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My name is, Im 25 years old and Im from Pordenone which

is in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Im in the last year of my Masters Degree in Civil
Engineering. Tomorrow I will leave for Poland on my
Erasmus experience. As my specialization I chose
Structural Engineering and in Poland Im going to do my
Master Thesis on the problem of Freezing in porous
materials such as concrete. In Poland I will be helped by a
Professor who studied in Padoa and is an expert in my field
of specialization. I hope I will benefit from this experience
not just as an engineering student but also as a person. As
a matter of fact on a personal level I think that studying
overseas or abroad is really enriching. You meet and get to
know people from different parts of the world and this helps
any person widen their cultural and personal horizons.

In my free time I like cooking especially cakes and I like to

spend time with my niece and nephew, respectively
Elisabetta and Tommaso. They are the children of my
eldest brother, Andrea. As to my free time, I like travelling
too, and this is the reason why I am excited about my new
experience or adventure in Poland.

When I had more free time I used to work out regularly. I

used to do yoga or to go to the gym, but when I started
studying at university I had to give sports up because my
course is pretty demanding.

As soon as I finish my studies I would like to find a job

abroad. It would be really great if I could find a job in
London, though I know it is pretty difficult for us Europeans
to go there especially after Brexit. Then I know that finding
a job in England will be difficult for me because I want to
work in my field. However, dreams are free and I wont
ever stop being positive.

The classes I liked most are the ones of Dynamics of

Structures because the Professor was very knowledgeable
and involving. On top of this in this course I studied how to
design structures that can withstand earthquakes and I
really liked it.

If I could go back in time I would change faculty, I wouldnt

study engineering because I think it is a male-oriented
faculty and it is really difficult for a woman to find her own
space in this field.

I think that working in a team has lots of advantages. You

come up with more ideas, you are not left alone, you can
solve problems together and help one another.

I hope that in five years time I will have found a job and I
will have a family.

My long-term goals are having a nice family and working

with challenging and interesting people and having a
rewarding job (both financially and intellectually).

Whats your name?

Where do you live?
How old are you?
How about you?
Which kind of course are you studying?
Have you ever made an Erasmus experience or are you
planning to do it in the future?
How do you spend your free time?
Do you play any sport?
What will you do when you finish yours studies?
What courses did you enjoy the most? The least?
If you were to go back and start your studies again, what
would you do differently?
Do you prefer working individually or in a team?
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
What are your long-term goals?

Did you find the article interesting? Why (not?)

Is there a passage in the article that struck you /that made
you think a lot? If so, can you share it with me?
Do you agree with the journalist?
What do you think about the problem dealt with in the
In your opinion, what are the possible solutions to this
Is there anything you would want to add to the article?
Is there anything you would like to ask the journalist?
Do you think that what you read in the article is relevant to
an Italian reader too? Why (not)?

I am interested in history:
I find history interesting

Interested: agg. Passive INTERESSATO

Interesting: agg. Attivo INTERESSANTE

I am bored by Tom:
Tom is boring

Being addicted to the Internet

I spend time on the Net
When I am on FB time flies, so it is better that I keep away
from it.

NOT HAVING THE POSSIBILITY of surfing the Net can cause

anxiety/bring about anxiety

I think so
I dont think so

To me social medial is really important TO look up the

meaning of some words, to look for information

To unplug: to stay away from any social media and from the

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