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Stratford International School

First Grading Examination

Earth and Life Science
Grade 12 TVL- Franklin


General Instruction. Read carefully and select the best response. Strictly NO erasures allowed.
I. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, and write False if it is wrong.

_____ 1. Orbits of the planets are on the same plane.

_____ 2. In the solar system, the planets known as the giant planets also known as the outer
_____ 3. The sun rotates around the Earth.
_____ 4. The universe is at least 4.5-4.6 billion years old.
_____ 5. Rotation is when a planet or moon turns all the way around or spins on its axis one
_____ 6. Most meteor burn up in the atmosphere. People call them shooting stars.
_____7. Jovian planets are terrestrial planets.
_____8. The present atmosphere is composed of 78% Oxygen.
_____9. Thermosphere is the layer of the Earth where satellites occur.
_____10. Rocks are recycled.
_____11. Magma is a molten rock material beneath the surface of the Earth.
_____12. Talc is the hardest mineral.
_____13. Stalagmite is the cave formation that hangs from the ceiling.
_____14. Rocks of different composition weather at different rates.
_____15. Alternating hot and cold temperatures increase the rate of chemical weathering.
_____16. A physical and chemical disintegration and decomposition of rocks and minerals to
produce the earth’s crust including the soil is called erosion.
_____17. The name of the supercontinent identified by Alfred Wegener is Pangea.
_____18. Continent to oceanic crust collision forms subduction.
_____19. Marker fossils are certain fossils that can identify a span of geologic time or
_____20. Paleozoic means ‘Future Life’.

II. Matching Type. Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer. (2 points

_____1. The planet that is most like the Earth. A. Mars
_____2. The planet known for its Great Red Spot. B. Mercury
_____3. The planet which has the most violent weather. C. Neptune
_____4. The planet closest to the Sun D. Jupiter
_____5. The planet where man can survive in his natural state. E. Earth
_____6. The planet known as the ringed planet F. Uranus
G. Saturn
_____7. Stratosphere H. Hydrosphere
_____8. Alligator I. Biosphere
_____9. Ocean J. Atmosphere
_____10. Crust K. Lithosphere
L. Cryosphere

III. Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. What layer that makes up most of the Earth’s volume?
A. Mantle C. Magma
B. Crust D. Core

_____2. What is a lithosphere?

A. The bottom of the mantle. C. The crust and the top
B. The middle of the mantle. mantle.
D. Just the top of the crust.
____3. Which layer produces the Earth’s magnetic field?
A. Crust C. Mantle
B. Inner core D. Outer core
____4. A rock sample show shell pieces in it. What type of rock does it belong?
A. Igneous C. Sedimentary
B. Metamorphic D. None of the above
____5. Which of these rocks is an igneous rock?
A. Marble C. Granite
B. Limestone D. Conglomerate
____6. Which metamorphic rock is formed from the limestone?
A. Slate C. Marble
B. Shale D. Gabbro
____7. If you live in areas near volcanoes, which type of rock would likely to be found in
the area?
A. Igneous C. Metamorphic
B. Sedimentary D. Porous
____8. How do igneous intrusive rocks form?
A. As a result of increasing heat and directed pressure
B. From magma that cools and hardens deep within the earth’s crust.
C. From magma that are erupted, cools and hardens onto the earth’s surface.
D. Made from fragments of rocks, sand, mud and other materials carried by
stream into lakes.
____9. In which type of environment would you most likely to observe wind
A. A hot desert C. A high mountain
B. A thick forest D. A rocky seashore
____10. Which is the correct order of the different types of magma with lowest to highest
silica content?
A. Felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic
B. Felsic, mafic, intermediate, ultramafic
C. Ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, felsic
D. Mafic, ultramafic, intermediate, felsic
____11. Which of the following is the world’s longest mountain range?
A. Caledonides C. Marianas Trench
B. Himalayas D. Mid-oceanic Ridge
____12. Which is the section of a continent that lies just off the shoreline and extends
beneath the ocean?
A. Basin C. Ridge
B. Plain D. Shelf
____13. Which of the following structures can withstand ground shaking assuming they
are all in the fault line.
A. Low rise building D. Both medium and high
B. High rise building rise building
C. Medium rise building
____14. Which of the following factors does not trigger landslide?
A. Volcanic activity C. Steepness of the slope
B. Thick vegetation D. Ground shaking due to
____15. Drinking flood contaminated water causes?
A. Diarrhea C. Blood infection
B. Flu D. Pneumonia

____16. Government can effectively mitigate economic losses due to typhoons by?
A. Distributing flood resistant rice varieties.
B. Intensifying distribution of food packs to affected residents.
C. Invest in educating the people about the hazards due to typhoon.
D. Building typhoon-resistant bridges, school buildings and other public
____17. One of the hazards of typhoon is?
A. Flying debris due to C. Mudslide
strong wind. D. All of the above
B. Uprooted trees blocking
____18. To effectively reduce CO2 emission in the atmosphere without compromising
economic development, countries around the world should?
A. Reduce energy demand
B. Reduce population growth
C. Reduce energy requirement from fossil fuels
D. Switch to renewable energy sources like wind, solar and geothermal
____19. Climate change is partly due to natural causes. Which of the following is
NOT one of them?
A. Volcanic eruptions D. Variation in Sun’s energy
B. Burning fossil fuels output.
C. Slight change in Earth’s

____20. What part of the human body is heavily damaged when exposed to high
concentration of volcanic gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride?
A. Eyes D. All of the above
B. Mucous membrane
C. Lungs

IV. Identification. Write the word that is being described in the sentences.
_______________ 1. This means “all land” in Greek.
_______________2. The color of a mineral in powdered form.
_______________3. A chemical weathering process where molecules of some substance in
rocks chemically combine with water molecules.
_______________4. The transformational processes that change rocks from one kind to another.
_______________5. The light colored and coarse-grained igneous rocks in the crust used in
kitchen counter tops.
_______________6. Formulated by Friedrich Mohs that compares the resistance of a mineral
relative to the 10 reference minerals with known hardness.
_______________7. A type of deformation where the shape by a very small amount in response
to the stress. This is reversible, the rock can return to its original shape.
_______________8. The hottest and fastest moving type of magma.
_______________9. The downward folding of the rocks.
______________10. The upward folding of the rocks.
______________11. The Earth’s crust is divided into how many tectonic plates that moves in
various directions.
______________12. The evidence that the seafloor is spreading.
______________13. The other name for the layers in the sedimentary rocks.
______________14. Fossils that are distinctive, easily recognizable, abundant, and widely
distributed and have lived only for a short duration of time.
______________15. The largest division in the geological time scale equal to a billion of years.

V. Enumeration.
The Earth’s Subsystem.
Types of Rocks

Types of Magma
8. ___________________________
9. ___________________________
11. __________________________
The four basic principles in the Stratigraphic Laws
14. __________________________________________________________

VI. Essay (5 points each)

1. Briefly explain how does the Earth’s subsystems interact with one another.

2. Discuss the Rock Cycle.


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