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Apparently, this was a step forward in negotiations; it earned Law a small smile from Robin as she

relaxed her shoulders.

I can make it worth your time, Nico Robin. Law murmured. In affirmation, he moved his fingers
to stroke the stocking-clad skin, alcohol emboldening his movements.

Oh? .I'm glad to hear that, Trafalgar. Yes, this seemed like it was getting them somewhere...The
raven-haired woman clutched her martini glass, leaning in further. ...You're willing to prove I can
place my trust in you? As she ended her sentence, Law could swear the woman almost hummed
appreciatively whilst he continued the delicate motions up and down her thigh the tight purple
velvet of her dress was riding up in a suggestive manner. Repressing the sharp buzzing against his
thigh, only vaguely aware of it at this point in the evening, Law made a mental note to turn his
mobile off the next opportunity he got.

A faint tune started up from the further end of the bar, tinny yet distinguishable; alongside drunken
cheers, Law faintly recognised it as something from the 80s. Nothing he'd ever listen to, but a
familiar song he'd heard floating across many car radios and ratty cassette tapes in his time. Come
to think of it, the bar itself was all too reminiscent of ones Law had frequented before a time
where he'd been younger, sitting on the stool, awaiting the time where they'd finish their business
and bundle back into the sedan. Shaking his head slightly, gritting his teeth, he pressed past the
thoughts it wasn't time for those, especially not with the rising urgency of his situation.

Listen, I appreciate what you're risking to meet with me here Law swallowed; Robin's aura was
confident as usual, and whilst he didn't consider himself out of touch with had been a
long time.

He gulped once more. What had the feathered bastard said? Actions speak louder than words, but
a little bit of sweet-talking never hurts, Law.

- you know I wouldn't sell you out, Robin. His tone was lowered as he merely gazed at the
woman in front of him; a warm blush had crept onto her cheeks and her smile had widened. I
wouldn't expect a woman of your calibre to take that at face value; of course not. So...if I may...

A rare crack in Robin's composed features her eyes fluttered open wide for a brief second as
tattooed fingers slid a little further up her thigh. Law inhaled, studying the older woman's reaction.

You're going to earn your salt, I suppose?, came a low purr in reply. Robin was intelligent; she
certainly wasn't fooled by any pretences Law could hold.

...naturally. His response came dryly, feeling a little dumbfounded by the woman's frankly
intimidating presence. Another drink? The buzzing started again; 3 pulses, before his phone
stilled in his pocket once more; Law felt his own shoulders drop, relaxed at the thought.

Robin giggled; pleasant, airy laughter ringing out against the dull humdrum of the bar's chatter.
My, my, is somebody trying to get me inebriated? A slender digit of hers started circling the tattoo
on the back of Law's palm; her glossy lips were pursed in apparent fascination. Good god, Nico
Robin truly was attractive. Would Law still have done this if he hadn't wanted to glean information
out of her?

Probably, he thought, trying to ease his unusually guilty conscience; another thing that separated
him from the feathered bastard.
I would never dare. He allowed himself a small joke, silently motioning at the bartender and, in
return, having another Martini slide down to their cosy end of the bar. Robin's deep eyes glistened.

Then... prove to me I can leave myself in your care, doctor. Words trailed into hot breath as she
moved towards Law, ignoring the drink on the counter; soft lips were ghosting the shell of his ear
all of a sudden. Almost as fast, a pair of delicate hands ran up the length of his suited torso, and Law
quickly felt constricted like his suit was much too tight, and responded with his own show of
control fingers moved to Robin's hip, and their eyes locked.

Robin's cheeks were dusted with a light pink colour insistently, almost commandingly, she pressed
her body further towards Law, as if trying to eradicate the distance between their two seats

Who could do anything but smile at the sight?

The tattooed man licked his lips as they once again coiled into a smirk Robin was the one
initiating his own idea. He almost laughed, but the pressing urgency of just how...desperate he was
for her wealth of information lingered in the back of his mind. Promptly, in one fluid movement,
Law's fingers caught the older woman's jawline, tilting her head at just the right angle; noting the
smouldering look in her eyes (if only briefly), Law closed his own.

Their lips connected; Robin merely uttered a soft 'ah' into the kiss a noise of appreciation, Law
hoped. Giving her thigh a last assertive squeeze, the previously occupied hand tangled itself in
Robin's soft, voluminous tresses; there was the unmistakeable feeling of a warm, growing heat from
where their lips locked. Despite the insistence fuelling Law's hungry movements, he pulled back;
the kiss was short, and he needed to escalate this, needed to press further, but he glanced at
Robin's features, gauging the response.

Her blush had deepened in the darkness, eyes glistening, half-lidded as she exhaled. Long lashes
fluttered shut as, deftly, she sipped at the fresh Martini waiting for her, a soft smile adorning her
face. A thick heat felt as if it were lingering in the air around the two of them; despite Robin pulling
away from Law, he felt much too hot stifled, even. The mere feeling of the voluptuous body
against his own had taken his usually calm self by surprise; god, it really had been too long. Barely
registering himself gulp, his voice was low and quiet: Was that...acceptable? Yes, pacing was key
playing the ever-attentive gentleman.

Hmm. Not too shabby for someone so out of practice, doctor. - of course she would be able to
tell, Law thought, somewhat awkwardly. Robin hummed teasingly, eyes blinking open to look
inquisitively at - and straight through - the man opposite. I think, however... - in the blink of an
eye, her sleek calf locked itself around the back of Law's, pushing their bodies together once more -
I may need some more convincing.

She really was taking the prerogative he was merely doing half the work here. The chatter of the
bar ebbed and flowed around them as Law felt a firm tug on his cuff; with no time to process why
she was so eager, Robin had joined their lips again. Tasting vaguely of gin and lemon, she guided
Law's arm by the sleeve of his jacket to sit on her trim, velveted waist. This time, however, Law
allowed himself to scoff just a little into the kiss; Robin was treating him like an inexperienced
teenager? Never was Law one to get riled up by friendly competition, but information or no
information - the male lifted Robin's chin with a tattooed index finger, pushing her deeper into
the kiss. A shared breath hitched in both throats. Law gripped the raven-haired woman's hip; the
buzzing in his pocket, again, reminding him of just why he was doing this. More convincing,
Robin? I'll give you more convincing.
If the older woman were to be so eager, then perhaps Law would just have to play devil's advocate
for a moment; brushing his teeth against her bottom lip, he separated from her, murmuring against
her skin. Robin, - oh, she liked the throaty purr of her name; Law felt a brief shiver run through
the body his arm was around - first of all, I need to know where you're staying...

And, unfortunately, I need to believe you couldn't hand me over by making one call, but,
alas...Your phone has been rather busy tonight, Trafalgar... The response was slightly more cutting
than Law would expect for the sultry mood that had befallen the pair; Robin's serene laugh at the
end of her words laced her intentions with a slither of mirth, however. He blinked; silence had
followed after Robin's reply, and almost out of shame for what she'd implied Law pulled back,
smoothing his suit down.

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