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How to Use Enhanced Milieu

Teaching Continued
Milieu Teaching Prompts:
Hancock, T. B., & Kaiser, A. P. (2002). The effects of
Wait then model (Time delay): Parent
trainer-implemented enhanced milieu
teaching of the social communication of
presents an object of interest to the child children with autism. Topics in Early
and waits briefly (35 s) before giving the
child a verbal prompt to respond.
Childhood Special Education, 22(1),39-54.
doi: 10.1177/027112140202200104
Kaiser, A. P., Roberts, M. Y., (2012). Parent-
For example, when a child brings a implemented enhanced milieu teaching
with preschool children who have
caregiver an orange, the caregiver holds intellectual disabilities. Journal of Speech,
the orange and waits, and then the child language, and Hearing Research, 56(1).
295-309. doi; 10.1044/1092-4388(2012/11-
says, open. 0231)
Olive, M. L., Cruz, B., Davis, T. N., Chan, J. M.,
Lang, R. B., OReilly, M. F., Dicks, S. M.
Teaching with childs interests (Incidental (2006). The effects of enhanced milieu
teaching and a voice output communication
teaching): aide on the requesting of three children
with autism. The journal of Autism &
developmental Disorders, 37(8), 1505-
While your child is engaged in a 1513. doi: 10.1007/s10803-006-0243-6

favorable activity, you can join in and Kasinath, S., Woods, J., & Goldstein, H.
add words to there play describing what (2006).Enhancing generalized teaching
strategy use in daily routines by parents of
they are doing an playing with.

children with autism. Journal of Speech,
Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 466

Why is it important? Resource for more What is it?

Why is it?
Enhanced Milieu Teaching: How to use it?
Can help children start play and =uTL39pfqwj0
communicate when interacting in
a adult-child interaction
Can help children use their andouts/2010/1213-Roberts-
communication skills across Megan.htm By: Colleen Douglas
multiple settings.
With EMT, children are able to us
more language targets with and

without instruction.
What is Enhanced Milieu How to use Enhanced Milieu How to use Enhanced Milieu
Teaching Teaching Teaching
Interactive setting (Environmental Why Prompts:
Milieu Teaching is it Important
Enhanced Milieu Teaching is a
conversation-based intervention that uses Arrangement): Arrange the environment to
childs interests as opportunities to model set the room for adultchild interactions. Encouraged demonstrating (elicited
and prompt language in everyday modeling): show and describe to child
contexts. You can use this during play by what you are looking for.
either placing a toy in a sealed
There are three sections of EMT: container or setting a desired toy out For example, you can tell your child
of the childs reach, this encourages look the car goes on the track and
1. Interactive setting
the child to request for adult help. show them how to roll the car on the
(Environmental arrangement) to track.
encourage child to request and You can also use this during bath time as
start communication with adult. well, you can take a duck and float it on the
water and you say, Duck goes quack
2. Respond to interaction quack.
(Responsive interaction)
responding to what child says and
imitating child to encourage turn
taking and the development of
new words.

Modeling Targets and Expand Play:

3. Model Targets and Expand Play When the play becomes repetitive or the
(Milieu teaching procedures) to child did not initiate useful play or take a
prompt and model the use of new turn in play, use these strategies to model
language forms in there every day and expand play:
activities. Command and show (mands for
Put a new toy within the childs modeling): when you want your child to
a. Milieu teaching includes:
attention focus. use words when they want something,
i. Elicited modeling Take the toy that is being used model for them vocally by saying
ii. Mands followed by repetitively and introduce in it a new Say(noun)
modeling fun way, for example if the child is
iii. Time delay lining up cars take a car and roll it up For example, when your child wants a
the childs arm. banana and they are tugging at you,
iv. Incidental teaching you can say to them say banana.
You can use this during play when the
child gets stuck on a favorable object. You want to tell them exactly what you
want them to say.

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