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Blog #4

Hi everyone my name is Arcelia Salguero today is April 11, 2017 the time is 4:05 of the

afternoon. I am a current senior at Poly High School and my age is 17. The problem I am

working on is teen girls face insecurity and self harm when people make fun of them or their

body. One of the steps I have done so far to solve this problem is that I made flyers to try and get

people to come to the event I was hosting today. The event didnt go as planned because no one

showed up to the event. I feel that I didn't really do a good job in the way of telling people come

to my event. So my backup plan is to try and change my method of how I plan to solve my

problem. I plan on interviewing about 6 or 7 teenage girls to see how they feel about this issue

and after that make some kind of social media page to post things on how we can fix the way

teen girls view themselves. One of the reasons why I think that is a good idea is because most of

the teen girls feel that social media is always right. Before I begin with my back up plan I will

first have to get approval from my teacher. So tomorrow I will talk to her to see if I will be able

to do what I am planning. Stay tune to see if my teacher approves of my plan Arcelia out

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