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SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

` h<s> ` nmae gvte b&hSptye AiziStcatnay ae<,

om hasa om namo bhagavate bhaspataye abhiastictanya kro|

The Minister
Pt. Sanjay Rath, Jyotia Guru, r Jagannath Center
SJC Europe Annual Conference, 2005
Venue: Novi Sad, Serbia
Date: 15 July, 2005
Time: 2.30 PM

1. Carakraka means temporal significator. As a
significator it shows the microcosmic view of the
world from the perspective of the individual. How
you look at things, or your parents, relationships
etc. It is basically the view of the soul and what the
soul a support or hindrance to achieve its mission
in this life. It is temporal as it is only for this life.

(c) Sanjay Rath 1

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

Seven carakraka scheme

1. The Seven planet carakraka scheme includes seven planets
from the Sun to Saturn. It is meant for jatm (inanimate
2. Putrakraka, the significator for progeny is not included as
inanimate beings cannot procreate.
3. The Seven carakraka are
tmakraka AK created object and its purpose
Amtyakraka AmK karma and actions
Bhratkraka BK guidance and understanding
Mtkraka MK nurture and heal
Pitkraka PiK protect
Jtikraka GK oppose and destroy
Drkraka DK sustain

Eight carakraka scheme

1. The Eight planet carakraka scheme includes eight planets
from the Sun to Rhu. It is meant for jivtm (animate
world living beings). Putrakraka, the significator for
progeny is included as living beings can procreate.
2. The Eight carakraka are
tmakraka AK the real self or soul and its mission
Amtyakraka AmK karma yoga, work,
Bhratkraka BK knowledge, Guru, siblings
Mtkraka MK nurture and heal, mother
Putrakraka PK procreate, leadership, children
Pitkraka PiK protect, father
Jtikraka GK oppose, destroy, relatives, enemies,
Drkraka DK sustain, spouse, wealth

(c) Sanjay Rath 2

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

Meaning of Amtyakraka
C The word amtya means
belonging to the same house or When we consider these meanings it becomes
family, or a companion (of a evident that the minister advises the king in
king) or minister as in ancient relation to the work of the latter regarding the
times the closest confidants of governance and normally plays a key role in
the king were generally chosen deciding almost all issues related to the work.
from among the trusted The minister also carries out all the work in
members of the house although the name of the king who is normally a titular
other experts were appointed head but does wield all the power. Being close
as the scope of governance of to the king he is the one who has to
the kingdom grew. Thus, the understand the wishes of the king and also
amtya means both interpret the orders of the latter. Thus the
relationship between the tmakraka (king of
(1) one who is the closest
companion of the king and the horoscope) and the amtyakraka
fully understands him and (minister of the chart) becomes significant and
executes his wishes as well as can result in Rja Sambandha yoga. In any
(2) a minister or the closest advise case the amtyakraka does play a crucial role
of the king, or one whose in what the native does and whether he is
advise the king would consider able to implement his wishes easily.
very seriously.

Role of AmK (amtyakraka)

ywa raja}ya iv puamaTyadyae jna>,
smwaR laekkayeR;u twEvaNyeip karka>. 9.
yath rjjay vipra putrmtydayo jan |
samarth lokakryeu tathaivnyepi krak || 9||

Translation: The putrakraka (PK) and amtyakraka (AmK) are

adept at executing the orders of the king. Just as all public affairs
and works must have the consent of the king, so also these and
the other carakraka must have the consent or permission of the
tmakraka to carry out the works or activity associated with
their signification. [BPHS krakdhyya, loka 9]

(1) What are the indications of the amtyakraka (or other carakraka)? and
(2) How are we to determine what the tmakraka has approved or consents?

(c) Sanjay Rath 3

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

Yogi & Avayogi

The planets can be divided into three groups Group 3: Lower Class: Mars, Venus and
based on the concept of yogi and Saturn: some rajas and mostly tamas
avayogi. These are gua
Group 1: Upper Class: Sun, Rhu and Saturn rules all workers who are motivated by
Mercury: All three gua prevail. The the need for gratification of desire
nexus between politics (Sun), criminals (Venus).
(Rhu) and business (Mercury) that Mars rules the more skilled workers who use
represent the upper class in any society. tools and mechanisms or contraptions
These are the enjoyers of the power and to do most of their work. In simpler
retain the same ruthlessly using all words, these skilled workers need the
means and money to control. These implements and machines (Saturn) to
three are interdependent on the other do their work. Even warriors ruled by
and it is necessary to identify the need Mars need arms and weapons (Saturn)
of each category. to fight.
Group 2: Middle Class: Moon, Jupiter and Venus the goddess of lust and sexuality needs
Ketu: satva gua dominates. Socialists hungry men (Mars) to ogle at her. She
or people in general (Moon), teachers complains that they have dirty eyes but
(Jupiter) and spiritualists or mystics chuckles inside when her gyration
(Ketu) that rule the morality of the hypnotizes and captures the weak
middle class with promises of a better minds of the energetic young men.
life after death form the core of this

The Middle Class: Spiritual Mission

1. Spiritualists Moon
2. This is the middle class morality keeper and the
spiritualists are ruled by Ketu.
3. They need the Moon to associate with their
amtyakraka to give social success to their
missions and programs. While studying the
charts of founders of spiritual organizations or
institutions, we need to look for the association
of the Moon with the amtyakraka and the
type of yoga it is involved in.
4. We also need to confirm renunciation yogas like
those of Saturn and Moon etc.
5. As a focus we shall concentrate on the founders
of spiritual missions.

(c) Sanjay Rath 4

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

Swami Vivekananda
1. Vivekananda chart
2. In the chart of Swami Vivekananda the founder of the
Ramakrishna Mission, the tmakraka is the Sun while the
amtyakraka is Moon.
3. The Moon is involved in powerful ani-candra yoga in the tenth
house. This ani-candra yoga produces philosophers,
spiritualists and great leaders who work for the masses. ani-
candra yoga involves the amtyakraka Moon and bhratkraka
(BK representing spiritual master r Ramakrishna) Saturn and
directs the profession or career towards renunciation and
creation of a spiritual mission in the name of his spiritual
master. It is noteworthy that the Vivekananda (AK Sun) did not
want to renounce and tried to get a job! But Moon AmK and BK
Saturn changed destiny.
4. Mercury the natural significator of the tenth house (profession)
is placed in Capricorn in the sixth house from ruha lagna
indicating the absence of any profession due to its dispositor
Saturn (BK the spiritual master).

Aurobindo Ghose
1. Aurobindo chart
2. The amtyakraka is Saturn and is involved in ani-candra yoga
with the Moon in the sixth house in Sagittarius. Just as in the
chart of r Vivekananda, we find a similar ani-candra yoga in
a dual sign involving the amtyakraka and such a yoga for
renunciation and spiritual insight is unsullied by any
conjunctions or aspects from any other planet.
3. Mercury the natural significator of the tenth house is the
tmakraka and is conjoined Sun and Venus in a fiery sign Leo
and is also in a quadrant from the ruha lagna. The tenth lord
from lagna is conjoined Jupiter indicating his profession as a
teacher in a college.
4. With the advent of the natural age of maturity of Saturn (36
years) the strength of the ani-candra yoga unfolded and
compelled him through some turbulent experiences in jails to
renounce material life and take the spiritual path. He was a path
breaker in the understanding of the Vedas and his writings
influence many people even to this day.

(c) Sanjay Rath 5

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

r Prabhupada
1. r Prabhupada chart
2. r Prabhupada (Chart-3) has the amtyakraka Moon
involved in ai-magala yoga, not joined any other
planet although aspected by an exalted Saturn by ri
di. This is very similar to the previous charts where the
ani-candra yoga causes spirituality and renunciation.
3. Just as in the chart of Vivekananda the Mercury and
Venus are in the sixth house from the ruha lagna
although Mercury the natural significator of the tenth
house is exalted and is also placed in the tenth house
promising a career. He had a chequered career with many
failures in business and finally renounced the material
world around 60 years of age and dedicated himself to
fulfilling the command of his spiritual master.
4. He established the Hare Ka mission or ISKCON.

r Satya Sai Baba

1. r Satya Sai chart
2. r Satya Sai Baba has the Moon as amtyakraka in a dusthna
(8th house) and Saturn is placed in lagna. Once again, we find
that the Moon and Saturn have generated yoga just like in all
the previous cases. In this case the Brahmaa yoga (Moon in a
dusthna and kraka of dusthna Saturn in lagna) is very strong
and r Satya Sai renounced the material world at a young age.
3. In all his teachings in the numerous schools and colleges, we
find the students well versed in the Vedas and regularly doing
the prayers and the gyatri mantra. These are clear signs of the
perfect Brahmaa yoga in his chart.
4. The Moon is with Rhu and in a dual sign and is not aspected
or conjoined any other planet. The social Moon shows
compassion for all fellow beings and caring/service towards
everyone compassion of the mother. The influence of an
exalted Rhu on the Moon brings multiple religious faiths
under one umbrella positive secularism in the sense that it
accepts the existence and harmony among all religious thought.
This is the motto of the Satya Sai Mission where the emblem has
the symbols of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and

(c) Sanjay Rath 6

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

Rja sambandha yoga I

raJynawe jnul
R admaTyezyutei]te, AmaTykarke[aip xanTv< n&palye. 1.
rjyanthe janurlagndamtyeayutekite | amtyakrakepi pradhnatva nplaye || 1||

Translation: If the tenth lord (from lagna) is conjunct or aspected by the

amtyakraka or its dispositor the native shall be a head for a king (or
government). [BPHS Rja Sambandha yogdhyya loka 1]
Why should Parara pick the tenth lord for the yoga? The amtyakraka is the
significator of the tenth house and the association of the lord of a house with its
significator causes a good yoga to exist for the house, be it the natural or temporal
significator. If the tenth lord joins Mercury then we find that a Karma Yogi is born and
he shall work hard without attachment to the fruits and will try to excel in whatever he
does. On the other hand, if the tenth lord is conjoined the amtyakraka then we find
the soul level energies directed towards goals and achievement of great works. Such
people accomplish great works due to association with the kings and powerful or right
people who will give them the benefit of their abilities and help them in furthering
their career objectives.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
1. President F.D.Roosevelt chart
2. The amtyakraka Sun is conjoined the tenth lord Venus
generating the rja sambandha yoga.
3. Since Venus is the principal planet involved in generating
the rja sambandha yoga it can do so through spouse,
sisters or such people indicated by it. Well before he
finished graduation from the Columbia University Law
School, New York, he was married to his distant cousin
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. The brides uncle, Theodore
Roosevelt, President of the United States, was present at
the ceremony.
4. It is noteworthy that Rhu does not have graha di on
the amtyakraka Sun and instead has ri di
indicating that Roosevelt was very capable of handling
politics but did not believe in political machinations.

(c) Sanjay Rath 7

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

Rja sambandha yoga II

AmaTykarke[aip karkeNe[ s<yute, tIbuiyutae balae rajmI ved uvm!. 3.
amtyakrakepi krakendrea sayute |tvrabuddhiyuto blo rjamantr bhaved dhruvam ||

Translation: If the amtyakraka (AmK) is in a quadrant or conjunct the

tmakraka (AK), the native shall be blessed with sharp intelligence and from
a young age shall be a kings minister. [BPHS Rja Sambandha yogdhyya 3]
There are three factors involved in this loka - the amtyakraka, tmakraka
and lagna. Amtyakraka behaves like Mercury as the significator of the tenth
house and shows the learning ability and consequently, the applied
intelligence. Intelligence is seen in the lagna just as health is seen from the
Moon and wealth or sustenance (energy) from the Sun. The tmakraka (AK)
represents the soul and based on Jaimini mahi the life span can be divided
into three parts that are indicated by Kendra, Paapara and Apoklimas
quadrants, succeedent and precedent houses respectively.

Commentary contd..

Kendra: 1, 4, 7 & 10 Quadrant houses from tmakraka symbolizing childhood and the age
(1) 0 to 32 (2) 0 to 36 or (3) 0 to 40 years depending on longevity compartment
Paapara: 2, 5, 8 & 11 Succeedent houses from tmakraka symbolizing middle age (1) 32 to
64, (2) 36 to 72 or (3) 40 to 80 years depending on longevity compartment, and
Apoklimas: 3, 6, 9 & 12 Precedent houses from tmakraka symbolizing old age - (1) 64 to 96
(2) 72 to 108 or (3) 80 to 120 years depending on longevity compartment
The placement of the amtyakraka in Kendra from lagna gives good intelligence, as the
native shall use the intelligence provided by the lagna (or pka lagna to be more precise)
for all work that he takes up. He will not like doing work that does not involve learning
and applying intelligence. If instead the amtyakraka is in a Kendra from the
tmakraka then the rja sambandha yoga given by the applied intelligence of the
amtyakraka shall function at a young age, and this is the purport of the loka. If instead
the amtyakraka is in a Paapara from the tmakraka then the rja sambandha yoga
shall be initiated in middle age and if in an Apoklimas then the rja sambandha yoga
shall be initiated in old age. The ages indicated are tentative and relevant da can initiate
the rja sambandha yoga.

(c) Sanjay Rath 8

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

The Upper Class: Politicians

1. Politics and politicians [ Rhu]the hunters
2. Politicians (Sun) form a part of the upper class group and
the association of Rhu (criminals) gives them the edge
over the middle class as they are prepared to do all such
things required to maneuver themselves into the upper
class rung of society as well as stay there.
3. Businessmen (Mercury) and all others like bureaucrats
(Moon) need the politicians to further their business
interests or rise in the bureaucracy and hold position.
4. The Sun would be an important support for the
amtyakraka to have to further their career interests
while Rhu is a necessary evil that every politician has to
5. As a focus let us concentrate on the charts of Indian Prime
Ministers. Remember: India Virgo natural sign/lagna.

India PM: Jawaharlal Nehru

1. Jawaharlal Nehru Chart
2. Jawaharlal Nehru has an exalted Rhu in Gemini as the
amtyakraka (AmK) indicating natural ability for
diplomacy and handling political intrigues. He would be
able to outmaneuver his opponents, especially the real
challenges like Jinnah, Subhash Bose and many others.
3. He outmanoeuvred everyone to become Prime Minister
in Moon da as Moon is in Asle nakatra ruled by
4. Virgo is the natural ri of India and Gemini the tenth
house from Virgo would play a vital role in the charts of
its prime ministers, at least those who spend more than a
year in office. Jawaharlal Nehru has the amtyakraka as
Rhu and the amtyakraka is in Gemini. He was the first
prime minister of India.

(c) Sanjay Rath 9

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

India PM: Lal Bahadur Shastri

1. Lal Bahadur Shastri Chart
2. Lal Bahadur Shastri, the next Prime Minister
has Sun as the amtyakraka with an exalted
Mercury and tmakraka Moon generating rja
sambandha yoga.
3. Rhu placed in Leo and conjoined the fifth lord
Mars in the ninth house aspects the Sun
(amtyakraka) by the special aspect.
4. The Sun AmK has a ri di on Gemini. He
became the Prime Minister of India in 1964 in
Leo Nryaa da Aries antarda.

India PM: Indira Gandhi

1. Indira Gandhi Chart
2. Venus the natural significator of spouse is in maraa
kraka sthna in 6th house and is also the amtyakraka
(AmK) and is conjoined a debilitated Rhu. Thus, on the
one hand she lost her spouse through separation and later
death and on the other hand the amtyakraka with Rhu
brought her into the center stage of Indian politics after
the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri.
3. She was the longest reigning Prime Minister of India and
even today people fondly call her Ma Kali (Mother Klika
the remover of ignorance and sorrow and killer of
enemies). The moot point is that (1) amtyakraka Venus
is conjoined Rhu and (2) they aspect Gemini, the vital
sign promising power for Indian Prime Ministers.

(c) Sanjay Rath 10

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

India PM: Rajiv Gandhi

1. Indira Gandhi Chart
2. Rajiv Gandhi entered Indian politics from the back door
when a void was apparently created by the sudden death
of Indira Gandhi in October, 1984 and the Congressmen
lacked a leader of ample stature to lead them. More
honestly, like true politicians, they were too suspicious of
each other and no consensus leader could be found - to
the delight of all Indians.
3. Rhu is the amtyakraka and is well placed in the 12th
house. It does not have a direct link with Gemini but
aspects Mercury the tmakraka in Lagna. With five
planets in lagna he was to prove to be the greatest
blessing Indians could have imagined when he initiated
structural reforms in the economy and if we see India as
an emerging power to reckon with in world scenario,
then it is this man who deserves to be thanked for his
vision and strength of character to do what he dreamt.

India PM: V.P.Singh

1. V.P.Singh Chart
2. Venus is the amtyakraka and prima facie, does not
have any aspect of Rhu or any link with the sign Gemini.
However, Venus the amtyakraka is in Gemini navma
and is aspected by Rhu, the tmakraka Saturn and the
Sun constituting a powerful rjayoga.
3. Rhu is debilitated and eclipses the Sun and so does
Saturn afflict the Sun. In the ri chart the Sun is in
maraa kraka sthna in the 12th house indicating
success in political machination against the Sun. The
native started a slander campaign against the then Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi (Leo Lagna with lagna lord Sun in
it) and successfully pulled him down and won the next
elections to become the Prime Minister of India during
Mercury da Venus antarda.

(c) Sanjay Rath 11

SJC Europe Conference, Serbia July, 2005

India PM: P.V.Narasimha Rao

1. P.V.Narasimha Rao Chart
2. Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao has a powerful
Viparta rjayoga caused by the conjunction of the malefic
lords of the 12th house (Sun) and 3rd & 8th house (Mars)
in the tenth house with digbala (directional strength). The
conjunction of Mercury which is in Bhadra mahpurua
yoga adds strength to the viparta rjayoga.
3. Mercury is the amtyakraka and is placed in Gemini, the
sign associated with the leaders of India. It is conjoined
the Sun giving him administrative abilities as well as
Mars giving him great fighting abilities. The aspect of
Rhu (tmakraka) from the sign Libra on this viparta
rjayoga makes it all the more potent as it gives
tremendous skill in political maneuver and machinations.

India PM: A.B.Vajpayee

1. A.B.Vajpayee Chart
2. Atal Behari Vajpayee led the BJP to be the next Prime
Minister of India in 1996 (13 days) and 1998 to 2004.
Amtyakraka Venus is in Sagittarius with the Sun and
Ketu while Rhu the master of diplomacy is exalted in
Gemini. Rhu aspects the amtyakraka Venus giving
him great ability to maneuver and makes him politically
astute. Being in the eighth house, a dusthna Rhu shall
give very sudden results. Rja sambandha yoga[1] is
caused by the conjunction of the tenth lord Sun with the
amtyakraka Venus. Since all factors for the headship of
India are complete including the fact of the amtyakraka
aspecting the sign Gemini, it is but natural that after a
long stint of nearly four decades (first elected in 1957) in
parliament, he became the Prime Minister of India.

(c) Sanjay Rath 12

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