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Mutual Understanding

Co-Authored by Pal Hollywood & Lalaina Miner

Second Place Winner of Champlain Colleges 2015 48 Hour Playwriting Contest

ELLIOT sits in the DINING ROOM alone, absently twirling his fork over the tabletop. The room is
large, the majority of it taken up by the long, elegant table, topped with two plates of food,
napkins, and an ashtray. He looks tired, though he sits upright, looking like he has something to
say. The room is pointedly quiet and tense.

MORGAN enters the stage, shutting the door, speaking into her cell phone. She walks down the
HALL towards the DINING ROOM.

Dont worry; Ive done this a thousand times before.
[chuckles] At this point, he should know to start without me.
[pause] You, too.

Morgan enters the dining room, hangs up the phone.

Elliot straightens in his seat more but doesnt cease twiddling his fork/knife into the table.
Morgan speaks as she sits.

Dont mess with the woodwork, Elliot. I cant believe I even have to say that.

[way too enthusiastic] FINALLY, we can eat!
I told you that you could begin without me-- Jim was at this evenings meeting and I had
a feeling he would make me run late.

Morgan rummages in her pocket, pulls out cigarette and lighter; Elliot pushes food around.
Tense silence.

...Smoking in the dining room? (groundbreaking)
[mumbles into cup] Youre a real class act.

[scary serious] What did you just say to me?

The room goes silent, the two eating/smoking.

[proudly] I purchased a vacation home for us on the Cape today; I thought itd be nice to
have some vacation property away from the city. Somewhere to spend a few quiet weeks in the
[fake as fuck] Oh? What does Jim think of it? He has a house on the Cape, too, doesnt

It was his suggestion actually. Jim thought the scenery could inspire a few new designs
for your collection.

[sugary OR his fake facade is cracking] Really? He mentioned my...collection?


Well, Morgan, I think its a childish idea.


Elliot picks up his napkin, batting at his mouth.

And, anyway, I hate flying.

Morgan laughs, putting out her cigarette in the ashtray.

Arent you the one being childish now?

Elliot throws down his napkin onto the table.

Then tell me Morgan, what makes me childish, the fact that I dont smoke or the fact that I only
sleep with one man at a time?
Big Girl Morgan with her office in a skyscraper and seaside property and her imported cigarettes! Cool
Sophisticated Morgan thinking she can have whatever she wants- whens it going to be enough! Youre
the greediest person Ive ever met!

Im not childish or greedy, Elliot, Im successful- I realize you probably dont know what that
looks like because the only person youre ever looking at is yourself!
Oh my GOD, Morgan, you throw this in my face every time- its my job, Im a fashion

Oh, dont make this something its not. Youre still posing in other peoples clothes for other
peoples magazines--did you even leave the house today?

Dont you dare.

Elliot jumps up from his chair.


Dont you dare pretend you understand the work I do or the effort I put in--the hours spent
perfecting pieces youll never even look at.

Morgan rolls her eyes; scoffs.

What do you want, Elliot, a parade in your honor? Dont try to make it sound like you have it any
harder than I do; its just pathetic. I dont make a scene every time Im getting home late. My meetings
keep me out three times a week, at least, so--

Do you think Im an idiot, Morgan? Did you really think I wouldnt notice you run late every
time you have a meeting with Jim? Tell me, what does Jim think of your smoking? Its okay, I already
know the answer- if he didnt mind then you wouldnt have to smoke around me, right? Oh, and, about
this house on the Cape, is it going to have two bedrooms or will I be on the couch every Thursday night
when youre having a business meeting with Jim!

[more invested in defending herself] Brilliant deduction skills, ElliotI dont know where you
found the time to put all these clues together. The fact that I wasnt trying to hide any of them might
have helped, though.

Morgan leans back in chair, composing herself.

My relationship with you and my relationship with Jim are two completely different things.

Why cant you just admit that youre sleeping with Jim!?

Im not sleeping with Jim. [pause] Im sleeping with you.

Elliot sinks into his chair.


And dont act so high and mighty.

Morgan gets up, adjusting herself, and begins pacing.

Youre a real martyr, Elliot, just a sad little spouse sitting around at home waiting for me to come
home. Your life is really hard, isnt it. Your wife has a co-worker she trusts more than you, who she tells
everything, who shes constantly spending all her time with--

Morgan stops, staring pointedly at Elliot.

By the way, what does Julian t hink of all this? Im sure he has a few choice words for me, doesnt
he. Im sure youve filled him in!

Elliot jumps out of his seat again, hands splayed out on the table.

He has nothing to do with this, Morgan. Its not the same thing, and you know that--Julians
been my business partner for years, and my friend for even longer. So, dont you dare--

He points a finger at Morgan.

--suggest that all Im doing is fucking around with him when Im out at night, just to make
yourself feel justified.

Im not trying to make myself feel anything, Elliot! Youve brought this up a hundred times
before and Im sick of having this argument with you. If youre so busy why is it you can find the time to
go picking at every little detail of my relationship with Jim? Youre jealous and youre a hypocrite and Im
not going to play this stupid game every time youve decided you have a problem with the company I
Like you said, Morgan, its not that fucking hard to put the clues together! And, what could I
possibly be jealous about?

Elliot begins pacing, making his way closer to Morgan.

I mean, it isnt like youd drop anything a
nd everything to be with Jim. Oh, Jim needs my help
with some files, Oh, Jim wanted to go out for drinks and I just couldnt say no; Youre treating me like
Im crazy and its bullshit.

The two are in each others faces now.

No, you know whats bullshit, Elliot? The fact that youre still clinging to Julian like hes some
kind of baby blanket! Its pathetic! Honestly I dont know why I even bother with you, sometimes. If
youre so attached to Julian then why dont you just go be with him instead? Although it wouldnt be
more than a few years with him before you find someone in his life to be neurotic about; Stop hiding
behind this made up issue you have with me and look at yourself for once. Did you ever think that
maybe youre the problem?

Elliot raises his hand to SLAP Morgan, only to have his wrist caught. Morgan and Elliot stare at each
other. Its super intense.

[wobbly] Do you love me...more than Jim?

Do you love me more than Julian?


Morgan lets Elliots hand drop away, visibly satisfied. The two are silent as Elliot sinks back into the
chair, drained.


Elliot doesnt respond to his name and Morgan takes a few steps closer, planting herself before him.
Morgan kneels in front of him, placing her hand over Elliots reassuringly. Elliot sighs, resting a hand on
Morgans cheek. They remain like that a beat before Morgan takes a deep breath and hops up,
momentum returning.
Heres what were going to do. Well finish dinner together, youll go take a bath and by the time
you join me for bed, well both have put this out of our heads. You know that it wont benefit either of
us to see this argument through.

She returns to her seat, goes to start eating before sighing at Elliots silent treatment. He stares at his

I do love you, Elliot.
Weve always understood each other, despite the circumstances. Julian will never be interested
in men and Jim will never be interested You call me greedy, but you understand my situation
well enough to know that I will never have what I want- and neither will you.

Elliots eyes meet Morgans.

But with each other we can get pretty close.

Morgan relaxes into her seat.

Now Ill ask you again, because I trust your opinion, and I suspect you werent in the right state
of mind the first time: What do you think of us having a vacation home on the cape?

As Elliot thinks, his CELL PHONE on the table rings, the two pausing to look over at it.

Its Julian.

Morgan grumbles incoherently, almost amused (in an of course sort of way), still confident in her
power in this situation.

Elliot pauses, contemplating whether to answer. Finally, he picks up the phone pressing it to his ear.
Morgan sits up straight, glaring, threatened by Elliots actions.

Hello? .Nah its fine, whats up?

Elliot speaks happily, as if nothing has just occurred between him and Morgan. He pushes back in his
chair, excusing himself from the table. He heads for the door, pausing at the threshold.
Elliot covers the receiver, speaking to Morgan.

[laughingly] You should see the look on your face right now. I wish I had a camera.

Elliot lifts the phone to his face again, turning and exiting the stage. Morgan watches him leave,

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