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Neuron: Neuron is the basic unit of the nervous system.

Dendrite: To catch the information from the terminal button of the adjacent

Synapsis/ Synatic Gap/ Synaptic Cleft: The gap between dendrite and terminal
button of the adjacent Neuron.
Cell Body: Cell body receives the information from the dendrite, process it and
send it to the axon.

Axonal Hillock: The junction between cell body and axon is called Axonal Hillock.


The starting point of an axon is called Axonal Hillock

Mylen Sheath: Protects the axon, speed up the nerve impulse and also work as
a safeguard in wasting of nerve impulse.

Nodes of Ranvier: To provide the basic materials which are necessary for
high performance and to the remove waste material.

Mitochondria: Provide the energy to the cell for its functioning.

Nucleolus: Power house of the cell body.

Neurotransmitters: The chemical substances which may carry information

from pre-synaptic neuron to the post synaptic neuron.

Terminal Button: Terminal button are basically the ending point of neuron,
contains sacs filled by neurotransmitters.

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