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1. Which of the following are the human central nervous systems?

A. Brain and spinal cord C. Cranial nerves and spinal cord

B. Brain and spinal nerves D. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves

2. What is the peripheral nervous system that connects the brain with the sensory and

internal organs?

A. Synapse

B. Spinal cord

C. Spinal nerves

D. Cranial nerves

3. Which of the following is referred to the messages that travel along neurones?

A. Stimuli

B. Impulse

C. Synapse

D. Neurone

4. The chart shows the flow of impulse in nervous coordination.

Receptor Spinal cord Effector

Which of the following action is related to the chart?

A. Knee jerk

B. Chewing food

C. Reading a book

D. Walking on a rope

5. Which of the following parts of the nervous system receives stimuli and generates

A. Effector

B. Receptor

C. Relay neurone

D. Sensory neurone

6. The diagram shows parts of the human brain.

Which of the following is the function of the part labelled P?

A. Maintains reflex action C. Maintains posture and balance

B. Controls mental function D. Controls breathing and heartbeat

7. Which of the following is the action that is controlled by somatic nervous system?

A. Yawning C. Speaking
B. Knee jerk D. Blinking eyes

8. Which of the following stimulus is received by stretch receptor to generate impulses?

A. A sharp object C. The stretch in muscles

B. Flash of bright light D. Surrounding temperature

9. Which of the following is related to the nerve pathway in a reflex action?

A. Effector C. Impulse
B. Receptor D. Reflex arc
10. Why do surface area of cerebrum and cerebellum have numerous folds?

A. Reduce size of brain

B. Place more neurones
C. Place more hormones
D. Protect the brain from danger

11. What is the organic chemical that carries the information around the body?

A. Impulses C. Neurones
B. Synapses D. Hormones

12. Which of the following endocrine glands is related with the iodine content in the food intake?

A. Pancreas

B. Thyroid gland

C. Adrenal gland

D. Pituitary gland

13. Which of the following is the unit of inheritance found in chromosomes?

A Gene C Gamete
B Sperm D Nucleus

14. What is the function of cell division through meiosis?

A Produces more siblings

B Replaces damaged tissues
C Increases the size of an organism
D Creates variation in a population of organisms

15. A goldfish has 100 chromosomes in each body cell. How many
chromosomes are found in each male gamete?
A 25 C 75
B 50 D 100

16. What is the number of chromosomes found in a female human skin cell?

A 22+ X C 44 +XX
B 22+ Y D 44+XY

17. Which of the following processes in plants involves meiosis?

A Bud growth C Repair of tissue

B Root growth D Formation of pollen

18. Which of the following statements is true about mitosis?

A Occurs in ovary
B Produces gametes
C Produces two daughter nuclei
D Chromosomes number is halved

19. What are dominant genes?

A Cannot reproduce themselves

B Fully express their characteristics
C Do not express their characteristics
D Multiply to produce more daughter cells

20. When can the recessive genes be expressed fully?

A Dominant genes are absent

B Dominant genes are present
C Both dominant and recessive genes are absent
D Both dominant and recessive genes are present

21. Farid who is able to roll his tongue has the genotype Gg. He married Sara who
is also able to roll her tongue and has the genotype Gg. What percentage of their
children will be able to roll their tongues?

A 25% C 75%
B 50% D 100%
22. What determines the gender of a baby ?

A Chromosomes in the ovum

B Type of sex chromosomes in the sperm
C Number of chromosomes in the sperm
D Number of chromosomes in the ovum

23. How are identical twins formed?

A Two ova fertilized by two different sperms

B One ovum fertilized by two different sperms
C Two ova fertilized by one sperm before splitting into two
D One ovum fertilized by one sperm before splitting into two

24. Why can non-identical twins be of different sexes ?

A They arise from the same zygote

B The same sperm fertilizes two different ova
C Two different sperms fertilize two different ova
D Two different sperms fertilize the same ovum

25. Which of the following describes Siamese twins?

A Born separately
B Have different genetic content
C Have underdeveloped body parts
D Identical twins do not separate completely

26. Two children are identical twins. Which of the following characteristic is not common
between them?

A Sex C Blood group

B Height D Ability to roll tongue

27. What is the term used for the sudden and permanent changes in the DNA ?

A Mitosis C Variation
B Mutation D Crossing over
28. What is the term used for the selection of plants or animals of desirable traits?

A Gene screening
B Artificial breeding
C Natural selection
D Selective breeding

29. What is the production of genetically identical individuals called?

A Cloning C Back-crossing
B Breeding D Hybridization

30. Which of the following does not involve genetic engineering?

A Gene therapy for treating cancer

B The production of Tenera oil palm
C The production of insulin by bacteria
D The production of genetically modified food

31. What is the characteristics desired from the genetic research done on plants?

A Matures faster
B Produces less fruit
C Easy to get diseases
D Has short life span

32. When solid iodine is heated in a test tube, it changes into another state. Which of the following is
true about its particles in this state?
A. Very strong forces of attraction between particles
B. The movement of its particles decreases
C. It can easily be compressed
D. The particles vibrate at a fixed position

33. Which of the following has the highest reactivity with water?
A. Potassium
B. Magnesium
C. Argentum
D. Tungsten
34. Which of the following is used as a catalyst in the contact process?

A. Sulphur dioxide

B. Magnesium oxide

C. Aluminium oxide

D. Vanadium (V) oxide

35. Which of the following radioisotopes are used in fertilisers to study the absorption of minerals by


A. Carbon 13

B. Phosphorus 32

C. Cobalt 60

D. Iodine -131

36. Radioactive leakage can cause

A. acid rain

B. the greenhouse effect

C. mutation in humans

D. thinning of the ozone layer

37. What is the use of pewter?

A. To make coins

B. To make ornaments

C. To make table wires

D. To make kitchen utensils

38. Which of the following is a method to make a gold ring unbendable?

A. Add more gold to it

B. Melt the gold ring and remould it

C. Change the shape of the gold ring

D. Melt it and alloy it with other element

39. A driver wants to overtake the car in front of him, takes a quick look at the side mirror.
Which of the following image he has seen?

A. Real and upright

B. Real and inverted
C. Virtual and upright
D. Virtual and inverted

40. Which of the following can formed a real image?

A. A plane mirror
B. A convex lens
C. A concave lens
D. A glass prism

41. Which of the following image cannot be seen on a screen?

A. Real image
B. Virtual images
C. Inverted images
D. Diminished image
42. Which of the following coloured inks are used in colour printing?

A. Red, blue, green and black

B. Blue, green, yellow, and black
C. Cyan, magenta, red and black
D. Magenta, yellow, cyan and black

43. Which of the following is the importance of colours to human being?

A. Helps in pollination
B. Used in electrical wiring
C. As a warning to other animals
D. Enable us to hide from danger
44. Which of the following does not contribute to variation in a species?

A. Binary fission
B. Surrounding temperature
C. Sexual reproduction
D. Genetic mutation

45. During which process below there is a decrease in forces of attraction between particles?

A. Condensation C. Melting
B. Freezing D. Solidification

46. Zinc chloride in solid form does not conduct electricity because

A. The force of attraction between particles are too strong

B. No ions exist in the solid state
C. The ions do not move freely in the solid state
D. Zinc chloride consists of atomic substances

47. The material that has the properties below is

High melting point
A. Sulphur
B. Carbon
C. Lead
D. Chlorine

48. Which of the following is an endothermic reaction?

A. Dissolving solid sodium hydroxide in water

B. Dissolving solid ammonium nitrate in water
C. When acid react with alkali
D. When zinc react with hydrochloric acid

49. The rod that conducts electricity when immersed in the sodium chloride solution in an
electrolytic cell is called

A. An electrode
B. An electrolyte
C. An conductor
D. An anion

50. Which of the following statements is true about radioactive substances?

A. They always undergo spontaneous decay to form more stable elements.

B. They are molecules with unstable nucleus.
C. They cannot be found in nature.
D. All radioactive substances can emit three types of radiation at the same time.

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