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Re-familiarize yourself with the standards

Revisit the standards you are addressing in your lessons. Base the teaching on the
students being able to master this concept. Set your lesson to include skills that
students must have in order to be able to master the standard.

Differentiate for all learners

The goal is for all students to learn through the material and activities presented in
each lesson. Information should be presented in multiple ways in order for all
learners to access the information. The curriculum designed should allow for
variation in order to challenge the advanced learners and allow for remediation for
the struggling learners.

Section Lesson

When there are multiple standards and concepts being addressed in a lesson, it is
best to break the lesson down into different parts rather than rushing to complete
the lesson during the particular time period. Having the lesson broken down into
multiple sections allows students to explore a concept thoroughly through various
practices. The student becomes an expert and the concept being presented rather
than struggling to understand multiple concepts at a lower level.

Every Teacher is an ELA Teacher

As teachers, especially those who are subject specific, we often do not see
ourselves as reading teachers. In fact, we are all reading teachers. In every
subject matter, reading is a key component that students use during daily
instruction. Every teacher should work on assisting students in reading and
language art elements. Assisting students in this area will help them in all
their academic classes.

Move students in the direction of reasoning

Students are often in the habit of memorizing information in order to

regurgitate the information on the assessment. As teachers we have to push
our students to move into a new direction towards critical thinking. Instead of
students just memorizing information, they should understand the
information. When they understand the information they are able to apply
their knowledge to an activity or assignment that requires higher level

Cross-curricular concepts
Although we teach one subject, what students learn can be applied to other
subject areas. When we bring concepts into other subjects it helps students
to access their prior knowledge and allows the students further opportunity
to apply their knowledge into a new situation.

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