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DEPT : DATE: .1..2017

1.Why is it important to compress to the appropriate depth during CPR?

a.Adequate depth of compression is needed to create blood flow during compressions

b.Adequate depth of compression is needed to create air flow into the lungs and adequate oxygenation
c.,Adequate depth of compression is needed to prolong asystole
d.Adequate depth of compression is needed to stimulate spontaneous respirations

2.When giving someone CPR, you should reassess the victim for signs of circulation every _______________.

a. Few minutes b. 5 minutes

c. 10 minutes d. 30 seconds

3.Which of the following victims need CPR?

a.A victim with a pulse and who is having trouble breathing
b.A victim with chest pain and indigestion
c.victim who is unresponsive, no normal breathing and absent/ inadequate pulse
d.A victim who is unresponsive but is breathing adequately

4.When giving chest thrusts to a choking infant, apply compression with two fingers:
a. One finger's width above the nipple line
b. On the center of the abdomen above the umbilicus
c. One finger's width below the nipple line
d. None of the above


6.Where should you check the pulse on a infant? ---------------------------------

7.High-quality CPR for young children includes:--

A.Compress to a depth of at least one third of the child's chest diameter

B.Compress at a rate between 100 and 120 compressions per minute
C.Minimize interruptions to chest compressions
D.All of the above

8. You are doing CPR on a child with symptomatic bradycardia. An intravenous line is in place. What is the
first drug of choice for the patient?

A. Atropine B. Epinephrine C. Sodium bicarbonate D. Dopamine

9. The correct sequence for basic life support is:

A.ABC - Airway, Breathing, Compressions B.ACB - Airway, Compressions, Breathing

C.BCA - Breathing, Compressions, Airway D.CAB - Compressions, Airway, Breathing

10.PAAS mean ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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