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1. Answer SIX questions
2. All Questions carry equal marks
3. Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
4. Illustration of an Answer with clear sketches /diagram carries weightage
5. All unused pages of the answer script must be cancelled out by two lines (X) across the page


Q1. During routine soundings it is found that leakage into a cofferdam is occurring from an adjacent deep cargo oil tank. As Second Engineer state
the procedure for directing safe entry by the engine room staff to ascertain the cause of the leakage.
If the leakage persists discuss EACH of the following options as a possible remedy: 1. Leave the cofferdam to flood with oil (ii) Flood the cofferdam
with sea water (iii) Seal the Cofferdam and pressurize with air (iv) Pump the leakage to bunker tanks.

Q2. A.(i) Sketch a combustion gas system, suitable for inerting the cargo spaces of a vessel. (ii)Describe the operation of this system.
B. State the percentage analysis by volume of the inert gas generated by the system in (A).

Q3. Sketch a section through a keyless sleeved propeller.

B. What are the advantages of using a keyless sleeved propeller
C. Which metal sleeve should be made for contact with the forged mild steel tail shaft? Give reasons
D. State the material; used to bond the sleeve to the propeller and the general thickness of the bonding material.

Q4. Sketch suitable welded joints indicating the approximate plate thickness and dimensions of preparation for the following purposes A. End
plate connection to the shell of an unfired pressure vessel; B. Longitudinal seam of an unfired pressure vessel; C. Prefabricated combustion
chamber for an auxiliary boiler

Q5. With respect to main boiler super heater arrangements:

A. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of contra flow with parallel flow design.
B. Describe how the element tube banks are supported yet allow for expansion.
C. Describe how boiler carryover affects super heater effectiveness and condition. ALREADY DONE 2016/SR09

Q6. A. Explain how and why the performance of reciprocating air compressor tends to fall off in service. B. State how fall off is indicated and to
what extent permissible before correction; C. Describe how optimum performance is restored; D. What is the significance of clearance volume: for
reciprocating air compressors

Q7. With reference to the carriage and pumping of liquefied gas cargo: A. Sketch a suitable pumping system labeling the component parts; State;
B. Why submerged hydraulically driven pumps are not used; C. How overheating of pump drive shaft bearings is avoided; D. How tank is rendered
safe both in loaded & unloaded condition. E Why at the end of discharge about 2% of liquid cargo is left in the tank. F. State, how the risk of fire
and explosion in cargo tanks is obviated both in the loaded and discharged condition.

Q8. With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears: A. Explain in terms of control parlance, the function of the Hunting gear; B. Explain the
consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored; C. State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by
the operating unit

Q9. A. the UMS monitoring and control system of your ship has recently started to give false alarms and incorrect data printouts. State, with
reasons, possible causes if the false alarms and reading are:
I. Localized to a particular area of engine operation; ii. General to the engine room
B. State, with reasons, the action you, as Second Engineer, would take to ensure continued safe operation of the vessel if the defects were general
to the engine room.
C. Explain the procedure you, as Second Engineer, would adopt in order to locate and rectify a general fault in the UMS system.


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