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Osmosis Lab
Group Members:
Ekakkaravichit Nattawan, Pop
Kanpana Kanyaluck, Pon
Krittiyasrisumet Wanwarisa, Pretty
Kuariyakul Tanwarat, Teenny
6th March 2017

Purpose: To observe the movement of water in different tonic solutions. Also to get a better
understanding of osmosis and how water move into substances from high to low
concentration of water.

1. If jelly is soaking in distilled water, then it will swell up.
If jelly is soaking in concentrated salt water, then it will shrink.
2. If potato is in distilled water, then it will swell up.
If potato is in concentrated salt water, then it will shrink.

Material List:
- 6 beakers (3 for jelly, 3 for potato)
- Electronic Balance
- Distilled water
- Concentrated salt water
- 3 Jellies
- 3 Potato pieces
- Calculator - groups bring their own calculator
- Knife
- Weighing paper
- Markers
- Gloves
- Lab coat
- Goggles
- 2 Graduated cylinders

1. Collect the materials that your group needs (3 Jelly and Half a Potato)
2. Use the knife to cut the potato into 3 equal pieces
3. Use the electronic balance to find the mass of your jelly. Remember to lay
down a piece of weighing paper and set to zero.
4. Record your data
5. Record descriptive observations about the jelly prior to the experiment.
6. Measure the initial volume of the jelly and the potato and record your data.
7. Fill your 1st beaker halfway with distilled water. Put one of your jelly into the
beaker. Set the beaker aside for one hour. Label the beaker using marker.
8. Fill your 2st beaker with concentrated salt solution halfway. Put your 2nd jelly
into that beaker. Set beaker aside for one hour. Label the beaker using marker.
9. Put your 3rd jelly into an empty beaker without putting anything in it. That
should be your control.
10. Put the 4th beaker halfway with distilled water. Put one of your potato pieces
into the beaker. Set the beaker aside for one hour. Label the beaker.
11. Put the 5th beaker halfway with concentrated salt solution halfway. Put your
second potato pieces into that beaker and set it aside for an hour. Label the beaker.
12. Place your last piece of potato pieces into the last beaker, empty. That is your
control for the potato. Label the beaker.
13. Make sure you label all the beakers distilled water or concentrated salt
solution with some markers.
14. After one hour, come back and look at each of the beakers and record the data
volume and mass of both the jellies in two beaker and both the potato in two other
15. Also record the descriptive data for what the jelly and the potato look like now
after being soaker for an hour.
16. Calculate the percent change in the size of each jelly and potato
a. Percent change in volume
b. Percent change in mass

Data Table A: Volume and mass of 2 jelly before and after soaking in distilled water and
before and after soaking in salt water.
Jelly (Color) hypo Jelly (Color) hyper Control jelly

Dimensions Initial: Final: Initial: Final: Initial After

Before After Before After
Soaking Soaking in Soaking soaking in
Distilled Salt Water

Volume 4 6 3.5 3 - -

Mass (g) 5.08 6.38 5.04 4.06 5.07 5.07

Data Table B: Volume and mass of 2 potato before and after soaking in distilled water and
before and after soaking in salt water.
potato (Color) hypo potato (Color) hyper Control potato
Dimensions Initial: Final: Initial: Final: Initial: Final:
Before After Before After
Soaking Soaking in Soaking soaking in
Distilled Salt Water

Volume 8 8.5 7 6 - -

Mass (g) 7.29 8.21 7.33 6.10 7.35 7.35

Data Table C: Observations of the jelly before and after soaking in distilled water and before
and after soaking in salt water.

Jelly 1: (Color) Jelly 2: (Color)

Descriptive Observations Before Soaking in Descriptive Observations Before Soaking in

Distilled Water: Salt Water:
- smooth - smooth
- semi circle shape - semi circle shape
- violet color - violet color
- smell tasty - smell tasty

Descriptive Observations After Soaking in Descriptive Observations After Soaking in

Distilled Water: Salt Water:
- transparent - harder
- very soft (softer) - a little bit smaller
- clear (transparent) on the - stay smooth
outside - shrink
- larger
- swell

Data Table D: Observations of the potato before and after soaking in distilled water and
before and after soaking in salt water.

Potato 1: (Color) Potato 2: (Color)

Descriptive Observations Before Soaking in Descriptive Observations Before Soaking in
Distilled Water: Salt Water:
- pale yellow - pale yellow
- moisture - moisture
- smooth - smooth
- hard

Descriptive Observations After Soaking in Descriptive Observations After Soaking in

Distilled Water: Salt Water:
- harder - softer
- swell - shrink
- lighter color - smooth texture

Data Table E: The percent changes for the jelly similar to the one below.

Jelly 1 (Color): Soaked in Jelly 2 (Color): Soaked in

Distilled Water Salt Water

Percent Change in Volume -14.29 % 50 %

Percent Change in Mass -24.14% 25.60%

Data Table F: The percent changes for the potato similar to the one below.

Potato 1 (Color): Soaked in Potato 2 (Color): Soaked in

Distilled Water Salt Water

Percent Change in Volume -14.29% 6.25%

Percent Change in Mass -16.78% 12.62%

Bar Graph of
result: The percent
change in mass and
volume for both the
jelly and the potato.
Analyzing Results Question:
1. What happened to the jellies after being soaked in distilled water and salt
water for an hour? Why? Be descriptive and detailed in your answer. Use your
knowledge of membrane transport.
Firstly, the jellies are purple, soft touch and have a smooth surface. when we put first jelly
into salt water, the volume is 3.5 mL3. We put the jelly into salt water. After 1 hour, the jelly
swelled up and its volume increased to 3 mL3 and it became harder, shrink, a little bit smaller
but its stay smooth. This is because water moved from jelly into concentrated salt solution.
Concentrated salt solution is the hypertonic solution, which contains more solutes. Therefore,
water move out of substance.When we put jelly into distilled water, it swelled and the volume
changed from 4 to 6 mL3. It became softer, clear and transparent on the outside and larger.
This is because water moved into substance due to the concentration of solute in the
substance and solution. Distilled water is the hypotonic solution and jelly or potato is a
hypertonic solution, so water moved into substance.

2. What happened to the potato after being soaked in distilled water and salt
water for an hour? Be descriptive and detailed in your answer. Use your knowledge of
membrane transport.
Firstly, the potato was pale yellow, moisture, smooth and hard and its volume was about 8
mL3. We put the potato into distilled water. After that, it swelled up and its volume increased
to be 8.5 mL3. It became harder, swell and smooth texture. But when we put the potato into
salt water, it shrinked and its volume changed from 7 to 6 mL3. It became softer, shrink and
smooth texture. This happened because of Osmosis in Membrane transport. Osmosis is the
movement of water passing through semi permeable membrane from high concentration of
water to lower concentration of water or from low concentration of solutes to higher
concentration of solutes. Therefore, when we put potato into distilled water, water will move
into potato that why it swelled up. On the other hand, when we put potato in salt water, water
from potato will move out that why it shrinked.

In conclusion, when we put jelly and potato into distilled water, it swelled up but when we
put jelly and potato into salt water, it shrinked because of Osmosis process. Water moved
from low concentration of solutes to high concentration of solutes, so water moved out of
substance into hypertonic solution and moved from hypotonic solution into substance.

Name Job and responsibility

E. Nattawan Analysis question 2, bar graph, conclusion, data table E & F,


K. Kanyaluck Analysis question 1, data table A, B, C & D, purpose, hypothesis

K. Wanwarisa Data table C & D, materials, procedure, conclusion, purpose,

hypothesis, analysis question 2

K. Tanwarat Analysis question 1Data table B, E & F, purpose, hypothesis

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