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Gua de Act. 3

Writing Assignment

Yomaira Polo

Gloria Yaneth Muoz

Eleazar Velasquez

Aguachica, Cesar

16 de Junio de 2016
En este trabajo se podr encontrar diferentes tipos de actividades donde se
pueden ver lo que hemos visto a lo largo del curso, mayormente vocabulario.

Creacin de una caricatura: Hecha en

Creacin de un dilogo:
There was once a child very very small that had been bred by ants. Even as a baby his
parents died in a plane crash and as it was so small, such as a grain of rice, the family
decided to leave it in half remaining of a large forest where he met his second family, the
The years went by and the child who was once very small grew and became a very large
young to be able to live with the ants but still very small to coexist with humans that once
abandoned it. The child called Kemi, is sad sitting outside of his house while thinks to
where you could go.
In another place not far away are his family of ants building a giant house where they plan
to move with Kemi, them even though they know that Kemi is growing and is larger than
the ants, do not want to leave or leave it that he will go to who knows where, for that reason
they are building a place where everyone can be happy.
Kemi without knowing this, decides to leave the other side of the forest where are the most
dangerous animals, there are lions and tigers and bears. To hear this ants leave quickly from
the home to Kemi and decide to go against them. Meanwhile Kemi sees a little bear,
perhaps its stature who is sitting sad beside a lake:
- What are you doing here? - I ask him to bear.
- For being so small the other bears do not leave me to play with them.
- Do not worry the stature is no problem, don't be depressed.
- Thanks, is truth. I will say that I no longer play and if they say no, I will not beat.
- This is so. Fighting - you cry Kemi to teddy while this ran toward the other bears.
I will come back where my true family ants, thought as he walked back to his house, I
would not let my height determine with whom I should be, I love you and they love me to
me, so I will be with them always no matter how to grow. While he thought this ants found
him and shouted at him to which was not out and be with them always in the house they
had built, Kemi was very happy and I accept to live there.
All in the forest, after learning about the history, they realized that the physical is not an
impediment to be happy or to be with whom we love and that we have to accept ourselves
as we are.
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