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Crystal Skull Encoding and Dolphin Communication

Q: I believe you are familiar with the Crystal Skull found in

Guatemala and that lives in Toronto now. B: Yes.
Q: The skull is presently on display in Phoenix, Arizona
where a group of people have looked at the skull and
seen dolphins in the skull.
B: Yes, it is a gateway and a doorway to many different
dimensions and levels of consciousness. Q: This group is
trying to arrange with the...B: Trying?Q: They are
arranging... sorry.
B: Do not be sorry. (Laughter)Q: ... arranging to transport
the skull to Miami and then to Florida to put it in proximity
to our dolphins. B: How exciting! Maybe the dolphins will
see humans in the skull! (Laughter)Q: I wonder if you
could comment on that proposed interaction and tell me
what you think...
B: What is there to comment on? It sounds very exciting.
It is a dimensional doorway, and because you are willing
to open up communication between your land humans
and water cetaceans, you will allow yourself to learn from
them how to telepathically communicate the proper code
sequence into the skull to open it up to doorways through
which many other civilizations upon your planet have
already stepped and closed the door behind them.
Q: All right.
B: The idea is that encoded within the skull is the matrix
to open that doorway, and any individual who wishes to
find it simply needs to sit down and commune in a
meditative state with the skull, locking eye contact to eye
contact. If that individual cannot integrate all the fears
within themselves they will not be able to unlock the
code, and that is the safety valve on the door.
B: You shared that the dolphins would be able to
communicate with the skull?
Q: They will know what it is for. Some of them may be
able to utilize it. Some of them may be able, when they
are in its presence and it is in their presence to activate
certain electromagnetic phenomena around it that may
be visible to you. Look for ionisation of the air in the dark,
look for certain sparklings of light in the air that may
represent motes, in a sense, representing what you may
call miniature gateways, miniature doorways the
preamble to the opening of a major door, a major gate.
You may see them as sparkling light, some of them may
be ghostly and nebulous at first, some of them might be
very bright pinpoints of light in the air. All of these
phenomena will be indicative of the skull recognizing
when it is in the presence of an integrated mentality, an
integrated consciousness that wishes to use it as a
Because of your telepathic communications with the
dolphins you can allow them to tutor you, to guide you as
to the proper use of the opening of that doorway to help
integrate the fears and the different levels

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