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Glogster Ideas


I could use this information in my work because it is to do with teenagers and

education and how they can keep them in education for longer after the age of
16 as most non-academic teenagers don’t continue in education.

I could use this story as it is about keeping teenagers in school by paying them
to come and learn and I could do something like this for my work, I could some
more other ways of keeping them in other than money.


In this news story it says about violence in children’s television programmes

and how it has a bad impact on little children by encouraging bullying. I could
do a documentary on a bully case in school after watching violence on

This news story is about if cartoon character that swears should be a role
model for children and how children and changed from children a few years
back, I could use this as it is showing the bad affects television can have on
Video games-

I could do my documentary on how video games are useful and can help with
brain disorders as the news article is about how video games helps to cure
epilepsy and other brain disorders which are similar.

This news story is about how video games are more educational than work
being printed on paper and how teenagers absorb more from video games. I
could do a documentary showing how video games help in education.

Sikh History-

In this news story it tells about what happened only 26 yrs ago which was a
Sikh genocide which took place mainly in the Sikhs holiest shrine. I could do a
documentary on what happened and why it happened.

This news story is about how Sikhs today still remember the attack in 1984, 26
years ago and how India’s prime minister was killed after attacking on the
Sikhs. I could do a story on how people are still suffering after 26 years and
what they are going thought and how they felt when this all happened in 1984.
Sikh music-

In this news article it says about how Sikh music is played with a lot of different
types of instruments from the 16th century. For my work I could talk about the
instruments used and the importance on them.

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