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Vol. 80, 1985, pp. 294-306

The WaziristanOphiolite, Pakistan:General Geologyand Chemistry

of Chromite and Associated Phases

N.C.E. Department of Geology,Universityof Peshawar,Peshawar,Pakistan

Departmentof Geology,Universityof Leicester,LeicesterLE1 7RH, UnitedKingdom


GeologicalSurveyof Pakistan,Peshawar,Pakistan


The Waziristan complex, coveringover500 km2, wastectonically emplaced duringthe

Paleocene to earlyEocene.It consists of ultramaficrocks,gabbros,sheeteddikes,pillow
lavas,andpelagicsediments--atypicalophiolitesuite.However,a completesequence does
not occurin any singlelocalitydue to tectonicdismemberment. The podiformchromitites
consistof aluminochromite (Cr203:49-61%)with subordinate chromianchloriteand/or
chromian serpentine + magnetite. In Cr-A1-Fe+3+ Ti spacethe chromites plotin the area
of alpinechromites, but on otherdiagrams theyoverlapthe fieldsof chromites
and stratiformcomplexes. Many chromitesare zonedwith "ferrit-chromit"marginsricher
in Cr/(Cr + A1)andpoorerin Mg/(Mg + Fe+2)thanthe unalteredcores.The chloritesare
generallyrich in SiO2andMgO andpoorin A12Oa.It appearsthat duringgreenschist facies
metamorphism (or alteration)diffusionof Mg, A1,andsomeCr fromthe chromitemargins
towardthe silicatematrix resultedin the developmentof ferrit-chromitand chlorite.

Introduction The entire Waziristan ophiolite belt displaysa

complexstructure (Fig. 2). The rocks are generally
OF the six major ophiolitesof Pakistan,the Wazir- intensely thrusted, folded, faulted, and in places,
istancomplexis the third mostextensiveafter those fractured,brecciated,and granulated.Deformation
of Zhob and Bela (see maps of Bakr and Jackson, has dismemberedthe ophiolite which now consists
1964; Kazmi and Rana, 1982). The Malakhand (or of a chaoticallyarrangedstack of thrust slices;a
Sakhakot-Qila) ophiolite (Fig. 1) is described by complete normal-order sequenceis nowhere pre-
Ahmed and Hall (1984). The Waziristan ophiolite served.However, all the membersof a typical ophi-
occupiesabout half the Boya-Razmakarea recently olite (ultramaficrocks,gabbros,sheeteddikes,pillow
investigatedby Khan et al. (1982); the ophiolite lava, pelagic sediment, and plagiogranite (tron-
extendsfarther toward Afghanistan;this is a very dhjemite)) are present in different localities (see
remote area of Pakistan(Fig. 1). The sedimentary Fig. 3). Pillowlavasare not presentalongthe section
rocksassociatedwith the ophiolite are Mesozoicand in Figure 3 and plagiograniteshave not yet been
early Tertiary in age, and are locally covered by mapped as a separateunit.
Quaternary deposits.The ophiolitic rocks occur in The ophiolitebelt is interestingfrom an economic
thrust sliceswhich have overridenlargely Jurassic point of view. Extensivecopper mineralizationis
to Cretaceous calcareous sediments of the Indo- under detailed investigationby the FATA Devel-
Pakistanplate. Eocenesediments,mostlylimestones opmentCorporationand chromititelensesassociated
and shales with a red-oxidized zone toward their with the ultramafic rocks have long been known.
base, overlie the ophiolitic rocks unconformably. Khan et al. (1982) report manganeseoccurrences,
Thus the ophiolitewastectonicallyemplacedin the with nodulesup to 20 cm acrossand lensesup to 8
Paleoceneto early Eocene. This age is similar to m thick and magnesiteveins up to 1.5 m thick and
that of the Zhob (Ahmedand Abbas,1979; Allemann, 70 m long. No mineralogicalor petrologicalstudies
1979) and Bela ophiolites (Dejong and Subhani, of the ophiolite have yet been made. In this paper,
1979). we describethe general geology and petrography

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of the main units, togetherwith the mineralchem- forminga persistentunit, is mediumto thickbedded
istry of the chromitites.The mineralanalyseswere and fine to coarsegrainedwith a black color due to
performedon a CambridgeInstrumentsMicroscan desert varnish. The assignmentof a Jurassicto
5 microprobeusingan energydispersivesystemat Cretaceous ageto theserocksisbasedon lithological
the Universityof Leicester. similaritieswith the knownrocksof this age else-
where in the region. These rocks occur in the
Geologyand Petrology easternpart of the area.They formedon the stable
continentalmarginof the Indo-Pakistanplate.
In the Boya-Razmakareathe followingsequence
by Khanet al. (1982): The ophiolitecomplex
Quaternary Channel,piedmont,and stream The dismemberedophiolitecomplexoccupiesan
deposits areaof 30 X 25 km (Fig. 2). Ultramaficrocksinclude
......... Unconformity..........
Eocene Limestone and shale harzburgite, dunitc, and pyroxenite. About half of
......... Unconformity .......... the harzburgiteand dunitc has been convertedto
Pelagicsediments serpentinite.The Waziristan ultramaficsbelong to
Ophiolite Volcanic flows and breccias the harzburgite subtype of Jacksonand Thayer
Paleocene complex Sheeteddike swarm
age) Marieplutonicrocks (1972). Like ultramafics
of the ZhobValley (Bilgrami,
Ultramafic rocks 1964; Ahmed and Abbas, 1979) and Jijal (Jan and
......... Unconformity .......... Howie, 1981) complexes,the rocks are generally
Cretaceous Limestone,shale,and sandstone medium grained and commonly display deforma-
tional features and cataclastic fabrics. The harzbur-
gite is dark green and consistsof olivine (Fo9•) and
Jurassicto Cretaceous (undifferentiated) sediments enstatite (En91;A12Oa,1.6%), with accessorychro-
mite and secondaryserpentine+ chlorite and mag-
These include limestones,shales,and sandstones netite (seeanalysesof sample80-12 in Tables 1 and
(in decreasingorder of abundance)that have a 3 for details).Serpentine,with reddishFe oxide-
generalnortheasternstrike and westerlydip. The hydroxide,has formed more readily from olivine
limestones are gray,fine grained,in placesoolitic, than orthopyroxene,but it also occursalong late
mediumto thickbedded,and sparselyfossiliferous. fractures. In the less altered rocks, olivine and
The shalesare grayto black,thin to mediumbedded, pyroxene occur as relics in serpentine, whereas in
andcalcareous, withbandsof ferruginous claystonesthe intensely serpentinizedrocks there are only
varyingin thicknessfrom 2 to 9 cm. The sandstone, pseudomorphs of theseminerals,alongwith chromite
and abundant secondarymagnetite. Some of the
harzburgitesalso contain minor plagioclase.The
dunitc, usuallyoccurringas layersand lensesin the
70 ø 72 ø 74 ø 76 ø
i I I harzburgite, is brownish, contains chromite as a

sporadicaccessory,and is much less abundantthan

the harzburgite.In thin sectionthe olivine is strained
and replaced by serpentinealong many fractures.
The pyroxenite dikes are generally composedof
36 ø_ orthopyroxenewith or without diopsideand olivine.
The feldspathicplutonicrockswhich are of limited
extent, are mostly gabbros;a few range from leu-
cogabbro to anorthosite.Ultramafic rocks are in-
truded by gabbroswhich are medium to coarse
34 ø-
grained, dull green, and are composedprincipally
of calcicplagioclase,augiticpyroxene,opaqueoxides,
and locally, olivine. Some rocks are substantially
altered;completelysaussuritized plagioclasecontains
small grainsof epidote and white mica, the clino-
pyroxene(30%) hasa spongyappearancewith about
8 percent green hornblende,and orthopyroxeneor
olivine is completely serpentinized.The rocks also
FIG. 1. Geologicsketchmap of northernPakistanshowing contain thick fractures with serpentine and talc
the locationof the Waziristanophiolitein the belt of thrusted infill. The anorthositicrocksare composed of plagio-
Tethyan sediments. clasewith minor poikilitic clinopyroxene,and sub-

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69 ø 40' 70 ø O'

v ' ,• •'•- • ß ' X' 6• --

v v ' ,,' v

v v v • v •
v '
v v• •V/j .•o•.• • vo•.,••o•
v •4a•l • , '
v v ......
V V//•UiDA:

• •R
,, v j• JURASSIC.
v v v v v•
32ø 40•
i 5Km
•C. g. Geologicm•p o[ the W•zirist•nophio[ite.The pusRicho[ the crosssectiono[ Figure3
is indicated.

ordinate opaquegrainsand chloritized (?) olivine. consistingof abundantactinolite-tremolite,chlorite,

Electron microprobe analysesof minerals in anor- albitic plagioclase,epidote, quartz, carbonate,and
thositeare givenin Table 2. The plagioclase
is zoned opaquegrains.The preciseparentageof theserocks
bytownite (An75.4)with an anorthitecontentof 77.1 is not clearly understood,but they are probably
in the core and 73.3 in the margin.An interesting sheeteddikesthat have undergonelow-grademeta-
feature of the analysisis that the K•O content of morphism.
the core is abouttwice as high as in the margin. Volcanic rocks make up more than half the area
The clinopyroxeneis diopside (Mg = 45.6, Fe of the ophiolite. They are more extensivetoward
= 7.9, Ca -- 46.5) with 3.3 percent AlsO3and 0.4 the south where the terrain has not been deeply
percent MnO. eroded. The rocks are brown to green and are
The sheeteddike swarmis recognizableat many dominatedby flows with commonpillows. Minor
localities,but the mostdistinctexposures are to the agglomerates-breccias containfragmentsof volcanic
north of Datta Khel. Distinct white-graydikes are rocks,ultramaficrocks,dolerite,jasperite,limestone,
visible on aerial photos.They are fine to medium and diorite. Tuffaceous rocks are subordinate. The
grained,mostlybetween i and 10 m thick and may pillows have circular, oval, or elongate shapesand
have chilled marginswhich are asymmetrical(i.e., the crustandcoreare easilyrecognizable.The crust
one margin is better developedthan the other), as of the pillowsis i to 4 cm thick, fine grained,hard,
in the Troodosophiolite on Cyprus (Gass,1980). brown to greenishbrown and has a desert varnish
The rocksare greenishin color,doleriticin texture, on weatheredsurfaces.The core is coarsergrained
and usuallycontaina high proportionof ferromag- and basaltic,occasionallycontainingcoarselycrys-
nesianminerals.They arehypidiomorphic andconsist talline quartz infilling radial cracks.The rocks are
of labradorite,augiticclinopyroxene(locallyophi- generallyporphyriticand intergranularin texture;
tic), brownto greenpleochroichornblende,ilmenite, the matrix in agglomeratesmay be flow aligned or
variableamountsof serpentineand/or chlorite, and tuffaceous.They are generally composedof labra-
in places,tremolite-actinoliteveins.Somerocksare doriticplagioclasewith abundantaugiticclinopyrox-
amphibolitizedwith a greenschist faciesassemblage ene andopaqueoxide.Secondarychlorite,actinolite,



OFSECTION / D.... • /•
W ""'" •-'v • • -"•'
, .v v v . MAFIC RO

; I

FIG. 3. East-westcrosssectionof the Waziristanophiolite.For positionseeFigure 2.

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TABLE1. Microprobe Analysesof Olivine and Orthopyroxene length traverse the volcanicsirregularly, and they
from Harzburgite Sample 80-12
are commonlyassociated with copper mineralization.
These dikes have not been studied in detail, but
Olivine Orthopyroxene
some are trondhjemitic with sodic plagioclaseand
Olivine Orthopyroxene Ions on a 4 and 6 (O) quartz, and tracesof ilmenite, secondaryepidote,
(3) (1) basis,respectively
and white mica;someare calc-alkalineand rhyolitic
SiO,2 40.33 56.23 Si 1.000 1.962 to rhyodacitic.Badshah(1983) alsorecognizedcalc-
TiO,2 0.01 0.00 AI 0.001 0.067 alkaline plutonic and volcanicrocks in the area. It
Al•O,s 0.05 1.65 Ti 0.000 0.000 is not yet clear whether they are relatedto the calc-
Cr.203 0.00 0.48 Cr 0.000 0.013
FeO 8.96 5.92 Fe +• 0.186 0.173
alkaline magmatism.
MnO 0.10 0.03 Mn 0.002 0.001 Pelagicsedimentsoverlie the volcanicsand other
MgO 48.53 33.41 Mg 1.794 1.738 membersmostlywith tectonic contacts.They com-
CaO 0.04 0.85 Ca 0.001 0.032 prisechertyshalesandlimestones. Cherty bandsof
Na,20 0.28 0.22 Na 0.013 0.015
variablelengthup to 0.3 m thick are common,often
K.20 0.01 0.01 K 0.000 0.000
NiO 0.36 0.22 Ni 0.022 0.006
containingpoorly developedradiolarianimprints in
Z 1.00 2.00 a matrix of chalcedony.Somethin sectionsdisplay
98.67 99.02 X(Y) 2.02 2.01 roundedradiolarianimprints(with fibrousradiating
margins),spongespicules,and quartz q- chalcedony
Analyst:M. Q. Jan in a matrixof cryptocrystalline
silicaor ferruginous
Olivine: 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe + Mn) -- 90.5; orthopyroxene: clay (seeSabirand Ahmad, 1972). The limestoneis
100 Mg/(Mg + Fe + Mn) = 90.9, Mg = 89.4, Fe = 9.0, Ca
= 1.6; Fe total taken as Feo grayto reddish,frequentlyargillaceousandgenerally
Location: 32ø58 ' N, 69ø51 ' E fine grainedwith poorlypreservedunidentifiedfossil
Number of point analysesin parentheses remains.Irregular calciteveinsand minor foldsare

epidote, calcite, and reddish opaque oxide or hy- Eocene sediments

droxide are common. Some rocks also contain sulfides
and malachite(Sabirand Ahmad, 1972). These limestonesand shalesare mostly exposed
The rocks have vesicles filled with secondary west and northwest of Datta Khel, but some occur
minerals. Whitish dikes of variable thickness and alongthe Tochi River. The limestoneis white, fine

TABLE2. Microprobe Analysesof Minerals in AnorthositeSample 80-48

Plagioclase Clinopyroxene

Cations on the basis of

Plagioclase Clinopyroxene Pyrite
(6) (3) (1) 32(0) 6(0)

SiO2 48.25 51.50 0.76 Si 8.997 1.900

TiO2 0.03 0.44 0.02 AI 6.844 0.100
Al,•O.s 31.10 3.31 0.06 AI 0.053
Cr,20• 0.03 0.97 0.00 Ti 0.004 0.012
Fe,20:• 0.59 Cr 0.005 0.028
FeO 4.71 48.08 Fe +• 0.084
MnO 0.05 0.16 0.03 Fe +'2 0.145
MgO 0.19 15.76 0.17 Mn 0.008 0.005
CaO 15.45 22.34 0.00 Mg 0.053 0.867
Na,20 2.64 0.44 0.05 Ca 3.091 0.884
K,20 0.24 0.05 0.00 Na 0.955 0.032
K 0.056 0.002
Total 98.57 99.68 Z 15.93 2.00
X(Y) 4.16 2.03

Analyst:M. Q. Jan
Plagioiclase:100 Ca/(Ca + Na + K) = 75.4, plagioclaseis zoned from An77• in the core to An7• in the margin;diopside:
averageof three very similar analyses,Mg = 45.6, Fe + Mn -- 7.9, Ca -- 46.5; pyrite formula could not be recalculatedbecause
sulfur was not determined; total iron determined as FeO was consideredas Fe,20• in plagioclaseand FeO in clinopyroxene
Location: 32o53 ' N, 69o53 ' E
Number of point analysesin parentheses

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grained, medium to thick bedded, and lies uncon- Mineral Chemistry of the Chromitites
formably over the shaleunit which is red to green,
friable, and which in turn overlies the volcanics Chromite
Chromite was analyzedfor in sevenchromitites
The Chromitites and one harzburgite. Fifteen analysesand their
recalculatedcationson a 32-oxygen basisare pre-
sented in Table 3. Total iron was determined as
Chromite occurs in ultramafic rocks as dissemi-
FeO; Fe+3 and Fe+2 were calculated so that
nated grains and segregatedstringers and lenses.
Lensesof chromitite, which are up to 6 m long and R+3:R
+2-- 2:1. Accordingto Steven's(1944) classi-
fication, all are aluminous chromites, except the
0.5 to 1.0 m thick, may be surroundedby zonesup
to 30 X 3 m containinghigh concentrationsof ac- marginalzone of sample80-2 which is ferrian chro-
cessorychromite; total resourcesare estimated at mite. Accordingto Kolotilov and Garyayev's(1971)
68 metric tons (Sabirand Ahmad, 1972). The chro- nomenclature,80-12, 80-21, and the altered margins
of 80-21 and 8-2 are subferrialuminochromites and
mite usuallyhas a higher concentrationwhere the the remainder are aluminochromites.
rocksare crushedor brecciated(Khan et al., 1982),
probably becausethe primary chromite has been In order to detect chemicalzoning and variation
remobilizedduring tectonism.There are podiform from grain to grain, two or more grains in each
lenses of boudinagedchromitite horizons in peri- samplewere analyzed from core to margin. The
dotite and serpentinite. variationin chemistryfrom grain to grain is insig-
Podiformchromitedepositsare unanimouslycon- nificantand within the limits of analyticalinaccuracy,
sideredto be magmaticin origin, althoughopinion except in sample 80-2A. Chromites in chromitite
differs regarding the processesthat led to their WZN-5 and harzburgite80-12 are unzoned,except
concentrationand form (Borchert, 1963; Thayer, for a slight increase(0.63-0.75) in A1/Cr in the
1970; Dickey andYoder, 1972; Augustithis,1981). marginsof the latter. The remainingchromitesdis-
The proposedmechanismsinclude crystal settling play distinctzoningfrom core to margin,but the
and rolling in a magma chamber due to liquid chemistryof thesechromitesvariesfrom sampleto
immiscibility,snowballingof chromite crystalsin a sampleand to someextent from grain to grain (see
turbulent zone of magmasegregation,boudinageby analysesof sample80-2A). In the caseof sample
deformationprocessesand remobilization,winnow- 80-21 two grains are zoned and one is unzoned,
ing as magmapercolatesthrough the systemwhich while in 80-2A one grain is unzoned, another is
produceschromiteby incongruentmelting, and hy- marginallyzoned, and a third consistsentirely of
material similar to the outer zone of the second. It
drothermal formation of some chromites in veins.
Dickey (1975) proposed that podiform chromite is interestingto note that all the chromititescon-
depositsform as magmaticcumulatesin elongate taining zoned chromitesalso contain chlorite; it
magma pockets along accreting plate boundaries. wouldappearthat zoningandchloriteformationare
After formation, the chromite cumulates sink as parageneticallyrelated.
Chemical characteristics of chromites from various
podiformautolithsinto the underlyingresidualharz-
burgitesand dunites. types of complexeshave been widely investigated.
As a group the alpine chromitesdisplay a large
The Waziristan chromitites are essentiallycom-
variation in Cr203 wt percent and (Cr q-A1), a
posedof chromitewith a small amount of chlorite
and/or serpentineand magnetite.They are medium
relativelysmallMg/(Mg+ Fe+•)variation, relatively
constantFe+3/R +3, a positivecorrelationin Cr/(Cr
grainedand may displaypull-apartstructures.Chro- q- A1)and Fe+•/(Mgq- Fe+•) variation,a low and
mite grains contain inclusionsof chlorite and ser- uniform oxidation ratio, and a low Ti content that
pentine which are probably altered mafic silicates doesnot showa significantcorrelationwith any of
(mainlyor entirely olivine)trappedin growingchro- the major elements (Irvine, 1967; Thayer, 1964,
mite crystals.The matrix chlorite-serpentineis typ- 1970; Dickey, 1975; Greenbaum, 1977). Thayer
icallyinterstitialor elseoccursalongfractures;how- (1970) found that in chromiteswith more than 45
ever, in sample 80-2A many chromite grains are wt percent Cr•Oa, total iron rarely exceeds16 wt
completely surroundedby a chlorite matrix. The percent. Dickey (1975) reported that chromites
chromite is generally brownish red in refracted from individualdepositshave almostconstantFe/
light, but it is often surroundedby a marginalzone Mg; the limited variationwasthoughtto be caused
that consistsof a black alterationproductthat proves by fractionalcrystallizationof primitive magmas
to be ferrian chromite.This alterationproduct also bufferedby residualmaficsilicates.The Cr/A1vari-
occursalongfracturesin the chromite grains. ation, on the other hand, was consideredby him to

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•+ •+

•+ +

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be essentiallydue to bulk chemistryor to tempera-
ture of crystallization.
Many of thesechemicalfeaturesare foundin the /
Waziristan chromites.Their Cr2Oa content is high
(49-61 wt %), exceptfor the accessorychromitein ee o x '-""/':7'.
x" l/
harzburgite, which contains only 44 wt percent / ø ,/o
Cr2Oa. This drop is not usual;a number of workers
(cf. Cameron, 1975) have found an increase in
Cr2Oawith increasingmodalpercent chromite.The /
/ 2
compositionof accessorychromite may be subject / •__•,,'--
•,7 /

to considerablechangesdue to subsolidusreequili- i I

bration with the associatedolivine and pyroxenes

(Irvine, 1967; Dickey and Yoder, 1972). The 100
Mg/(Mg+ Fe+2)of the analysesisrelativelyconstant
(55-71) asis also100 Fe+3/R
+a(2.9-6.4), ignoring
the marginalzones.The TiO2 contentof the analyses ß /"-'....
is characteristically
low and the oxidationratio (mole
% 2Fe203/(2Fe2Oa + FeO)) ranges from 13.1 to
22.0 with one value of 29.6 in an unaltered core--
the ratio has a greater variation (6.4-28.4) in the •o ,, •/ .... "•. I
altered margin. However, it must be pointed out
that chromitesin Ontariodisplaycertainchemical
that are intermediatebetween alpine _, ß,,_'- - a
and stratiformtypes.Hence, Watkinsonand Main-
100 80 60 40 20 0
waring (1980) concludedthat the distinction sug- 100Mg/(Mg*Fe2' )
gestedby earlier workersmay not be valid.
On the 100 Mg/(Mgq-Fe+2)vs.100 Cr/(Cr q-A1) FTc.4. A. Plot of 100 Cr/(Cr + AI} rs. 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe+2}
for the chromites(solidcircles)andtheir altered(ferrit-chromit)
faceof the spinelprism(Irvine, 1967), the Waziristan margins(opencircles)connectedby dottedlines.Arrowedfields
chromitesgenerallyplot in the overlappingfieldsof are for chromitesand chromianspineIsfrom alpine complexes
chromitesfrom stratiformandalpinecomplexes (Fig. (1), stratiformcomplexes(2), spinelperidotitcxenoliths(3), and
4A). However, WZN-5, 80-21, and 90-1 plot just GoodnewsBay (Alaska)concentriccomplex (4) (from data of
outsidethe field of stratiformcomplexesandwithin Irvine, 1967; Irvine and Findlay, 1972; Bird and Clark, 1976).
The fields of alpine and stratiform chromites are based on
the alpine field. Figure 4A also shows that the segregatedchromites. Notethe distinctlylowerMg/(Mg+ Fe+2)
marginsof the zoned chromitesare poorer in Mg/ andhigherCr/(Cr + A1)ratiosof the alteredchromitescompared
(Mg + Fe+2)and,with the exceptionof 80-2, richer with the unaltered cores. Two crosses represent accessory
in Cr/(Cr q- A1).The 100 Mg/(Mg q-Fe+2)vs. 100
B. Plot of 100 Fe+a/(Cr+ A1 + Fe+a) vs. 100 Mg/(Mg
Fe+a/(Fe+a + A1 + Cr) plot is displayedin Figure + Fe+2) for the chromites.Explanationas for A. The figure
4B. Here also the Waziristan chromites fall in the
showsthat in sevenanalyses of unalteredchromitesthe Fe+a/
fieldsof thosefromalpineandstratiform (Cr q- A1 q- Fe+a) ratio is nearlyconstantand in two a little
complexes.Note that the Fe+a/(Fe+a + A1 + Cr) higher. Two of the altered marginshave values similar to the
cores for this ratio, three show an increase, and two a decrease.
ratio is higherin the marginsof four zonedchromites,
remainsrelatively constantin one, and falls in two
others.Samples80-21 (chromitite)and 80-12 (harz-
burgitc) contain chromites with distinctly higher the Cr-A1-Fe
+a + Ti triangularplot (Fig. 6), which
valuesfor this ratio than in the rest, ignoring the showsthe fieldsfor chromitesfrom alpine,stratiform,
marginalzones. and concentriccomplexes,they clearly belong to
Figure 5 showsthe variation of total iron oxides the alpine group. On the basisof these diagrams,
againstCr2Oa. The Waziristanchromitesplot in the the generalchemistryof the Waziristanchromites
overlappingfield of alpineandstratiformcomplexes. is closeto that of the chromitesin other alpine-type
Their iron oxide againstCr2Oavariation is closerto complexes.
stratiformthan to alpine chromites.In the zoned An interestingaspectof the Waziristan samples
chromites, the total Fe oxide shows an increase in is the presenceof iron-richzonesaround"normal"
the outer zones(exceptin sampleWZN-1), as does chromites.These zones have a black color against
Cr2Oaexceptin two cases.The molepercentA12Oa/ the brown, reddish, or almost black color of the
(A12Oa + Fe2Oa + Cr2Oa), on the other hand, normal chromitesin refracted light, and they show
decreases in all but one case in the outer zones. On a high reflectivity.Suchzoneshave been referred

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the third (C) is distinctlyzoned.In comparisonwith

the third grain, it would appear that grain A is
2 equivalentto the altered marginof C and grain B
to the unalteredcore of C. Thus, this exampleshows
somegrainsentirelyalteredandothersonly margin-
ally altered to ferrit-chromit.
There is no general agreementabout the origin
of ferrit-chromitexceptthat it is an alterationproduct
of normal chromite. From a review of the subject
Blissand MacLean (1975) found that its formation
wasvariablyattributedto serpentinization(prior or
20 3•o t.•o 51o do subsequent to serpentinization),magmaticreactions
% ½r2O
3 andalteration,or regionalmetamorphism. However,
they suggestedthat an elevationof temperature
FIG. 5. Plot of total iron vs. Cr•Oa weight percent for the
chromites. Area 1 encloseschromites from alpine and area 2 subsequentto initial chromite crystallizationwas
those from stratiform complexes (after Thayer, 1970). The necessary for ferrit-chromitformation.The originof
chromites (solid circles) plot in the overlappingfield for the Waziristan ferrit-chromit is discussedfollowing the
two types, but the harzburgite chromite plots far away from the section on chlorites.
field of alpine types. Note the general increaseof Cr•Oa in the
altered margins(open circles) and that three of these plot well
ouiside the fields of igneouschromites.Two crossesrepresent Chlorite
Analysesof eightchloritesare presentedin Table
4. An interestingaspectof the chloritesis that they
to in the literature as "ferrit-chromit" (retaining the frequently displaya chemicalvariation in Cr, A1,
Germanspelling;Spangenberg, 1943). In Waziristan, and Fe from grain to grain. The detailsof these
the ferrit-chromit may or may not envelop the variationsare given in Table 4. All are rich in MgO
chromite grains completely; moreover, it may also and havehigh Mg/Fe ratios.They generallycontain
occur along fractures in the chromite grains. Al-
thoughwe presentaverageanalyseshere, the ferrit-
chromit does vary compositionallyfrom grain to Cr

grain, as can be observed in sample 80-2A. For

determining petrogenesis,it is important to note
that on Cr2Oa vs. mole percent A12Oa/(A120•
+ Cr203 + Fe203) and total Fe oxide, and Cr-A1-
Fe+• + Ti diagrams,
someof thesezonesplotoutside
the fields of igneouschromites.Our ferrit-chromit
analyses,however, have higher Cr, A1, Mg, and
lower total Fe than thoseof other areasreported in
Loferskiand Lipin (1983).
Studieson similar chromite marginal zoneshave
revealedthat they are enrichedin FeO and depleted
in MgO and A12Oawhen comparedwith the cores.
The variation in Cr and Fe +• is not uniform in all
cases(Weiser, 1967; Bird and Clark, 1976; Oen et
al., 1979). An increase in Ni, Ti, and Mn in the
ferrit-chromit marginshas also been reported (On-
yeagocha,1974; Blissand MacLean,1975; Hoffman
and Walker, 1978). The Waziristan ferrit-chromits A[ Ve•**Ti

are clearly higher in Cr2Oaand total iron, and lower FIG. 6. Cr-A1-Fe
+• + Ti triangularplot for the chromites
in MgO and A12Oathan their cores. In this respect with fields of chromites from alpine (1), stratiform (2), and
they resemble those from the Malakhand (or Sak- concentric(GoodnewsBay) complexes(3) after Bird and Clark
hakot-Qila) complexsome250 km to the northeast (1976) and Dickey (1975). The unaltered chromites (solid
(Ahmed and Hall, 1981). Only one sample (WZN- circles)plot in the alpinefieldwith the exceptionof oneanalysis
(harzburgite)whichplotsin the overlappingfieldsof alpineand
1) doesnot displaya significantandparallelvariation. stratiformtypes. Note that two of the altered margins(open
Chromitite sample 80-2A presents an interesting circles) plot outsidethe igneousfield. Two crossesrepresent
ease.Here two grains(A and B) are unzoned, while accessorychromites.

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TABLE4. AverageMicroprobeAualysesof Chlorite from Chromitites

WZN-2 WZN-5 WZN-5 80-1 80-1 80-2 80-2A 80-21

(low AI) (high Al) (high AI) (low A1)
Sampleno. (2) (1) (3) (4) (1) (4) (3) (2)

SiO.2 32.19 35.40 36.57 30.99 36.80 33.36 31.65 31.56

TiO.2 0.06 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.12
A1.203 14.14 5.99 10.07 15.40 5.69 12.32 13.87 17.22
Cr,203 3.38 5.45 1.51 2.59 2.72 3.93 2.42 2.05
FeO 1.15 4.25 2.25 1.26 1.99 1.94 1.76 1.16
MnO 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.15 0.02 0.10 0.01
MgO 33.64 34.17 34.11 32.53 36.55 34.63 32.75 33.21
CaO 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.01
Na.20 0.22 0.30 0.34 0.39 0.50 0.40 0.09 0.59
K.20 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.05
NiO 0.37 0.35 0.36 0.35 0.00 0.28 0.32 0.29

Total 85.25 86.01 85.46 83.72 84.48 87.00 83.06 86.28

Ions on the basisof 28 (0)

Si 6.206 6.991 6.999 6.079 7.170 6.350 6.263 5.990
AI 3.213 1.382 2.266 3.565 1.307 2.757 3.233 3.852
Ti 0.008 0.000 0.006 0.007 0.001 0.006 0.002 0.018
Cr 0.516 0.843 0.228 0.400 0.419 0.592 0.380 0.308
Fe +'2 0.186 0.697 0.361 0.207 0.324 0.309 0.291 0.183
Mn 0.000 0.014 0.010 0.012 0.025 0.003 0.017 0.002
Mg 9.671 9.976 9.733 9.513 10.615 9.825 9.662 9.375
Ca 0.021 0.002 0.021 0.010 0.000 0.010 0.010 0.002
Na 0.084 0.114 0.123 0.149 0.189 0.147 0.034 0.217
K 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.010 0.018 0.007 0.011 0.012
Ni 0.057 0.055 0.055 0.056 0.000 0.042 0.050 0.045
Z 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
Y 11.96 12.01 11.81 12.01 12.07 12.05 11.96 12.02

Analyst:M. Q. Jan
WZN-2. Clinochlore; averageof two analysesshowing2 percent variation in AI•,O.•and 0.3 percent in FeO
WZN-5. Low A1, high Cr and high AI, low Cr perufinitesoccurringin different parts of the samethin sectiou;three analysesof
the secondvariety havea 3.0 percentraugein A1.20•,0.5 percentin Cr.zOa,and 0.7 pertcut in FeO
80-1. High AI clinochloreaud low AI talc-chloritein the samethin section;clinochlorecontainsabout 2 percent more Cr.20•
when included in chromite than when iu matrix; however, the inclusionsthemselves have a variation of 4 percent A1.20.•and 2
percent Cr.,Oa
80-2. Penninite; averageof three grainsincluded in chromite and one in matrix; no systematicdifference is seen in the two
exceptfor a slightlylower AI in the latter; overall rangein the formulasof the four point analysesare: AI -- 2.3 to 3.2, Cr = 0.3
to 0.9, Fe = 0.2 to 0.5; average may be meaningless
80-2A. Penninite;averageof matrix and grainsincludedin chromite;latter have about 1.0 percent higher Cr.zOa
80-21. Clinochlore showing0.13 to 0.23 Fe (atomic) variation in the two points analyzed
All Fe determined as FeO
Number of poiut analysesin parentheses

lower Ab.Oa and higher SiOn.than the Mg-rich known and it is not clear whether the Cr +a is
chloriteanalysesin Deer et al. (1962). The deficiency occupyingthe tetrahedral or octahedralsite (cf.
of Ab.Oa is, to some extent, compensatedby the Lapham,1958). However,Burns(1975) suggested
presenceof Cr•.Oa (1.5-5.5 wt %). Samples80-1 oncrystalfieldgrounds
thatCr+aionshavea strong
and WZN-5 contain two chlorites each, with dis- preferencefor octahedralsitesin mineral structures
tinctly different compositions(seeTable 4). Two of anddiscriminateagainsttetrahedralsites.The study
these are unusuallylow in AI•.Oa and only one of by Phillips et al. (1980) of ten chromian chlorites
the 39 analysesin Deer et al. (1962) containsa revealed that Cr does not occur in tetrahedral co-
lower Ab.Oa content. ordination.The analyseswere plotted on the Si vs.
All the chlorites are chromian and there is a Fe/(Fe + Mg) and Fe diagramof Hey (1954); three
strong negative correlation between AI•.Oa (Fig. classifyas clinochlore,four aspenninite,and one as
of Cr+afor A!. Ionic talc-chlorite; all have low total Fe and are unoxidized.
charge-balanceconsiderationsalso suggest that The recalculatedanalysesare closeto the ideal
chromium is trivalent. Structural details are not chlorite formula in which the sum of the cations in

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BeesonandJackson(1969) and Onyeagocha(1974).

6[. A Olivines and pyroxenesin the harzburgitesubtype

complexesare typicallylow in A120• and their Mg/
Fe ratiosare about 9:1 (Jacksonand Thayer, 1972;
Moores, 1973). The chlorite analysespresentedin
O• • •
Table 4 contain5.7 to 17.0 percentAI•O• and their
5 10 15 20 Mg/Fe ratios are much higher than 9:1, as is their
% A[203 Cr•O• contentwhen comparedwith that of olivine,
pyroxene,or the analyzedserpentine.We therefore
conclude that the chlorites could not have formed
by isochemical
or alterationof mafic
/ silicatespresent in the chromitites.
Chromite appearsto be the only mineral which
could have contributedthe A1,Cr, and Mg necessary
•' for the formation of the chlorites. Diffusion of these
elementsfrom the marginsof chromitesrendered
them depleted in these cations, resulting in an
increaseof Cr/(Cr + A1) and decreasein Mg/(Mg
+ Fe+•) ascompared with the unalteredcores.Since
chlorite is not an important product of serpentini-
zation, we assumethat its formation, as well as that
of the ferrit-chromitmarginsaroundchromite,took
/ placeduringa progradegreenschistfaciesmetamor-
•' / I At.Cr(Tetrahedral)
I phismfollowingserpentinization.A similar mecha-
1.0 1.5 2.0 nism was recently proposed by Srikantappa and
FIG. 7. A. Wt percent Cr•O3 vs. AI•O3 plot for the chlorites. Friend (1982) for the chromianedeniteparagenesis
A strongnegative correlationsuggeststhe substitutionof Cr for from Sinduralli, southIndia. However, ferrit-chromit
AI. B. Ionic charge-balancediagramshowingthe plot of cationic d-chloriteparagenesisin otherareashasbeenrelated
substitutionin octahedralsite againsttetrahedralsite. Dashed to alterationprocesses (Beesonand Jackson,1969;
line is for perfectlybalancedsituations.
The Cr•O• content of the Waziristan analyzed
the octahedralsite equals 12 and that in the tetra- serpentines rangesfrom 1.0 to 1.5 wt percentwith
hedral site equals 8. However, the ionic charge is one valueof 0.3 wt percent.Theseamountsandthe
not perfectly balanced due generally to a lower Mg/Fe ratiosof the serpentineare muchhigherthan
chargein the octahedralsite. The entry of Ti, A1, those in olivine--the mineral that we think most
Cr, Na, and K in this site doesnot fully compensate likely accompaniedthe chromitesoriginally. The
for the chargedeficiencycreatedby the entry of A1 lossof Fe from silicates(olivine) during serpentini-
and Cr (?) for silica in the tetrahedral site in six zation is not fully accountedfor by the generally
analyses(see Fig. 7B). This lower charge in the smallquantityof magnetitein our rocks.Therefore,
octahedral site is essentiallybecause all iron has somediffusionof chromiumand magnesium(?) from
been taken as Fe+2. We proposethat the Fe+• the marginsof the chromitesmust alsohave taken
content in microprobeanalysesof chlorites can be place duringserpentinization. The stronglyserpen-
estimated from this diagram or the formula (A1 tinized-chloritized silicate matrix in the chromitites
d-Cr)tet= 2Ti + (A1+ Cr)oct- Na - K + Fe+• or is consistent with the observation that silicate rocks
Fe+• = 8Si - 2Ti - (A1+ Cr)octd- Na + K. in the neighborhoodof chromite concentrationsare
Rodgers(1973) found
Paragenesisof ferrit-chromit and chlorite a similarsituationin New Caledonia.It appearsthat
Ferrit-chromit in the Waziristan chromitites
brecciation-shearing is
facilitatedthe entry of H20 and
closely associatedwith chlorite, which sometimes caused the development of hydrous phasesmore
envelopsthe former.In the harzburgiteand chrom- readily than elsewherein the peridotites.There is
itite sampleWZN-1, the chromite is only associated a markedincreasein the Fe+•/Fe+• ratiosof some
with serpentine;noneof thesecontainferrit-chromit. ferrit-chromit,suggesting changesin oxygenfugacity
(Althoughchromitein WZN-1 is slightlyzoned, its (cf. Beesonand Jackson,1969; Onyeagocha,1974).
compositionalvariation is distinctly different from The variationsin composition betweenthe unaltered
the rest.) It is therefore likely that ferrit-chromit chromitecoresand the altered ferrit-chromitmargins
and chlorite are parageneticallyrelated. Ferrit- mostlikely reflect degreesof oxidation.The relative
chromit d- chlorite paragenesiswas described by increase in Mg/(Mg + Fe+•) in the coresmayhave

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resulted from oxidation of some of the Fe +2 of the

andremovalof the resultantFe+3
to the margins.Hoffman and Walker (1978) sug-
gestedthat in a comparablesituationin Vermont
there is a competition of the various +3 ions to
leave the cores,becausethe oxidationproducestoo
many +3 ions for stoichiometry.This resultsin a
relativemobilityof Fe > Cr > A1;thiswouldaccount
for the increaseof Cr/(Cr + A1)in the ferrit-chromit
marginsof the Waziristan chromites.
Four serpentine analysesfrom chromititesand
one from harzburgite (80-12) are given in Table 5.
In the serpentineanalysesthe totals are low even
when an allowancefor about 14 wt percent H20 is
made. All contain a significantamount of Cr•O3,
probably donated from chromite margins during
serpentinization.The alumina content is low (0.5-
1.0 wt %); as is NiO except in two analyseswith
over half a percent. In the absenceof X-ray data,
the serpentinemineralscannotbe adequatelynamed
becausethe chemistryof the variousspeciesis quite
similar (cf. Deer et al., 1962) and comparisonwith
averageanalyses(cf. Whittaker and Wicks, 1970;
Moody, 1976; Page, 1968) is not very meaningful.
SampleWZN-1 containsa vein consistingof fibrous
chrysotile.The remaininganalyses are of platygrains,
but it cannot be ascertainedwhether they are anti-
gorite or lizardite. However, the rather high Si/Mg
ratios in 80-12 and 80-21 are akin to those of
antigorite and the low Si/Mg ratio in WZN-1 and
the high Fe + Cr content in WZN-5 are suggestive
of lizardite.


The Waziristanophiolite occupiesmore than 500

km2 of the Boya-Razmak
regioncloseto the Afghan
border. It consistsof harzburgites,dunites,pyrox-
trondhjemites,basalticpillow lavas,andpelagicsed-
iments,an assemblage typical of oceaniccrust and
upper mantle (Coleman, 1977; Panayiotou,1980).
However, a completesequenceof theserocksis not
found in any one locality due to dismemberment
and tectonic slicing. The ophiolite was obducted
duringthe Paleocenein responseto the northward
drift of the Indo-Pakistanplate, and thus, it lies
closeto an important suture zone.
The ultramafic membersof the ophiolite contain
disseminatedgrains as well as small depositsof
podiformchromite.The disseminatedchromite in
samples80-2 and 80-12 has distinctlylower Mg/
(Mg + Fe+•) ratiosthan the unalteredchromitein
the chromitites.It is possiblethat someMg waslost
and Fe gaineddue to the processof diffusion(or
reequilibration)with the surroundingol-

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ivine (Irvine, 1967). Temperatureestimatesbased for drafting Figures 4 to 9; and Raza Shah and
on the methods of Evans and Frost (1975), Fuji Wahabuddinfor their cooperationin the field work.
(1977), and Fabrics (1979) suggestthat the Mg-Fe November 14, 1983; October 9, 1984
exchangebetweenthe two mineralsceasedat tem-
peraturesof about850øC (1,000øC by the method REFERENCES

of Medaris,1975). Theseestimatesare at least100ø Ahmed, Z., and Abbas,S. G., 1979, The Muslim Baghophiolites,
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Acknowledgments A., andDeJong,K. A., eds.,Geodynamics of Pakistan:Pesha-
M. Q. Janwishesto acknowledgea RoyalSociety war, PakistanGeol. Survey, p. 263-269.
Guest ResearchFellowshipwhich enabled him to Dickey, J. S., 1975, A hypothesis
of originfor podiformchromite
deposits: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 39, p. 1061-
visit the Universityof Leicesterduring the summer 1074.
of 1981. B. F. Windley acknowledgesNatural En- Dickey, J. S., Jr., and Yoder, H. S., Jr., 1972, Partitioningof
vironment ResearchCouncil grant GR3/4242. We chromium and aluminum between clinopyroxeneand spinel:
thank Asrarullah, R. A. K. Tahirkheli, and S. H. CarnegieInst. WashingtonYear Book 71, p. 384-392.
Evans, B. W., and Frost, B. R., 1975, Chrome-spinel in pro-
Grauharfor their usefulsuggestions;
M. S. Badshah
for fruitful discussions;R. N. Wilson for his advice Cosmochim.Acta, v. 39, p. 959-972.
duringthe microprobeanalyses;M. Umar Khattak Fabrics,J., 1979, Spinel-olivinegeothermometryin peridotites

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