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1. Define the following terms;

i. CPR
ii. Recovery position
iii. Anaphylaxis
iv. Heart attack
v. Shock

b) What is the CPR procedure for a six-year old boy?

c) When performing CPR on a child, how deep should the chest compressions be?

d) How many compressions and breaths should you do for each cycle of CPR?

e) Give the CPR procedure for;

i. An infant
ii. An adult.

2. Explain what you should do if:

i. Someone is unconscious and breathing
ii. Someone is unconscious and not breathing

b) Define the term anaphylactic shock and explain its symptoms.

c) Give the first aid procedure for the person under anaphylactic shock attack.

d) What is the first aid given to someone bleeding heavily and nothing is embedded.

e) Explain the first aid procedure given to someone bleeding heavily and a body part,
such as finger, has been severed.

f) Give the first aid procedure for nose bleeding

3. Give the first aid procedure for someone who has a burn or scald

b) Explain the first aid procedure for both mild and severe choking in babies below 1 year
and adults.

c) Give the first aid procedure for someone who is drowning

4. Explain what to if someone has had an electric shock.

b) Give the first aid procedure for fractures

c) Define a heart attack and explain its symptoms

d) Give the first aid procedure for someone with a heart attack

5. State the signs and symptoms of poisoning

b) State what should never be done when giving first aid to a poisoned person

c) Give the first aid procedure for someone who is poisoned.

d) Define a shock and state its signs and symptoms

e) Give the first aid procedure for a person experiencing a shock.

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