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NEW YORK, APRIL 15, 1966
Sharing some points:-
1. Lord says, When one shall be free from mental speculation, then hes to be
understood that he is in the perfect stage of spiritual consciousness.
2. O My Lord, the son of Nanda Maharaja, I am Your eternal servitor, and, somehow
or other, I am now fallen in this ocean of misconception. Kindly pick me up and fix
me up as one of the atoms of the dust of Your lotus feet.
3. suppose one has done very marvelous work. So we should not be very much
enthusiastic to praise for such work. What is that work? That work is material. It will
We have to see it, Whether the Supreme Consciousness is pleased with my, this
5. the whole world situation is causing disturbance because it is not treated with
spiritual treatment. Thats all. Thats all. As soon as there is spiritual treatment, as
soon as people are spiritually conscious, as soon as at least the leaders of men,
they are standing on the consciousness platform, the whole world situation will

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