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Three Taiwanese fishermen were rescued yesterday from a small

uninhabited island in the South Pacific. The men had disappeared for more
than three months. They had left Taiwan in a small fishing boat and had
planned a week-long trip. On their fifth day, however, they encountered a
typhoon, and it badly damaged their boat. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
After the storm had passed, they discovered that the engine wouldnt start,
so their boat just drifted at sea for over a month. During this time, the
fishermen caught fish to eat and drank rain water to stay alive.
Finally, the boat drifted toward a small island. When it got close enough, the
men jumped out and swam to shore. On the island, they found fresh fruit
and vegetables, and they continued to catch fish to eat. The fishermen had
lived on the island for two months when a passing ship rescued them.
Although the three men had lost a lot of weight, they were still in fairly good
shape. Their families feared that the fishermen had died during the
typhoon. They were surprised and happy that the ship had found them and
that they were safe and sound.


tres taiwaneses pescadores fueron rescatados ayer de una pequea isla

deshabitada en el Pacfico Sur. Los hombres haban desaparecido por ms
de tres meses. Haba dejado a Taiwn en un barco de pescadores y haba
planeado un viaje de una semana. En su quinto da, sin embargo, se
encontraron con un tifn y seriamente daada su barco. Afortunadamente,
nadie fue herido. Despus de que hubiera pasado la tormenta,
descubrieron que el comienzo de wouldnt del motor, por lo que apenas
desvi su barco en el mar para ms de un mes. Durante este tiempo, los
pescadores pescaron a comer y bebieron agua de lluvia para mantenerse
con vida.

Finalmente, el barco se desvi hacia una pequea isla. Cuando se

encuentra lo suficientemente cerca, los hombres saltaron y nadaban hasta
la orilla. En la isla, encontraron frutas y hortalizas frescas, y continuaron a
pescar para comer. Los pescadores haban vivido en la isla durante dos
meses, cuando un barco que pasaba los salvaron. Aunque los tres hombres
haban perdido mucho peso, estaban todava en bastante buena forma. Su
familia teme que los pescadores haban muerto durante el tifn. Estaban
sorprendidos y contentos de que la nave haba encontrado y que estaban
sanos y salvos
For many years tattoos were associated with sailors and soldiers, then in
the 60s and 70s with bikers and heavy metal rock stars. But today more
people from all social classes are having tattoos done and there has been a
significant increase in the number of women who have them.
Many famous people have had tattoos done too. Footballer David Beckam,
and his wife, Victoria, both have tattoos of their first son's name Brooklyn.
David has one on his back and Victoria has one on her arm. Other famous
people include singers, actors and actresses such as Robbie Williams,
Britney Spears, and Angelina Jolie among others.
Tattoos have existed for more than 5.000 years. The word tattoo comes
from the Polynesian word tatau, meaning ''symbol''. In Polynesia tattoos
were a sign of social status and the transition from childhood to adult life.
They became known in the West when sailors on voyages of discovery to
the Polynesian islands had tattoos done because they wanted to be
accepted by native people or because they wanted a souvenir of their
The traditional method of tattooing is to make a drawing on the skin and
then trace the lines of the final tattoo by injecting ink under the skin, using
a machine with a needle. Sounds painful? It is. But not as painful (or
expensive) as having a tattoo removed!
Modern laser surgery has improved the situation, but even with this method
there is no guarantee that a tattoo can be completely removed. So a lot of
people have henna tattoos, which are not permanent. These are fine if the
pure henna dye is used, but sometimes artists use inferior dyes containing
the chemical PPD, which can cause permanent skin problems. There are
also semi -permanent tattoos which can last for up to five years

LECTURA 2 para tatuajes de muchos aos se asociaron con marineros y

soldados, luego en los aos 60 y 70 con ciclistas y estrellas de rock
heavy metal. Pero hoy ms gente de todas las clases sociales tienen
tatuajes hechos y ha habido un aumento significativo en el nmero de
mujeres que tienen. Muchas personas famosas han tenido tatuajes
hechos demasiado. Futbolista David Beckam y su esposa, Victoria,
ambos tienen tatuajes de Brooklyn de nombre de su primer hijo. David
tiene uno en la espalda y Victoria tiene uno en su brazo. Otros
personajes famosos son cantantes, actores y actrices como Robbie
Williams, Britney Spears y Angelina Jolie, entre otros.

Tatuajes han existido por ms de 5,000 aos. El tatuaje de la palabra

viene de la palabra Polinesia tatau, smbolo de significado ''''. En la
Polinesia tatuajes eran un signo de estatus social y la transicin de la
niez a la vida adulta. Fueron conocidos en Occidente cuando los
marineros en los viajes de descubrimiento a las islas polinesias tenan
tatuajes hechos porque queran ser aceptados por la poblacin nativa o
porque queran un recuerdo de su viaje el mtodo tradicional del tatuaje
es hacer un dibujo sobre la piel y luego trazar las lneas del tatuaje final
por inyeccin de tinta bajo la piel, utilizando una mquina con una
aguja. Suena doloroso? Es. Pero no tan dolorosa (ni tan caro) como
teniendo un tatuaje removido!
Ciruga lser moderna ha mejorado la situacin, pero incluso con este
mtodo no existe ninguna garanta que un tatuaje puede eliminarse
completamente. As que muchas personas tienen tatuajes de henna, que
no son permanentes. Estos estn bien si se utiliza el tinte de henna
puro, pero a veces los artistas utilizan tintes inferiores que contiene el
PPD qumico, que puede causar problemas de piel permanente. Tambin
hay semi-tatuajes permanentes que pueden durar hasta cinco aos

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