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General Santos Hope Christian School

Block 8, Dadiangas Heights

General Santos City

Fourth Quarter Examination

Grade 9 Psalms and Proverbs
SY: 2016 2017

Name: ____________________________ Score: _________

Teacher: Rogelio B. Pontejo

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Identify the choice that best completes the statement.
Write the letter of your choice in the space provided before each item.

______ 1. Why does magma flow upward toward the earths surface?

A. It is less dense than the solid rock that surrounds it.

B. It is denser than the solid rock that surrounds it.
C. It is hotter.
D. It has less pressure.

______ 2. When magma reaches the earths surface, it is called:

A. rock B. lava C. caldera D. magma

______ 3. What is the opening in the crust called where magma breaks through?

A. a volcano C. a subduction zone

B. a vent D. a magma chamber
______ 4. The very large, bowl-shaped depression on top of a volcano is called a:
A. vent B. crater lake C. caldera D. mid-ocean ridge
______ 5. What two things affect a volcanos shape?

A. the material that forms the volcano, and how violent the eruption is
B. the number of eruptions, and how many years apart they are
C. the temperature outside, and the temperature of the magma
D. the size of the magma chamber beneath, and the pressure of the magma

______ 6. The three types of volcanoes are cinder-cone, shield, and:

A. vent B. caldera C. composite D. viscosity

______ 7. A volcano formed from a violent eruption, with a narrow base and steep
sides, is called a:
A. shield volcano C. composite volcano
B. cinder-cone volcano D. caldera volcano

______ 8. The largest volcanoes, which usually have quiet eruptions, are:

A. cinder-cone B. shield C. composite D. vent

______ 9. Solid particles that spew from a volcano are called:

A. pyroclastic flows B. plutons C. lava D. tephra

______ 10. A soupy mixture of gas, ash, and other tephra is called:

A. pyroclastic flow B. lava C. iron D. silica

______ 11. Magma forces its way into the overlying rock. This process is called:

A. eruption B. intrusion C. fissures D. a volcano

______ 12. Rock bodies that are formed from intrusive activities are called:

A. plutons B. volcanoes C. fissures D. magma

______ 13. Dikes form almost vertically, while sills form:

A. horizontally C. at shallow depths

B. mushroom-shaped D. on the surface

______14. Which type of energy transfer occurs between two substances in direct
physical contact

A. Radiation B. Circulation C. Conduction D. Convection

______ 15. Which two gases make up 99 percent of Earths atmosphere?

A. Argon and nitrogen C. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

B. Nitrogen and oxygen D. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen

______ 16. Which is the most abundant greenhouse gas in Earths atmosphere?

A. Ozone B. Nitrogen C. Methane D. Water vapour

______ 17. Which greenhouse gas is produced only through human activity and no
natural sources?

A. Ozone B. Nitrogen C. Methane D. Halocarbons

______ 18. Which factor causes the concentration of water vapour in the atmosphere to

A. Condensation

B. Rising temperatures
C. Anthropogenic activities
D. Decrease in the atmospheric concentration of halocarbons
E. Decrease in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide

______ 19. Which type of energy transfer occurs as energy travels from the Sun to

A. Radiation B. Circulation C. Conduction D. Convection

______ 20. Which of these was the definition of constellation recommended in class?

A. A group of stars that mark lines of right ascension and declination

B. A group of stars that are fairly close together in space
C. A region on the ecliptic, marking where the Sun is in some month
D. A set of stars forming a pattern-in-the-sky that can be remembered
______ 21. Where was the Sun in Ptolemy's model of the universe?

A. at the center
B. slightly offset from the center
C. between Earth and the Moon's orbit
D. between the orbits of Venus and Mars
E. at the outer edge, beyond Saturn's orbit

______22. How would you describe the stars of a constellation?

A. in the same cluster C. equally bright

B. Copernican D. none of these

______23. Which is NOT a constellation?

A. Magellanic cloud B. Cepheus C. Cassiopeia D. Great Bear

______ 24. What begins as a nebula contract?

A. Main sequencing B. supernova C. fusion D. a white dwarf

_______ 25. Which among these stars is nearest to Earth?

A. Antares B. Proxima Centauri C. Rigel D. Vega

II. MATCHING TYPE: Match the items in column A with the items in column B. Write
the letter of your choice in the space provided before each item in Column B.


A. Does not experience extremes of

temperature and precipitation. ______ 26. Biodiversity
B. About 71% of Earth and has the capacity depletion
to absorb about twice as much of the suns
radiation. ______ 27. Carbon sink
C. Anything that absorbs more carbon that it
released ______ 28. CFCs
D. Produced by rice cultivation, cattle and
______29. Constellation
sheep ranching, and by decaying
materials in landfill. ______ 30. Methane
E. Organic compounds that contains carbon,
, chlorine and fluorine. ______ 31. Nitrous oxide
F. Used as oxidizer in rocketry and motor
racing ______ 32. Ocean current
G. Extinction of golden toad.
H. Main drivers of sea-level rise. _______33. Polaris
I. Lies about 1o off to the side of the Earths
north celestial pole. ______ 34. Shrinking Ice sheets
J. Indicate
SCIENCE 9 the general directions in the sky. 3
K. It is located more than 2.2 million ______ 35. Temperate
lightyears from the Earth.
III. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the given statement is true and
change the underlined word/s if it is false. Write the answer in the space
provided before each item.

________ 36. Open clusters and young stars are generally found only in the disk of the
galaxy and not in the halo.
________ 37. Observing the galaxy at radio wavelengths allows us to see beyond the
dust in the disk of the galaxy that obscures our view.
_______ 38. The Greater Magellanic Cloud looks the same in X - rays as it does at
infrared wavelengths.
_______ 39. Shapley used the distribution of globular clusters in the galaxy to
determine that the Earth was not at the center of the Milky Way. Sun
_______ 40. Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were made inside

_______ 41. Most of the current star formation in the Milky Way occurs in the center
_______ 42. The Sun's location in the Milky Way Galaxy is in the galactic disk, roughly
halfway between the center and the outer edge of the disk.
_______ 43. A star-gas-star cycle is the continuous recycling of gas in the galactic disk
between stars and the interstellar medium.
_______ 44. The most common form of gas in the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy is
atomic helium gas.

_______ 45. Sound waves in space travel much slower than sound on Earth but have
such low density that they are inaudible.

_______ 46. X - rays have shorter wavelength and higher energy than ultraviolet rays.

______ 47. Viscosity increases as temperature increases.

_______48.A dike forms when magma forces itself between rock layers and hardens.

_______49. Ash, cinders, and bombs build up in a steep pile to form cinder cone

______ 50. Volcanoes that form along a mid-ocean ridge occur at a(n) diverging plate
boundary. _________________________

_______ 51.Dissolved minerals trapped in magma under tremendous pressure provide

the force for a volcanic eruption.

_______ 52. A pyroclastic flow typically occurs during a(n) quiet eruption.

_______ 53.A(n) dormant volcano is erupting or may erupt in the near future.

_______ 54. Magma sometimes forces its way out of the side of a volcano through a(n)

______ 55. During a quiet eruption, a(n) lava flow may set fire to and then bury
everything in its path.


56 60. How do volcanoes influence economic and industrial development? Explain.

61 65. How do cities alter weather and climate? How do weather and climate
influence the way people live?

66 70. How do stars generate their light and heat energy? Describe the process.

71 75.How does constellation help scientific development?



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