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David Garcia.

English 0810.

Mrs. Brewer.

March 23, 2017

The Giver of memories

Based on Lois Lowry's book, The Giver of memories, is definitely one of the most

futurist novels I have ever read. The novel unfolds in a futuristic society where everything

is governed by a council of world leaders, who make the decisions of almost everything

that exists. The purpose of the movie, in my opinion, was to show a possible version of a

"Utopia. The movie is based in a post-apocalyptic world. In the film the human beings live

in isolated communities where everything is seemingly perfect because no one knows pain

or suffering: no wars, no hatred or envy, no natural catastrophes. Everything is stable and in

harmony within a society in which each one is given a role at the age of 18. The film is

developed around the protagonist Jonas (Brenton Thwaites), who is involved in a series of

events that will lead him to doubt the moral sense of his community. Jonas realizes that he

must scape and protect those he loves.

Since my point of view, I agree with the idea that in a moment not very distant, the

human society could be in a similar era. However, I disagree in the broad notion that the

author reflects in the movie, regarding the theory of a futuristic society. From my

perception, a futuristic society would be more liberal, where its citizens had complete

autonomy over their future.

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The film has a dramatic and engaging storyline; however, the script of the

characters is predictable. The viewer easily loses the intrigue in the film. The script set in

the movie does not compare much to the original story. In the scenes, the characters seem to

be confused with the script they represent. Brenton Thwaites, who stars in the character of

Jonas seems to not fit in the role he typifies. One of the characters that stands out for his

performance is Jeff Bridges, who stars the character of The Giver. The aspects that make

him stand out over the rest of his partners are variable, however, the most important feature,

is the way he develops on stage. His great style in representing his character denotes

security, emotion and suspense.

The scene depicted in the film is monotonous. The special effect team takes a black

and white outline trying to symbolize the fact of the world without pain, without emotions

or feelings. The colors begin to emerge when the characters recover their humanity.

However, the fact of having black and white colors in the film, causes the viewer fall in a

state of boredom. In a same way, the poor use of scenography to represent the landscapes of

the movie, makes the audience ask for more spectacular graphics and scenarios.

The songs used in the film movie are very short. The total soundtrack consists in

around 10 songs. Of which the majority of them are variations of one original song. The

original song is called: A perfect snow, and is interpreted by an unknown group. In

general, the songs that appear along the movie are characterized for being harmonic and

enveloping. The songs are related in a perfect way with each scene of the movie,

contributing to make it more interesting for the audience.

The costumes used in the movie are very simple. They dont have any spectacular

design that highlight the attention of the audience. In my opinion, it could be expected that
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for being a futuristic film, the costumes should be flashy. However, I feel that the costume

team could have done a better job.

The Giver of Memories, is a movie for futuristic stories lovers. The movie is full of

mystery, suspense and action. It envelops the viewer in a unique way with its diverse

emotions. Sometimes the film becomes bored, by the fact of having a black and white

scenery with limited landscapes and little originality. The script that plays each character is

unique, despite the lack of enthusiasm in some of them. The songs that wrap the story with

different changes of harmony and intonation make the film take a different value. But

above all. The concept that manages the filming of a futuristic society, is very original. The

main characters like Jonas and The Giver take us to another dimension where we can enjoy

different emotions that makes us experience this great film.

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Philip Noyce, The Giver. Netflix, Lois Lowry. Barry Alexander Brown. Walden

Media, 2014.
Extra Resources.

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