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Module 3

Word Processing
General Concepts
Open a word processing program
ï ®
Start † '† Programs'
Micorsoft Office, and † 'Microsoft Word
If the mouse still for a few seconds on the link will display a brief descriptio
n of the program
For closure
ï ® ï ®
File † 'Close € â € œXâ red top right € ™ s application
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Create a new document
ï ®
The new document is created when the program opens. To create more than one you
can go to: œFileâ € â € â † 'â € Nuovoâ € or right-click on â € œDocumento vuoto
â EA € ¬ € ™ also can use predefined document templates or create web pages
ï ®
ï ®
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Use a template tool to document patterns are simple
ï ® ï ®
quickly create letters, faxes, business card or at another € ™. CA € ™ is the po
ssibility of creating new ones to suit you
ï ®
They differ from the wizard from the fact that this last is € ™ Step by step how
you can choose the document, unlike models where the â € € œformattazioneâ is p
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Saving a document
ï ®
â † 'Save
The new document is advisable to save, is to be made available at other times, e
ither to avoid data loss for some unexpected (program crashes, power failure ele
ttricaâ € |)
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Saving a document 2
Saving for a window opens where you can choose:
ï ® ï ® ï ®
Filename where the saved file type (TXT, RTF, HTML)
For rescue, there are two options: ïƒ ~ Save: Specifies the filename ïƒ ~ Save:
upgrade to new changes already saved a file (also with a name)
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The function of online help (help)
ï ® ï ®
? â † 'Help Line F1
The online help is € ™ a useful tool for solving small problems or to understand
the significance of the multiple functions of word
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Change the page view
ï ®
View â † 'Normal or Print Layout or Web Layout or Design
Allows to display the document with specific characteristics
Icons Normal view
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Print Layout
ï ®
View â † 'Zoom
With the zoom tool you can enlarge the size of seeing the document on your monit
or There is also a shortcut on the toolbar, the It can be recognized by a percen
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visualized ï ® † 'Bars
Tools â † 'â € |
The toolbars allow you to speed up the work allowing shortcuts to frequently ask
ed program features The most important are: ï ® ï ® Format ® Standard Design
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Showing and hiding non-printing characters.
ï ®
Tools † '† Options' visualized † 'â † Formatting' All
The non-printing characters are only intended to aid in the creation of such doc
uments are needed to see the carriage returns, spaces, breaks paginaâ € |
ï ®
ï ®
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Predefined Options
† Tools 'Options â †' Inf.Utente ï † ® Tools 'Options â †' Default Options
ï ®
ï ®
After changing these parts, each document will be saved with attributes of owner
ship placed on â € € œnomeâ In Options you can choose various folders used by th
e program word for rescue and archiving € ™ models created
ï ®
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Basic Operations
Insert text and special characters
Entering Text
ï ®
Using the keyboard
Each letter is inserted in the document is to create the same (Example: a docume
nt of 200 letters is the size of a small more than 5,000 words)
Inserting symbols
ï ®
Enter â † 'Symbol
Symbols are not all those characters on your keyboard. Symbols are also letters
from other languages.
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Select the data
Holding down the left mouse button from € ™ beginning of the line to the desired
ï ® Hold the â € € œMaiuscâ keyboard and moving with the arrow keys
ï ®
Similarly files you can use both œMaiuscâ € that â € â € € œCtrlâ to select cont
iguous or discontinuous phrases
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Change data
Insert data into an existing text
ï ®
Position the cursor
â † 'Type the text you enter
ï ®
Select the text to be overwritten (with the mouse or keyboard)
â † 'Type the text you enter
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The commands â € and â € œRipristinaâ œAnnullaâ € €.
ï ® Edit
â † 'Undo / Redo
In like manner the trash these two buttons are used to correct procedural errors
made during € ™ s use of word. Example: If you accidentally deleted a paragraph
in the document, you can â € € œannullareâ remove command. Or after the restore
command erases Cancel Restore
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Keys œCopiaâ € and â € â € € œTagliaâ
ï ® Select
phrase â † 'â † Edit' Copy ® Select a phrase â † 'â † Right' Ctrl + C Copy ®
ï ® Select
phrase â † 'â † Edit' Select Cut ® phrase â † 'â † Right' Ctrl + x Cut ®
The buttons allow you to copy and cut € ™ store in a special part of memory the
phrase or the selected paragraph. With the command â € € œcopiaâ selected text i
s duplicated in memory, instead pressing the â € € œtagliaâ text is erased and r
ewritten from its original place in memory. The memory is rewritten with new dat
a every time you perform an operation œtagliaâ â € or â € € € œcopiaâ
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The € ™ Paste
Edit ï ® ï ® ï ® Right Ctrl + V
â † 'Paste
â † 'Paste
€ ™ s memory area filled by copy and paste buttons Can be used by going to â € €
œtirare out the information on it with the statement â € ™ € € € ™ s œIncollaâ
paste behaves like a keyboard key , writes the memory contents starting from the
cursor or paste a selected text, this is replaced
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Move or copy text
ï ® Select
Text of origineâ † 'Copy ® Select destination â †' Paste
ï ® Select
Text of origineâ † 'Cut ® Select destination â †' Paste
EA € ™ can paste an infinite number of times the text copied and cut without hav
ing to redo the first step
Select the text â † 'â † Edit' Delete ® Select the text â † 'â † Right' Delete
ï ®
ï ® Delete
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Find & Replace
ï ®
Edit C † 'Find
Lets look at € ™ internal document phrases or words
ï ®
Edit â † 'Replacement
How to find, searches for and replaces it with a more € ™ other placed in the bo
x below. Offers the possibility to replace all at once
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€ ™ s appearance of text
ï ®
Format at † 'Character
It is possible to choose the font size is that the writing style
Through the boxes of the effects of control enable or disable formatting
In € ™ thumbnail is displayed as the text will be amended
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Shortcuts for formatting
Font size Bold Italic Underline
Text color
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Copy the formatting and the Match Case
Copy formatting
ï ®
Select the text â † 'â † Press the brush' Select the text to be changed (by hold
ing down the mouse)
It is a very useful procedure when at € ™ s the same letter should be used more
Case Sensitive
ï ®
Format â † 'Match Case
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Text alignment
ï ® Format
â † 'Section
With this window you can modify all options that affect the very important parag
raph of the text are the spacing and indents € ™ Most of the functions in this t
able you can find them in the working window in the form of shortcuts
Right Justified Centered
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The Tabs
ï ® Format
â † 'Tabs
The tabs can be made either via the TAB key,€and through the alignment of paragr
aphs using the tools of Word are all displayed in the ruler on top of the docume
nt To move simply drag the mouse After inserting the tabs by pressing the tab ke
y, the cursor moves to the point
Aligning the tabs
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Bullets and Numbering
ï ®
Format â † 'Bullets and Numbering EA € ™ can also choose the structure will beco
me like the paragraph with a list € ™ s list also takes account of paragraph for
matting, you can then moved to and from the phrase using the buttons on the rule
ï ®
ï ®
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Borders and Backgrounds
ï ®
Format â † 'Borders and Shading
This window makes it possible to add or modify both the edge of a paragraph or p
age, and change the background color of both the useful € ™ preview box displays
an example of how it will work after confirming with œOKâ € â €
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Formatting a document
ï ®
File â † 'Page Setup
This part is making available the ability to change the page orientation € ™ and
white margins that will create at the time of printing is also possible to chan
ge the paper type for the document. Pass such a standard format œA4â € â € â € t
o a format œbustaâ €
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Top of page headers and ©
View â † 'Headers and Top of page ©
ï ®
Each page will be so amended by adding a header € ™ at the top or bottom of the
document in a comment
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Breaks and page numbers ï § Enter â † 'Break
Page, even if the text is not completely full, you can insert a break € ™ â € co
mmands without using OAS head € until the end of the page
ï, § Enter â † 'Page Numbers
It is possible to choose the location and number format (1,2,3 â € | â € "I, II,
IIIa € |)
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Create a table
ï, § Table â † 'â † Insert' Table
The window that prompts you to specify apparrà after how many columns and many r
ows will create the table The table is also possible to draw using the mouse
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Selecting and writing
ï ®
For the selection is made by placing the cursor on cell dâ € ™ start and holding
the mouse is dragged to the desired cell selection It can also be made with the
help of keys œCtrlâ € and â € â € € œMaiuscâ using them as selections in order
to write windows, just put the cursor on the cell and start typing
ï ®
ï ®
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Insert and delete rows and columns Insert
ï ®
TableA † 'Inserisciâ †' â € |
References to left and right take into account the position of the cursor when t
he button is pressed
ï ®
TableA † 'Eliminaâ †' â € |
The cells to be selected before you delete if you want to delete an entire colum
n € ™ just leave the cursor over a cell of the column to delete
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Changing Table
Rows and Columns
ï ®
TableA † 'property â †' â € |
In section œRigheâ € and â € â € € œColonneâ you can specify the size in centime
ters. Otherwise it can you do about moving the areas of writing directly on the
ï ®
Format at † 'Borders and Sfondoâ †' â € |
It has the same form used for editing the page and paragraph. Used the same way:
you It can change both the edges and the color of the background
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Insert graphics, images and graphics into a document.
ï ®
Enter â † 'â † Image' â € |
Depending € ™ s object to be imported at € ™ internal document, open an appropri
ate window. The files will be selected from a directory on your computer
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Insert a clip
ï ®
Enter â † 'â † Image' Clip
The drawings are clip art or photos already in the program office. Can be used t
o enrich their documents to the â € œClipArtâ € € ™ you can search the Office's
internal collection or having an active internet connection on the library that
Microsoft provides the Web
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Insert an image from file € ™
ï ®
Enter â † 'â † Image' From File
This opens a window that allows you to look for a picture at € ™ € ™ inside your
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Enter a Chart
ï ®
Enter â † 'â † Image' Chart
Opens a â € œfoglio Datia € where you can enter the chart data to be inserted in
the document, this last € ™ will change its shape in real time. Right-clicking
on the chart area € ™ then â € € graficoâ œTipo of Word allows you to choose bet
ween many types of data visualization (pie, histogram, Radar € |) To return to t
he document just click on a € ™ area outside the graph and table
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Change the graphics
All graphic elements described so far may be used and behave like text selection
s; CIOA ¨ is possible to copy and move them from one side to the other € ™ of th
e document or a document to another to change the size used mouse: bringing the
handles around the edge blacks € ™ s image and holding you can zoom in and out b
oth horizontally and vertically
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Mail Merge
What € ™ is the merge
ï ®
The merge is a process in which, from a document and a data source (such as an a
ddress book or database: in essence is a table) yields a series of documents tha
t all have the same structure, but each has different data. For example, the doc
ument in question Can be a letter of congratulations and the data source Can be
a list of employees of a company: each letter is printed name and address of an
employee other than by withholding the necessary data from the source data. So t
he point is the same for all employees, while some points of the letter vary fro
m employee to employee.
Name Mario Mark Anna
Bianchi Rossi Surname Information
The ddress Via Verdi 5 Via Righi 73 Romeo Street 4
Phone 0577234567 0577456783 0578345234
ï ®
ï ®
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Prepare the main document
ï ® The
Document Can be created in the usual way, or you can use a document ready, openi
ng it.
€ ™ s recipient's address will be different for each letter
ï ® The
document must, of course, contain the text that will be equal for all documents
and data "general € œ which will then automatically replaced with the data in th
e data source.
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Prepare a distribution list, or data files
ï ®
If you choose to open an existing one, just select the file that contains the de
sired data source. Finally you can choose to use the contacts as a data source:
clicking on this item opens a window that is what is required to use the address
book. You can create a new data source, cia to open a new window in which to
insert the columns that must be present in the source table data
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ï ®
ï ®
Create a mail merge
ï ® Tools
â † 'Letters and Addresses â †' Merge
Opens a window that leads to the completion of the merge, at each step selected
và € ™ option and press forward for each of the 6 steps. At 5 ° point you are p
rompted to insert the block of addresses, simply drag the field on the letter NB
fields are indistinguishable from normal text as shown in quotes are © (Â "and
Â") and when you position the cursor take a gray background
1. Type of Document 2. Source Document
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Create a mail merge 2
3. Source Address
4. Positioning address
5. Positioning address
6. Positioning address
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ï, § Tools â † 'Spell check
As you type the words deemed inappropriate are underlined in red. This emphasis
is not this being printed. To add a word to the dictionary is also possible to i
nsert in your document, select it and then click "add" by letting you open menù
click with the right mouse button.
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€ ™ s Printer
ï, § File â † 'Printer
Useful to get an overview of the document. It allows you to view everything on o
ne screen is also possible to view more pages with Word offers the opportunity t
o make some changes such as tabs or send aa head phrases
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Print options
ï, § File â † 'Print
ï, § It is possible to specify how many and which pages to print or print only s
elected text ï § With the button â € â € œproprietà you access the Printer Optio
ns dialog (change from printer to printer) allows you to change settings paper t
ype, ink type printing â € |
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