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Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan

Name_______Carlie Weaver________________________

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
B. Objective: Students will be able to determine which exercises increase endurance and
strength for cardiorespiratory.
- Students will be able to take their heart rate and calculate their findings.
- Students will discuss and talk about different fitness exercises.
c. Standard(s):
IAS: 6.3.1- Identify and participate in activities that, when done
consistently can contribute to an active lifestyle.
ISTE: Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate
digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
II. Home Based Study DAY 1 -
Students will fill out a forum that I will have up on the website over fitness. Students will
learn about exercises and activities that are health enhancing and increase your cardiorespiratory
system. Students will research online the definition of cardiorespiratory and five activities that
they think are good to increase strength and endurance. Students will also look up heart rate and
how to find their pulse and calculate their numbers. They will write down their answers and
bring it to class. Students will make an exercise diary on a word document for five days. They
will pick five activities that they enjoy and do one of them each day. Students will record in their
diary what activity they did and for how long. Everyone will share their findings in class. Make
sure you bring your information and be prepared to discuss.

III. In-Class Lesson Study DAY 2

Anticipatory Set- Show students the results from the forum and explain the correct
answer. One by one, each student will present the five activities they found and one
exercise they performed in their journal.

IIII. Purpose:
The purpose is for students to be able to differ what exercises are good and bad for the
cardiorespiratory and why.
V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
Students will be split up into two groups and I will give each group an exercise. They
must come up with a conclusion on why their exercise is the best to increase your
cardiorespiratory system. Give students six minutes to talk in their group. Each group
will have a spokesperson and will talk for the whole group. After both groups share, the
teacher will tell which one is better and why. (10mins)
Briefly go over the correct way to find you pulse and remind students how to calculate.
Make sure everyone understands. Students will be put into groups of three and each
person will jog in place for one minutes. Take their heart rate and calculate. Each person
will walk back and forth for one minutes. Take heart rate and calculate. Students should
record their findings on one piece of paper for their whole group. Give calculators to
students and walk around to make sure their taking their heart rate correctly. Students
should go back to seats when done and wait for teacher. After students are seated, go over
that when your heart rate increases during an exercise that means you are building
endurance. Endurance and strength lead to active lifestyle. (15mins)

VII. Closure/ Conclusion/ Review Learning Outcomes

Formative: Students will write down one exercise they want to do and why it will help their
cardiorespiratory system.

Summative: Students will prepare for a test over the material they we discuss on
cardiorespiratory and exercises.

Authentic: Students will take the exercises they learned about and apply them into their
daily fitness activities.

Reflection and Post- Lesson Analysis

1. How many students achieved the lesson objectives(s)? For those

who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and
ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligence

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