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Listening Comprehension questions:
1. What is the talk about?
2. How is law taught in USA?
3. According to the presenter, what is the Socratic method?

Question 21-30 (Law)

Legal education in the US is unique since there is no
formalized law program upon completing high school. Instead,
students complete their undergraduate degree in their subject of
Line choice. This provides students with the opportunity to study any
(5) subject before deciding that a career in law is right for them. To
complete their undergraduate degree, American students go to a
college or university to receive their bachelors degree. A bachelors
degree in the US is usually four years but can range from two to six
years and certifies full-time studies within a particular subject. The
(10) subject that the student specializes in is also known as the students
major. Because students to concentrate on building their oratory,
written, analytical, and critical thinking skills.
According to the American Bar Association (ABA), a volunteer
organization of lawyers and law students that set standards for the
American legal profession, the ABA does not recommend any
undergraduate majors or group of courses to prepare for a legal
(15) education. Students are admitted to law school from almost every
academic discipline. So there is truly no required course at all to
get into law school - great lawyers can start as English majors,
history majors, engineers, doctors, pilots, builders and everything in
Most law schools evaluate a students academic performance
based on their achievement over the course of their degree usually
(20 out of a scale of 4.0. This number is a critical indicator for law
) schools as, together with the LSAT score, it is used to predict future
performance in law school. Students are therefore encouraged to
study a field of interest where they will both earn high grades and
that will also improve writing, speaking, critical thinking and
problem solving skills.

21. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How students prepare for their college life in America.
B. How to get good grades in an American law school.
C. How a law degree is offered in America
D. The advantages and disadvantages in studying law in America
22. Usually, how long does it take to earn a bachelor degree in US?
A. two years
B. four years
C. six years
D. three years
23. From this passage, what can be inferred about students who
plan to take a law degree in US?
A. Students can study law right after high school as long as they get a 4.0 GPA.
B. Students can take any bachelor degree before taking law
C. Students cant study law if they lack research skills
D. Students become members of the American Bar Association after passing the
24. The American Bar Association aims to
A. represent bar owners in any legal concerns
B. teach how law students become rich lawyers
C. encourage all students to take up law
D. set the standards of the legal profession
25. What is the authors purpose of this passage?
A. To analyze how students take up law degrees
B. To provide insight on how to take up law in America
C. To persuade readers to join the American Bar Association
D. To provide counseling to students who dont know what to major in
26. The word evaluate in line 18 is closest in meaning to?
A. judge
B. assess
C. guide
D. analyze
27. According to the passage, which of the following is true about
A. They are a group of volunteers who are lawyers and students taking up
B. They are a famous bar owners group in the US
C. They are a group of lawyers.
D. They community developers
28. It can be inferred in the passage that students who plan to take
up law should have
A. passed all language proficiency and academic tests
B. enough money to support the profession
C. strong communication, research and critical-thinking skills
D. strong background in different fields
29. What does the word undergraduate in line 13 refer to?
A. Bachelors degree
B. Masters degree
C. Doctoral degree
D. High school diploma
30. Which of the following information is not mentioned in the
A. How to enroll in a law school in US
B. How to seek for legal assistance in US
C. What the ABA is all about
D. What major requirements are needed before taking up law

Listening Comprehension questions:
1. What does the speaker present about?
2. According to the presenter, what is the first thing to apply on
3. What natural ingredient is liken to serum?

Question 31-40

What does that mean? "It comes down to the very

fundamental principles of physics and chemistry," says Dr. Schultz.
"After you apply your first product, the second product has to have
Line the ability to go through it in order to penetrate the skin." In other
(5) words, the first things you put on your skin should be the lightest
texture. Then, work your way up to the heaviest, hard-to-penetrate
textures, which should be applied last. So, anything that is water- or
alcohol-based should come first, followed by your gels, then your
light lotions, then heavier creams, thick serums, and, finally,
(10) anything ointment-based (i.e. water-free). One way to tell how
heavy the product is?
Dr. Schultz says to read the ingredient list. Find out where the oils,
lanolins, and petrolatums fall the higher up they are, he says, the
harder the product is to
(15) Dr. Schultz says that getting the right order down will take
some trial and error, as often it can be difficult to determine weight
if two products are very similar in texture. One way to know for sure:
If the product is just pooling on the skin and not absorbing, then it's
not penetrating the skin, and, therefore, not doing your complexion
any good. If the product is setting and you don't have any residue,
then it has penetrated. According to Schultz, no skin care product
(other than an ointment) should just lay on top of your skin
everything should penetrate.
Now, according to Dr. Schultz, there are two exceptions to this
weight rule: sunscreen and acne products. While it may seem
intuitive to do sunscreen last, Dr. Schultz says SPF needs time to set
about 20 to 30 minutes so he almost always recommends
patients apply a lightweight SPF lotion first. Another reason SPF
needs to go on bare skin? "Sunscreen molecules must align and
orientate parallel to each other, creating a grid that absorbs UV
energy," he says. Creams can interfere with this grid, both on
physical and chemical sunscreens, because the product can create
(20) bumps and ridges on the surface of the skin. In addition, most
sunscreens were tested on bare skin, meaning you don't know how
applying a cream first will impact the efficacy and duration of your
sun protection. So, either apply a light sunscreen first, followed by
products that are heavier than that, or skip that whole mess by
(25) opting for a moisturiser with sunscreen, or Dr. Schultz' personal
favourite, a BB cream.



31. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a

type of skin care product?
A. water-alcohol based
B. water-based
C. ointment-based
D. alcohol based

32. The phrase everything should penetrate has the closest in

meaning to
A. how skin reacts to products
B. how skin absorbs products
C. how skin is identified using different products
D. how skin affects the use of a product

33. According to the passage, why do we need to apply thin texture

skin care product first?
A. To allow skin to absorb skin care products faster
B. To make our skin fresher
C. To brighten our face better
D. To avoid skin care products residue

34. What does the word intuitive in line 19 mean?

A. a gut feeling of doing what is usual
B. a skill of doing things
C. something that needs to be done
D. a result of critical thinking

35. What can you infer about using sunscreen?

A. Sunscreen cream is enough to protect your skin
B. Sunscreen should be tested many times before choosing what is best for you
C. The best sunscreen is BB because it contains all types of skin care ingredients
D. The best way of protecting your skin from UV energy is to put grids on
your skin
36. What does the word efficacy in line 26 is closest in meaning
A. effectiveness
B. durability
C. strength
D. smoothness

37. What is the authors purpose of the passage?

A. To inform readers on how to wear a makeup
B. To inform readers about the different skin care product types
C. To inform readers about how to apply skin care products correctly and
D. To inform readers on how to prevent people from getting acne

38. What is the third paragraph mainly talks about?

A. Using sunscreen products
B. Using moisturizing products
C. Using acne products
D. Using BB cream

39. The word it in line 15 refers to

A. serum
B. cream
C. skin care products
D. product residues

40. According to the passage, getting the right order on what needs
to be applied first is tricky because
A. all skin care products are the same
B. skin care products have different purposes
C. of the trial and error method that needs to be used
D. there are skin care products that have the same texture


Listening Comprehension questions:
1. What is the newscaster covering about?
2. What was the cause of the landslide?
3. What did families in the area expect firefighters to do?

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