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One of the most seen problems in schools these days is the lack of motivation in students for the

differents subjects and to fix this the performance of the teacher in the classroom is just as
important as the performance of an actor in Broadway. The teacher is the element that guide
through knowledge and is him the conduit of learning, which involves every one of the students,
and to make this possible the innovations in teaching methods are indispensable.

The apathy that some students demonstrate during its course in school are transformed into
fascination when the teacher gives a glimpse of the existing romance in the subject, if the teacher
transmit the enthusiasm correctly it can change the landscape for students and begin to see a fun
and innovative class where before there was only a lecture.

Rejection of the predesigned tools that dull the autonomy by the teacher and the creation, from a
new perspective, own teaching materials designed for specific context and classes, helps to
establish a committed relationship from the two parties, the students and the teacher, in where it
is not only learning for obligation but that the interest in the subject can have a major role as

The interest is created from the entertainment and enjoyment, concepts that many teachers have
made enemies of knowledge and school; thinking that only the transfer of traditional knowledge
is valid, it is the easiest route to destroy all enthusiasm that had been able to grow. The
relationship between the purpose that leads students to act, their feelings and intellectual
knowledge must be balanced to achieve the growth of student enthusiasm.

Censorship given to many issues that bother students is counterproductive, leaving the comfort
zone is what helps students understand beyond their basic knowledge and gets them closer to a
conflict of knowledge that opens the way to autonomous learning. The school gives constant
challenges and for this reason is often uncomfortable, but it is not always a bad thing.

Finally, it can be understood that the performance of a teacher in the classroom is not only the
transport of knowledge, but on how to make these interesting and attractive in a changing society
and students increasingly modern and everyday more discouraged by traditional classes.

Natalia Aldana, Cristian Mndez, Paula Prado, Alejandra Ramrez, Edgar Suelta.
Grupo 15.

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