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Assignment and Trials


Disusun oleh :Kelompok 5 Kelas A1

Rofita Wahyu Andriani 131411131028

Retno Dwi Susanti 131411131058
Senja Putrisia Fajar Eldiningtyas 131411131082
Elyta Zuliyanti 131411131085
Niken Ariska Prawesti 131411133002
Prasetiya Wahyuni 131411133032
Maratul Hasanah 131411133035

Fasilitator : Setho Hadi Suyatmana, S.Kep., Ns., M.Ns/SHS


1. Explanatory paragraph
Screening Test to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is the easiest gynecologic cancer that is known with regular screening tests .
There are two screening tests that often used for find early cervical cancer, among others The
Pap test (or Pap smear) and The HPV test. The Pap smear test is the most widely used cancer
screening test, recommended for all women between the ages of 21 and 65 years old, and can be
done in a doctors office or clinic even though it has never been evaluated in a randomized
controlled trial, and will not be because it is been accepted as an effective screening tool.
Additionally there are numerous convincing epidemiological data which show that since the
introduction of Pap in countries with well organized screening programs, and with wide
population coverage, both incidence of, and mortality from cervical cancer has significantly
decreased. HPV test looks for the virus (human papilloma virus) that can cause these cell
changes, least as good as cytology at detecting high-grade, it does not depend on the preservation
of good quality morphology, screening interval is 5 years, extending the screening interval to 10
years should roughly result in the same number of women testing positive as they currently do.
If test results of the two tests above show cells that are not normal and may become cancer, your
doctor will let you know if you need to be treated. In most cases, treatment prevents cervical
cancer from developing. It is important to follow up with your doctor right away to learn more
about your test results and receive any treatment that may be needed


[1] Safaeian Mahboobeh and Solomon Diane . Cervical Cancer Prevention - Cervical Screening:
Science in Evolution :USA. National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2009
[2] Lorincz Attila et al. New Strategies for HPV-based Cervical Screening :USA. National
Center for Biotechnology Information; 2013
2. Argumentative paragraph

Can pineapple cause abortion of pregnancy?

Pineapple is a fruit that has many benefits, including diuretics, mouthwash, and
preventing drunk when traveling away. However, a young pineapple usually used for abortion
(Dukhami2012)2. Based on Suzannes situation analysis conducted in 2012, midwives who
hadworked in rural areas knew that pregnant women who were there tried to terminate her
pregnancy byused traditional methods like eating sour pineapple, drinking whiskey and visiting
traditional midwives1. In Health Science: An International Journal (2011) states that the
pineapple enzyme bromelain has constituent that can induce abortion or menstruation4. From
some of the above statements, I agree because it contains the enzyme bromelain in pineapple can
stimulate prostaglandin spending so prostaglandins in the body increases and the effect on the
intestinal contraction5. In addition, the pineapple also contains serotonin, which acts in the
stimulation of uterine contractions3. Pineapples will also produce a poisonous toxin which will
manifest itself as allergic reactions or skin eruptions in the infant 7. Therefore, consumption of
pineapple at a young age pregnancy (first trimester of pregnancy) and excess can trigger
premature uterine contractions6. This is avoided in order to prevent expenditure before the full
term fetus or abortion.

[1] Belton, Suzanne., Whittaker, Andrea., and Barclay, Lesley. Maternal Mortality, Unplanned
Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in Timor-Leste: A Situational Analysis.Australia: Alola
and UNFPA; 2009
[2] Dukhani, Anum. Ananascomosus (L.) Merr.,bromeliaceae. In C. L. Quave (Ed.). Medicinal
plant monographs; 2013.
[3] Frochlich PH, Meston CM. Evidence that Serotonin Affect Female Sexual Functioning Via
Pheriperal Mechanism. Physiology and Behavior; 2006; 71(2000):383-393.
[4] Hoare J et al .The National Diet and Nutrition Survey: adults aged 19 to 64 years. London:
Summary Report. HMSO; 2014(5).
[5] Katno&Pramono. Tingkat ManfaatdanKeamananTanamanObatdanObatTradisional.
JurnalFarmakologi Indonesia; 2009. Online accessed on March, 29th 2017 on
[6] Martin, D. Food restrictions in pregnancy among Hong Kong mothers. In D. Y. H. Wu, & C.
B. Tan (Eds.) Changing Chinese food ways in Asia. Hong Kong: The Chinese University
[7] Schott, A. Henley Culture, religion and childbearing in multiracial society: A handbook for
health professionals Butterworth Heinemann.Oxford: United Kingdom; 1996
3. Comparison paragraph

Posyandu elderly who participated and did not participate in posyandu

Elderly period is the last developments period in human life. The amount of elderly in
Indonesia is quite high with many background of life. 1 An increase in the amount of elderly is a
consequence of the increase in the amount of life expectancy. This becomes a problem and
treatment is also very diverse. 2 Different Personalities depending on differences in treatment
patterns and expectations. But at this point, the handling of the elderly is still less attention.
Elderly who receive treatment will vary with the elderly who did not receive treatment. Elderly
who follow an integrated health service (geriatric Posyandu) would be more encouraged to be
able to indulge and develop their potential. However, elderly who do not receive any treatment
would be dependent on others so it would be a burden for the family and the state. 3

[1] Prawitasari, J.E . Aspek Sosio-Psikologis Lansia di Indonesia, dalam bulletin Psikologi .
Jakarta : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan
[2] Nur Hidayati, L . Hubungan Dukungan Sosial dengan Tingkat Depresi pada Lansia di
Kelurahan Daleman Tulung Klaten . Surakarta : Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas
Muhamadiah Surakarta;2009
[3] Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Situasi Lanjut Usia (LANSIA) dalam infodatin (Pusat Data dan
Informasi Kementrian Kesehatan RI). Jakarta : Kementrian Kesehatan RI ;2009

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