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1. Treatment of schizophrenia does take a long time.

Eri explained that schizophrenic patients who have

been discharged from the hospital for 10 days have a 25 percent risk of relapse. The risk of recurrence
increases to 50 percent after one year, and to 75 percent after two years of discharge from hospital.
Relapse can be prevented by administering the right medication and the support of family and people
around them.

"Schizophrenia occurs at a productive age. So it needs long-term treatment. If it is not treated early on,
it can experience chronic recurrence," said Eri.

For this reason, Eri carries out the Prevent Patient Recurrence program at Arjawinangun Regional
Hospital which has mental health services.

2. here I can understand that watermelon juice is dangerous for the elderly and people who have low
blood pressure. For those who have low blood, don't consume watermelon juice. especially with
hepatitis sufferers it is very dangerous and will cause a bad effect on the body, if consumed for a long
time it will make the sickness worse for people with hepatitis.

3. The nutritional status of toddlers is very important because a baby must have a balanced nutritional
status so that the lack of nutrition can make the child look thin and when he wants to have good
nutrition, consume healthy foods such as 4 healthy 5 perfect. as parents we must give the best for our
children and provide good nutritional status. and nutritional status in some countries, there are children
who are malnourished because of the lack of healthy food and unclean food, so when the nutritional
status in our country is increasing, adopt nutritious foods for toddlers.

4.Central obesity is a condition of excess fat concentrated in the abdominal area (intra-abdominal fat).
Several studies have found that hypertension is more common in individuals with central obesity than in
generalized obesity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between central
obesity. Hypertension is still a health problem in the world

including Indonesia. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is quite high, namely

amounting to 25.8% (Riskesdas, 2013). Most of the people with hypertension

included in the hypertension grade 1 and half were not

realize as sufferers. Hypertension is not a single causal disease,

there are various factors that contribute to the emergence of hypertension,

one of which is often found is obesity

5.Red onions contain

organic sulfur compound namely Allylcysteine sulfoxide (Alliin). The red onion

crushed will release the alliinase enzyme which serves as a catalyst for

alliin which will react with other compounds such as functioning skin

destroy blood clots (Utami, 2013). Essential oil content in

red onions can also improve blood circulation so that blood circulation

be smooth. Another content of onions that can lower the temperature

the body is florogucin, cycloaliine, metialiine, and kaemferol (Tusilawati, 2010).

Onion scouring the surface of the skin to create veins

change in size regulated by the anterior hypothalamus to control expulsion

heat, resulting in vasodilation (widening) of blood vessels and obstruction

heat production. Blood is redistributed back to the surface veins for

increase heat dissipation. The occurrence of this vasodilation causes

increased heat dissipation through the skin, enlarged pores, and evaporative heat dissipation (sweating)
which is expected to result in a decrease in temperature

the body reaches a normal state again

6. The increasing number of cases of HIV / AIDS every year, both online

national, provincial and district / city levels. In South Lampung Regency in 2005 only

totaled 4 people, in 2013 there were 44 people with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA). Geographical location

Lampung Selatan district at the southeastern tip of the island of Sumatra is the gateway to the island for

the island of Sumatra to the island of Java provides opportunities for transmission of diseases including

Efforts to control HIV / AIDS or break the chain of transmission, among others

through coaching high risk groups. Coaching that has been done

through the South Lampung KPA, including groups of women sex workers (WPS) and transgender
behave towards the prevention of HIV / AIDS. The research objective was to determine the behavior of

and Waria who have been coached by the South Lampung KPA against HIV / AIDS.

7. High Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)

indicates low quality or quality

health services. Ministry of Health Policy in

efforts to accelerate the decline in MMR initially

refers to the strategic intervention “The Four Pillars of Safe

Motherhood ”, one of which is increasing

Increase access and quality of antenatal care services

(ANC) and the strategy of implementing service quality to

mother's health towards service standards. Percepa-

not to reduce MMR through Making Pregnancy

Safer (MPS), which in its implementation includes

focus on Essential and Midwifery Services

Obstetrics and Emergency First Aid

Neonatal (PPGDON). This policy establishes

pregnant women receive at least

pregnancy examination four times according to the standard de-

with a one-time distribution in the first trimester,

once in the second trimester and twice on

third trimester.

8. Diarrhea is a disease that is dangerous for children. Laboratory studies and clinical trials, pure honey
has bactericidal activity that causes diarrhea. This study aims to analyze the effect of honey on reducing
the frequency of diarrhea. Theoretically, it is estimated that 10% of diarrhea sufferers will die due to
severe dehydration if they are not given treatment.
9. Insomnia is a condition when a person has difficulty sleeping. This sleep disorder makes him not have
the sleep time that the body needs. This causes the physical condition of the person with insomnia to be
not fit enough to carry out activities the next day.

Sleep is an unconscious state that occurs naturally to allow the body to rest. During sleep, the body goes
through a cycle that alternates between rapid eye movement sleep and non-rapid eye movement sleep.

A person may go through four or five sleep cycles in one night. One sleep cycle lasts approximately 90
minutes. This cycle begins with four stages of non-REM sleep, from light sleep to deep sleep. Then,
continue with REM sleep and it is at this stage that the dream process occurs.

10.massage for pregnant women will last approximately one hour. Some spas or special massage places
for pregnant women have special chairs or beds. Because, massage for pregnant women will usually be
done in various positions, such as sitting, half lying, or lying on the side.

Pregnant massagers are usually trained to understand which body parts are often uncomfortable.
However, if pregnant women feel uncomfortable or feel certain body parts need extra massage, it is
advisable to tell the masseuse right away.

There are various types of massage for pregnant women, such as traditional massage that presses
deeply into the muscles, or Swedish massage with long enough pressure to the muscles and joints that
are active.

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