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Claim the Smart City!

The term Smart City has been buzzing around the field architecture. Rem Koolhaas expressed this shift well: ..the
of architecture and urbanism for a while now, and yet it city used to be the domain of the architect, and now, frankly,
remains a complex subject to grasp for designers. But its they have made it their domain. Together with cities living-
relevancy is clear: new technologies are being fitted in the labs are set up to experiment with new technologies, which
urban fabric in which we are planning interventions. How is an interesting method of developing as it happens in actual
do we as urban designers deal with the fast developments city life. But they only investigate parts of the whole, without a
of the smart city? vision of what the city could be.

There are well-known smart city examples such as Songdo City councils do not have a clear overarching vision, so the
and Masdar, which were designed smart, but they are known market determines in which direction the city evolves. The goal
for the criticism on them as well. So the question remains what of the smart city is a better living environment and a better
really makes a city smart. The aim of making cities smart as quality of life for its inhabitants. Something as important and
defined by Faena Sphere: Smart cities propose an urban complex as quality of life calls for an integral approach. In itself
development that efficiently uses information and technology a lack of a fixed final image of the smart city is not a problem.
with the goal of raising the quality of life for its inhabitants. At A trend in urbanism is creating a set of rules, which new
Buro Lubbers we have an idea of what quality of life means and developments should follow, instead of designing a completely
how we strive to achieve it for future users in our plans. We are finished masterplan. The design then focusses on a firm
learning more and more about gathering information from the framework for public life that coordinates new developments,
urban environment, and how technology is introduced in the rather than it dictates what should happen where. This leaves
city. Nonetheless the concept smart city remains vague. room for new initiatives, which are unknown at the start of a
process. In a coordinating role urbanists can combine new
This vagueness emerges most clearly in city councils, who smart technology with urban knowledge accumulated over
struggle with this as well. In the vision statements for their centuries.
own smart city often generic information is given, concluded
by generic goals. These are clarified in catch-all terms such With growing populations in cities urban designers and
as sustainability, mobility and circular city. Cities try to be at architects stand for a challenge and we need to think differently
the forefront of the smart city movement, but do not have a about our cities. We will need the help from creative technology
clear idea about how their city would benefit from being smart. in order to solve urban issues, but need to keep in mind that
All in all on paper most cities seem to be much talk and little not all smart solutions are necessarily high-tech. We already
action. Of course there are examples of projects where cities have smart ways to improve quality of life, by thinking about
are involved, ranging from smart grids to electric busses. biodiversity, rainwater infiltration, green roofs and walls,
community gardens, flexibility and so on. Buro Lubbers actively
But, what often characterises these projects is that they are implements this in projects such as Anton en Gerard and
initiated by tech companies, rather than on the demand of cities The Green Village in Delft. We think that with the combined
in response to a problem. This results in a sprawl of uncoherent knowledge of designers and tech-companies the smart city can
projects, which sometimes seem implemented just for the sake become real and concrete. In other words: we need to get a
of technology. Cities allow this as they are in a race to the hold on these developments and start creating the smart city.
newest technologies but seem to forget technology is not the The vagueness that surrounds the development of the smart
goal itself. city calls for someone to take the lead. Urbanists and architects
(re)claim your position in the smart city!
At this moment tech companies are furthest in the knowledge
about smart cities, as they are the developers of the
technology. Their focus as a company lies on the proper
functioning of a product, exploring its possibilities and weighing
ethical dilemmas, but they lack knowledge about urbanism or

Written by Joost van Gorkom for magazine ViaVia Stedenbouw (Faculty Urbanisme, TU/Eindhoven), 2016.
Analog Smart City Solutions by Buro Lubbers

water buffer

reduce pollution NOx

produce oxygen
increase biodiversity

cooling the city C
Anton en Gerard, Strijp-S, Eindhoven

The Green Village, Delft

area-specific plants

flexible infrastructure
increase biodiversity

portable green
Rieteiland Oost, IJburg, Amsterdam

smart society
Cruquius, Amsterdam

When the term Smart Cities is mentioned ideas of a hightech urban environment pop up: electric-autonomous cars, big data steers
people in the right direction and packages are delivered by a drone. But in this exciting world of tech-toys it is good to remember that
Smart City does not always equal hightech. Smart solutions can be analog as well! Buro Lubbers has a lot of experience in using
smart techniques in our projects. Ranging from green roofs to rainwater infiltration, from portable trees and temporary structures to
flexible frameworks.

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