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Blog Task #4: Extended Metaphor

Discussion Questions

Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the keywords in the question stem to plan your
answer, and to the grading indications of each to ensure you are meeting the requirements.

1. Define the term extended metaphor. Research an example to support your answer.
A comparison between two unlike things, that are continue in a series of sentence in a paragraph or a
Charlies is a bomb
He is waiting to explode
The bomb is full of anger;
He has a short fuse
He may go off at anytime

( /2 K / 2 I /1 C)

2. Locate the extended metaphor in chapter 6. Break the metaphor down into smaller symbolic units
below, and next to each symbol, suggest both the meaning of the symbol in relation to the metaphor,
as well as the pertinence to TItas life.

Symbol Textual Evidence Meaning and Connection to Titas life

Fire That fire, in short, is its food. Fire symbolize a spark of hope that she is
Pg. 115 approaching the light for food hope

Herb She spent the entire afternoon at Herb symbolize a tradition. In this passage its
her father in laws bedside, that the tradition are old yet they are amazing this
singing strange melodies and herb things cure a lot of diseases from morning
applying curing herbs. light knowledge.
Pg. 113

Johns Mama Elena order Tita to be John symbolize as an holy thing. He helps other
house sented to the madhouse but had to be clear of the suffering which are a good
taken to live with him instead thing.
Pg. 108

Match Unfortunately, she had to admit The match symbolize life. Dr Brown was trying to
that her own matches were damp make her happy so her matches would be damp
and moldy and moldy.
( /12 K /6 I /1 C)

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