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1)Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.17 San Francisco, March 25, 1967

2) Bhagavad-gita 2.46
New York , March 28, 1966
Some points shared below:-
1. Somebody, some people argues that Arjuna was talking with Krsna. So Krsna
was present before him, whereas my case, Krsna is not present. So how I can get
direction? That is not the fact. Krsna is present by His words, this Bhagavad-gita
2. Even if you are put into such circumstances that your livelihood cannot go on
without that unfair means, still, you should not give it up, but you should try to
make it purified. You should try to make it purified. How it is purified? Now, you
should not take the fruitive result of your work. That is meant for God.
3. We have simply to see whether Im acting under the direction of the supreme
consciousness. That is the thing to be seen. Then we are free. Then our life
becomes free. That thing, we have to learn.
4. Due to our long association with this material atmosphere, we have accumulated
a great, thick layer of dust on the mind. So as soon as the dust is cleared off, then
we can see ourself, what we are.
5.enthusiasm that In this very life, in this very human form of life, I must make my
spiritual life perfect so that after leaving this body I may not come again to this
material world. That is called utsaha, enthusiasm.
6. So one must have confidence that Because I am following the standard method,
so my spiritual life will really be perfected.

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