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A volcano is a mountain with a large opening at the top.

Gases and lava are forced out into the air through the opening.

Volcanoes happen because the Earth is inside.

The heat gets too hot and erupts lava through the opening of the volcano.

Mount St. Helens

Mount Pinatubo Mount Vesuvius
Mount St. Helens in the Mount Pinatubo located Mount Vesuvius in Italy is
United States of America in the Philippines erupted the only active volcano in
erupted in 1980. The in 1991. It was the most Europe. It erupted in
eruption was most devastating of the 20th AD79 and buried a city
amazing thing ever seen. century. An ash cloud called Pompeii.
A cloud of ash that grew rose 40 kilometres high. Thousands of people did
6,000 metres tall covered Hundreds lost their lives as they ran away to save
the sky. The volcano and thousands lost their their lives. Archaeologists
exploded sideways and home. found remains of people
travelled up to 30 and animals under the

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