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Instruction for use of IITPAVE software for design of Flexible

Pavements as per IRC: 37

i. Open the folder IRC_37_IITPAVE.

ii. Double-click IITPAVE_EX_Start file in the IRC_37_IITPAVE folder. This is

an executable jar file. A home screen will appear.

iii. From the Home screen user can manually give input through input window by
clicking on Design New Pavement Section. User can also give input
through properly formatted input file by clicking on Edit Existing File option
then browsing and opening the input file.

iv. Next an input window will come. All the inputs required have to be given
through that input window.

v. First, number of layers to be selected from drop down menu to fix up input
boxes for different layer.

vi. Next, Elastic modulus (E) values of the various layers in MPa, Poissons
ratio and thickness of the layers in mm excluding the subgrade thickness are to
be provided.

vii. Single wheel load and the tyre pressure are to be provided (tyre pressure of
0.56 MPa has been used for calibration of the fatigue equation and the
same pressure can be used for stress analysis. Change of pressure even up
to 0.80 MPa has a small effect upon stress values in lower layers.)

viii. Then the number of points for stress computations is to be given through
the drop down menu for Analysis points.

ix. Then corresponding to different points, the values of depth Z in mm and the
corresponding value of radial distances from wheel centre (r) in mm are to
be given (wheels centre to centre distance of 310 mm is consider).

x. Provide whether analysis is for single wheel load or double wheel load by
clicking 1 0r 2. 2 will be the most common case.

xi. The output of the programme will provide stresses, strains and deflections at
the desired points. Next check if the computed strains are less than the
permissible strain in the VIEW HERE icon. If not, then c l i c k B A C K T O
E D I T a n d run the program with a new thickness combination till the
permissible strain values are achieved. epT, epR and epZ will be the outputs
that will of interest. For cemented base, tensile stress at the bottom of the
cemented layer SigmaT / SigmaR are needed for cumulative fatigue
damage analysis.

xii. In most cases the tensile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layer is
higher in the longitudinal direction (epT) rather than in radial direction (epR). If
tensile strain in the bituminous layer is high, increase the thickness of the
bituminous layer.

xiii. Tensile strains in the cementitious bases also are to be computed for
design. If the tensile strain/stress in the cemented layer is higher, increase
the thickness of the cemented layer

xiv. Vertical subgrade strain (epZ) should be less than the permissible value for
the design traffic. If the vertical subgrade strain is higher, increase the
thickness of subbase layer

xv. Stress values can also be easily computed by changing directly the input
file which is to be written in a format as illustrated in the manual and browse
the input file by clicking Edit Existing File on home screen of IITPAVE.
Description of the different Windows
Figures 1,2,3,4 and 5 shows respectively (i) the HOME window of IITPAVE (ii)
Input window for design of new pavement section (iii) View results window (iv) the
window for the format of the input data from existing files by clicking EDIT EXISTING
FILE on the Home Page and browsing. All blank spaces in Figure 2 get filled up. (v)
the Output file which is to be saved by clicking File and clicking Save As.

Notations used in that output file are discussed below:

SL. NO Definition Symbol

1. Poissons ratio

2. Depth in mm Z

3. Radial distance in mm R
4. Vertical stress (MPa), SigmaZ z
5. Tangential stress (MPa), SigmaT t
6. Radial stress (MPa),SigmaR r
7. Shear stress (MPa),TaoRZ rz
8. Surface deflection in mm, DispZ W
9. Vertical strain, epZ z
10. Tangential strain, epT t
11. Radial strain, epR r
Figure 1

Figure 2
Figure 3


Figure 4

Figure 5

This software can be run in Windows XP, Windows Vista (32Bit) and Windows 7
(32Bit) and 64 Bit operating system environment.

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