world, What do I truly value?
important, yet we dont work on them! without judgement. Dont ignore internal Contribution & Impact
Here are some additional questions to ask judgements when they pop upthey inevit-
of yourself, both for each life area, and also How am I giving value to the world?
ably will but write them down separately
How much value?
for the next step of this process. I.e., get it
6 The full scale goes (1) very bad, (2) bad, (3) somewhat
bad, (4) neither bad nor good, (5) somewhat good, (6) out of your head, but then refocus on paint- How much money did I give away in
good, and (7) very good. If you want to keep things even ing the descriptive picture of your life. the past year (assuming it made sense
simpler, consider using the five-level scale: very bad, bad, to do so)? Who did it go to? Did it
neutral, good, and very good. For example, ideas and future plans often have the most possible impact?
7 Hamming mentions this is his talk You and Your
pop into my head while doing this. Same
Research. H/t to CFAR for driving home how useful and Am I taking responsibility for, and re-
important these questions are. with thoughts like ugh, I really wish this

8,760 hours | 12
ducing, my environmental impact on Am I aware of how I spend my How much do I sleep on average? Am
the world? money? I getting good quality sleep?
Am I making a difference? How do I want to be spending my How much do I weigh?
Am I contributing to important and money? What is my resting heart rate?
worthy causes that I care about? Are my finances organized? Are there any health risks that run in
How much impact does my existence Do I have any (unwanted) debt? my family? Am I taking adequate steps
have (environmentally, socially, cog- to address these?
nitively)? Career & Work
How do I make my money?
Location & Tangibles
What do I do? What is my position?
Do I have material sufficiency? What is my role? Where do I work?
Where do I live? Where is my home? Am I so good they can't ignore me?
Where in the world am I?
Does my career give me mastery, con-
What is my living situation like? trol, and purpose?
Am I tied to one location? Am I read- Am I engaged?
ily mobile (if desired)?
Am I well-positioned and networked
How much stuff do I own? Do I have within my industry?
too many things?
How stressful is my career/work?
Is my life cluttered?
Health & Fitness
Money & Finances
What do I typically eat? What is my
Do I have savings? How much? Where current diet?
are they?
Do I regularly eat fast food or make
Do I have an emergency fund? How healthy home-cooked meals?
much? Where is it?
Am I generally tired or alert?
What is the status of my assets and
investments? How often do I get sick?

Do I know where my money goes? Do you exercise? What form? How

Do I budget? What is my budget? Figure 3: My Health & Fitness review.

8,760 hours | 13
Education & Skill Development Am I cared for, loved, and valued by tions, and decisions?
What is my current education status? others? Do I have a regular mindfulness prac-
What do I know? Are my partner and I aware of each tice?
Am I spending time learning new others needs and desires? Do I practice self-compassion?
things and developing my mind? What clubs, organizations, and com-
munities am I a member of? Character & Integrity
What are my talents and skills?
Do I have influence and status in my What identity do I have?
How much have I read in the past
social circles? In society? Is my identity small? http://www.
What talents and skills have I recently Emotions & Well-Being
What are my key strengths and weak-
developed, or plan to develop? How do I feel about my life? nesses?
Social Life & Relationships Am I enjoying life? What are my greatest virtues and
How is my home life? Am I generally optimistic or pessim- vices?
How is my relationship with the istic? How do I rate my compassion, integ-
members of my immediate and ex- Am I generally positive or negative? rity, empathy, honor, self-discipline,
tended family? Am I easily aware of my current emo- self-awareness, responsibility, cour-
Am I a good friend? tional state? age, focus, authenticity, confidence,
persistence, effectiveness, etc.?
How many core friends do I have? Am I quick to notice how my emo-
How large are my social circles? tions are influencing my thoughts, ac-

8,760 hours | 14
Productivity & Organization
What productivity systems and tools do I use?
Am I organized? What are my systems?
What are my routines and rituals?
Is there too much complexity in my life? Do I need to simplify?
Am I doing any deep work?
Am I busy due to a lack of priorities?
Do I have a good workspace environment and setup?
Adventure & Creativity
Am I experiencing what I want to experience in life?
What fun things have I done lately? In general?
What creative things have I done lately? In general?
What are my hobbies? What do I do for fun?
This whole process can easily take several hours. Once Ive gone through every area I do a
second pass to catch the things I inevitably missed on the first pass.
The end result is a massive mind map with a complete picture of the current status of your
life. The following figure gives my Health & Fitness review from last year as an example.
When you are satisfied with your awareness of the present state of your life, you are ready
to move on to planning.

8,760 hours | 15
III The Next 8,760 Hours
Now that you have a good Since I have already done this for sev-
eral years, nowadays I tend to review my
What would this look like if it was
assessment of your present existing mind map and make any changes What is something Ive always wanted
state of existence it is time as needed. Though, it is important to view to do here?
to begin planning for the information from previous years with fresh
eyes, and keep only what is compelling and What would my ideal life look like?
future as a whole, and spe- meaningful right now. Are there any specific projects to fin-
cifically the next year. Dont fill up a mind map with things you
ish or goals to accomplish in this area?

would like, that would be nice. For example if I were to die in a year, what would
Your ideal future dont put Make $1,000,000,000 per year I do?
unless that really is a goal youre striving to if I were to die in 10 years, what
The first thing to do is to know what ideals
reach. would I do?
you are aiming for.
The point isnt to think, Well, I might as For the metrics in each area, what do I
I go through all areas of my life and re- ideally want them to be?
view how I would want them to look in a well set my ideal as having 1,000 cars.
perfectly ideal world. What kind of career If this area were improved, what
Rather, seriously ask yourself what you would that look like? I.e., make it vis-
would I have? How much money would I want your life to look like! When youre ually concrete.
make? What would my social circles look done you should have a good sense of what
like? How much positive impact would I the ideal you looks like. It should be full of
have on the world? What important prob- big lofty goals and coolness, as well as small The next 8,760 hours
lems would I have solved? nudges and tweaks. Now its time to start extracting what to do
I put all of this in a new mind map called over the next year from your highest ideals
Some questions to help you think about and largest gaps.
Future Vision and Goals.8 each life area:
What will you do with the next 8,760 hours
What do I want this to be like? of your life? Not the next twenty years, not
8 If you've already done this before, now is a good time What would be awesome? the next five years, but this coming year.
to review and update your ideal future, but there may be
no need to go through the entire exercise again.

8,760 hours | 16
Yearly Theme This should help give an idea of what parts you think are less ideal
It may help to start off with a theme in mind for the upcoming than others.
year. This next year can be your Year of _______________. This Also, dont forget about the Hamming Questions mentioned ear-
could be a specific accomplishment (finish school, run a marathon) or lier, which can be very useful for identifying priorities and import-
a general goal (learn about cognitive psychology). ant focus areas.
For example, my 2011 theme of the year was independence be-
cause I wanted to take a break from my job, do some backpacking Your major goals
in South America, become lighter (sell or get rid of most of my Do you have any specific 12 year goals? Both a benefit and a flaw
possessions) and free myself from all debt.9 from picturing your ideal life is that it tends to lack concreteness.
Having the theme helped remind me what I wanted the main thrust Goals tend to resemble new years resolutions in that they are
of my year to be. vague, non-specific, and hard to measure: regularly exercise, for
If your life is in a state of flux or uncertainty then this may not be
useful. In the first few years of doing this, my yearly theme ended Go through your mind map of your ideal life and extract some
up having no bearing on my projects and actions; life was con- specific important goals from it. List some key things that you
stantly changing, as were my interests and goals. If you expect that want to do in the next year. Can they be organized into projects?
to happen to you, consider doing quarterly or monthly themes, or Are they specific and measurable?
dropping this altogether. What About Longer-Term Goals?
Setting a Focus At least for the present, I am done with specific long-term goals.
There are a lot of different aspects of your life. Any breakdown of My life is in too much flux to realistically plan what I'll be doing in
life areas could be broken down further if we wanted to, but then next twenty years or even five years. My interests are too diverse to
it may get unwieldy. know how I will want to be spending my time five years from now.
That said, I do still have some pretty specific medium-term goals
We have only a limited amount of time, so we need to decide what for the next year or two that I want to focus on.
we will focus on for the upcoming year.
If you have long-term goals thats fine, but you may want to break
Now you should take some time to figure out what the most im- them up into smaller major goals that can be completed in 12
portant areas of your life you want to focus on in the next year. years.
I like to rate each category out of seven in terms of importance. Now that you have an idea of what you want to focus on next year,
what are your most important major goals? Try to limit it to 35
9 It was a resounding success!

8,760 hours | 17
things. Remember, if you end up accom- Eliminate ALL financial debtStudent
plishing those over the next year then you loans, money owed parents, money owed
can always add more, but do not bite off others; avoid all credit card debt. [Suc-
more than you can chew. cess!]
Now create a new mind map called Current Spend the time to really think about this!
Major Goals and add your most important What are the most important things you
goals to it. want to do over the next year?
Some examples of my major goals from pre- A Note About Meta-Skills
vious years: Meta-skills are those that help you achieve
TravelGet off this continent and experi- all of your goals. For example, exercise is
ence another culture; expand my know- overwhelmingly shown to improve many
ledge and awareness of humanity; live out areas of your health and overall life. This
of my backpack; meet cool people; have better enables you to do everything else that
fun. [Success! I backpacked through the you want to do.
highlands of Ecuador for seven weeks at Likewise, taking the time to learn about
the end of 2011.] human motivation and procrastination has
Write 100,000 wordsGet some practice more than doubled my productivity.
writing; complete NaNoWriMo; write Every time I set my major goals for the year
regular blog posts. [Partial success: I I try to have at least one meta-skill goal. A
wrote over 100,000 words and completed previous year it was to consciously work
NaNoWriMo, but did not write nearly as on fighting my procrastination tendencies
many blog posts as planned.] (which resulted in my procrastination post-
Red point a 5.12c climbing routeLead climb er and a bunch of permanent improvements
a 5.12c difficulty climbing route, using as to my overall productivity).
many attempts as needed. [Failed: spent v v v
all my time bouldering (shorter problems,
no rope) rather than lead climbing. In this Now that we have a good awareness of our
case I dropped the goal half-way through present reality and our important major
the year because my interests changed.] goals, we are ready to set ourselves up for
success over the next 8,760 hours.

8,760 hours | 18
IV Optimizing for Success
This may be the most important part of able from any bookstore. For my own take on summarizing the
core ideas in this book, take a look at the free poster I made:
the whole process outlined in this guide.
Reviewing our lives and outlining ma-
jor goals for the upcoming year is great,
but it is far from the most we can do.
The internet is full of life-hacking and optimization tips and tricks,
and I cant possibly cover them all, so here are just a few of my

The procrastination equation

The procrastination equation is a way of illustrating how our mo-
tivations work. This equation accounts for every major finding on

Building on the major goals

Expectancy Value
Motivation = For each of your major goals (and as many sub-goals or sub-pro-
Impulsiveness Delay jects as you see fit) address all of the following things.
What this shows is that we are more motivated (less likely to pro- Success, Details, and Metrics
crastinate) when either our expectancy of success or how much we For each specific goal or project try to answer the following:
value a task are higher. Likewise, if we can decrease our impulsive-
ness (in short: our inability to focus on one thing) and decrease the What exactly is the project or goal?
delay until we are rewarded or a task is accomplished, we will be What will success look like? How will the world be different if
more motivated. this succeeds?
This comes from The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel, avail- How can I measure it?

8,760 hours | 19
What sort of metrics (measurements) Creating Sub-Projects to buy a huge one-year calendar poster to
can I use to track progress and success? Major goals are often exactly that: major. hang on your wall. Ive used the NeuYear.
Meaning, they can probably be broken net Large Wall Calendar with great success.
Addressing Uncertainties The general theme here is that you can see
down into smaller, more manageable goals
What are the uncertainties involved? If a the big picture at a glance.
and projects. Review your major goals and
major goal is to begin writing full-time, an
break them down if possible.
uncertainty may be, My writing wont be
good enough.
Yearly calendar
These constantly creep up in the back of my
I use a compact single-page year calendar
mind, and having already addressed them at
from David Seah, available at http://david-
the start of a project is very helpful. This holds
For each uncertainty, write out the follow- my big-picture for the upcoming year. On
ing: it I place things like:

1. What you think could happenIll be a Major project milestones.

terrible writer. Specific events and important dates.
2. Your reasons for thinking thisIm not Monthly habits to focus on and de-
a pro; I dont have much experience; there velop.
are lots of better writers out there.
Anything else you want to see, such as
3. The worst case scenarioI wont be- metrics, quotes, or major goals.
come a full-time writer, and Ill have to re-
Yearly (quarterly, monthly) theme.
vert to flipping burgers. Figure 4: A sample compact calendar.
4. The realityCome on, Ive made it this Somewhere on the page I also write a very
far, my writing cant be that bad; everyone short summary of my major goals for the Ongoing reviews
has to start somewhere. year. This helps me keep the big picture in
mind; I keep it on hand at all times. It is the Monthly and Quarterly Reviews
5. Your action plan for dealing with it
only form of paper organization I use Every month I spend at least a few hours
Practice, practice, practice; get feedback;
everything else is digital. The following fig- to do a big picture review of all my projects
read good writers and examine how they
ure shows my layout from a previous year: and progress for the last month. Plan now to
write; write 1,000 words per day.
do them by scheduling them on your yearly
Another option, on the opposite extreme, is
calendar, because they are very important.

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At the end of every third monthevery them in, but they just never happen because through this entire process and made the
quarterI do the above monthly review but I can never find the time to sit down and mind maps or notes, you should have:
in greater detail, spending an entire day on properly do them. Ill stick with the month-
it if possible. ly reviews for now. Do what works for you. A first-pass review of your life.
A detailed review of the current state
These reviews primarily consist of an- of your life and the last year.
swering the following questions: Prioritizing
One of the most important ideas to take A review of your ideal you, your
What is the status of my goals and away from this guide and this chapter in ideal future, your major goals and de-
projects? particular is the value of prioritizing. We sires in life.
Whats going well? Whats going have limited time, and may thing we want And overview of all your goals and
poorly? to do with it, so we must prioritize. If youre projects for this coming year.
Am I on track? finding yourself too busy or stressed, then Your major goals, with concrete de-
reduce your commitments and goals. Generally tails and plans for achieving success.
Are my major goals still my most im-
speaking, busyness (the stressful kind) is a
portant goals? A compact calendar outlining your
choice, and I choose to avoid it.
major milestones and events for the
Some Thoughts on Weekly Reviews v v v next year.
I dont really do weekly reviews, but you I hope you find the process of reviewing
may prefer to do them. Many times Ive Thats far from everything I could say
on this topic, but its a start! If you went your life as useful as I have. Heres to the
planned to do them and tried to schedule next 8,760 hours!

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Busyness is a
lack of priorities.
Tim Ferriss
Resources and Thanks
If you found this useful... How to Get Motivated: A Guide for Defeating Procrastination is a free
poster I made, based on The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel.
Share this guide with anyone else you think might find it useful. Its
completely free. Hopefully it will help some people get more from Im having a lot of success with the Pomodoro Technique for manag-
life. ing and tracking my productivity, time, and successes. Read more
about it at the original site or on my site at My Pomodoro Project
Acknowledgements and One Year of Pomodoros.

Chris Guillebeau is a big inspiration for writing this guide, and my

life review and planning process primarily came about from reading
Version 2
about his yearly review process. This is the second version of this guide, updated from the original I
wrote back in 2012. The main changes are as follows:
Special thanks to Jimmy Rintjema for creating the new and im-
proved formatting for this guide and making it more readable and An overhaul of the life areas, categories, breakdowns, prompt-
shareable. ing questions, and metrics.
Several added subsections.
Additional resources A bunch of minor typo-corrections, general fixes, and re-
Im a big fan of much of Cal Newports writings, many of which are writes.
relevant to the topic of this guide, including his books So Good They
Cant Ignore You and Deep Work. Feedback
I recommend the series of articles called The Science of Winning at Any and all feedback is always welcome. Was this guide useful? Did
Life by Luke Muehlhauser. you have to heavily adapt it for your own uses? Let me know at
The Compact Calendar comes from David Seah is available on his
Focus, by Leo Babauta, is a great free guide to simplifying your life
and creating more focus, a good meta-skill.

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