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Radiation Safety

1. If an individual is 32 years old on June 1, 2017, what is the maximum permissible

lifetime dose allowed under the NCRP radiation banking concept through July 1,
a. 70 rem
b. 68.5 rem
c. 260 rem
d. 90 rem
2. By regulation, a sealed source of radioactive material is considered leaking
when the amount of removable contamination reaches:
a. 0.005 Ci
b. 0.100 Ci
c. 0.050 Ci
d. 1.000 Ci

3. Which one of the following radioisotopes is not naturally occurring?

a. Cs-137
b. Ra-226
c. K-40
d. C-14
4. Which of the following human cell categories is the most sensitive to radiation
a. Granulocytes
b. Muscle cells
c. Basal cells
d. Lymphocytes
5. If a radiation exposure of 5.8 R is received by an individual during an incident,
what is the individuals dose equivalent?
a. 5.8 rem
b. 2.9 rem
c. 23.2 rad
d. 11.6 rem
6. If an exposure of approximately 300 rem of gamma radiation was received to the
whole body of an individual, which one of the following would not be likely?
a. White cell count increase
b. Vomiting
c. Diarthea
d. Death

Ans: 1 a 2a 3a 4d 5a 6-d

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