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the Genius Within

T he world is made up of ordinary people who do extraor-

dinary things every day. Sometimes people tell me that
I live an extraordinary life, but I know I’m not extraordinary.
I’m just an ordinary guy who has ordinary fears and ordinary
intelligence. I’m able to live an extraordinary life because I’ve
tried to build my life on the Five Foundations I’m sharing
with you in this book.
Many years ago, I was inspired by a book written by
Glenn Clark called The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the
Universe. One particular piece of writing was life-changing:
“I believe sincerely that every man has consummate genius
within him. Some appear to have it more than others only
because they are aware of it more than others are, and the
awareness or unawareness of it is what makes each one of
them into masters or holds them down to mediocrity.”

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At the moment I read that passage, I realized I had genius

within me and it was up to me to uncover it, not wait for oth-
er people to find it. My success, or lack of it, was my choice
and no one else’s. I was the one who could make anything
happen by believing in myself and staying focused on goals
that aligned with my values. I was in charge of my life.
If you have learned to hide your light and reject new
ideas, it’s time to take a deep look at the person you really
are—the genius who was born with potential and the spirit
to realize your dreams. The root of the word “genius” is the
Latin word that means “spirit.” Take a moment to ask your-
self, “What would my life be like if I allowed the spirit of my
inner genius to shine?”


So often, we look at people who are considered to be geniuses

and wonder what they have that we don’t have. From what
I’ve seen, most geniuses, instead of accepting the status quo,
learn how to think outside the box. They take things out of
that box and turn them around, upside down and inside out.
From the most successful entrepreneurs to the greatest scien-
tists, this ability to look at life from new angles is what results
in those “aha!” moments we associate with genius.
Leonardo da Vinci believed this. He advocated always
looking at problems and dilemmas from several different


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Recognize the Genius Within

perspectives. For instance, by seeking commonalities in the

relationship between the ring of a bell and a stone hitting
water, he discovered that sound travels in waves.
Einstein always formulated his theories in as many differ-
ent ways as possible. While other scientists used mathemati-
cal formulas to reach their conclusions, Einstein—a known
visual thinker—often drew pictures and diagrams. Numbers
did not play a significant role in his thinking process.
You may feel you need an IQ like Einstein’s to be a genius,
but according to Dr. Martin Brooks there seems to be “no
single recipe” for genius. High IQ doesn’t always predict ge-
nius, nor does academic achievement. “Genius, it seems, de-
mands the expression of qualities often denied by traditional
schooling and intelligence tests,” Dr. Brooks says. “Though
exceptional ability may be a key ingredient, you must also
throw courage and creativity into the mix. Top that off with
a talent for visualizing problems from new and original an-
gles, and you may be getting somewhere toward that elusive
To illustrate his point, Dr. Brooks refers to the case of
Tony DeBlois, a musician who could play twenty instru-
ments and had more than eight thousand songs committed
to memory. DeBlois suffered from a form of autism known
as savant syndrome. People with this syndrome often have
exceptional abilities in one area but remarkable deficiencies
in another. In other words, it’s not what you’ve got—it’s what
you do with it.


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In 1921, Dr. Lewis Terman of Stanford University

launched a decades-long study of 1,500 children who had
IQs above the genius level. He wanted to find the correlation
between IQ and success. Like Dr. Brooks, he discovered IQ
was not the most vital component of success. The real success
factors, he found, were self-confidence, perseverance and the
ability to set goals—components of what is known as “emo-
tional intelligence.”


Finding the confidence to create the life you want often

means stepping back and looking at the possibilities around
you, rather than staying in situations that make you unhap-
py, unhealthy or both. The following story, often told by in-
spirational speaker John Assaraf, mentioned earlier in this
book, is a good example of the need to do this. One day a
man walked into a room and noticed a fly buzzing frantically
against a windowpane. When the man looked again in ten
minutes, the fly was still buzzing away at the window. Three
hours later, he walked by the window again and the fly was
gone. He looked down and saw about a dozen flies lying dead
on the window ledge. He then looked up to see, only a few
feet away, an open window.


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Recognize the Genius Within

Some of us spend a lot of our lives trying to pursue

dreams and objectives by “buzzing” against the window of
life. We see our goals in front of us and believe if we just buzz
harder and longer we’ll be rewarded. In fact, we should stop
our frantic “buzzing,” back up and look around for another
Stepping back to get perspective was exactly what
Kumar Shivdasani, a physician at Vancouver General Hospi-
tal, did after attending one of my LifePilot workshops. “I’ve
been blessed by a number of wonderful experiences,” Kumar
says. “Opportunities have come into my life that I recognized
as ‘opportunities’ because they touched and connected with
my values, strengths, and in some ways even what I perceived
as weaknesses . . . I’ve been able to face many of my fears and
overcome those obstacles of, ‘oh no, I can’t do that!’ As a re-
sult of walking through my fears, I’ve done a list of things my
mind said I couldn’t do: half-marathons and eventually a full
marathon, triathlons, and climbing the tallest peak outside of
the Himalayas—Mt. Aconcagua (almost 23,000 feet).”
Inspired by the possibilities he now saw in his life,
Kumar went on to climb another of the Seven Summits—:Mt.
Elbrus in Russia, the tallest peak in Europe. He also became
involved in a charity devoted to raising money for children’s
health initiatives. Kumar found the courage to create the life
he really wanted.


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The Japanese-American artist Isamu Noguchi, considered

one of the great sculptors of the twentieth century, credited
his mother with helping him to believe in his talent. By all ac-
counts, she was a strong and powerful influence on his early
development, just as my mother was in my life. We should
all be so fortunate as to have such strong champions of our
potential. But whether you do or don’t have support for your
talents, you must look inside and recognize the potential you
possess. It’s still there, no matter what your age.
Rediscovering your talents is an amazing process, a bit
like searching for a long-lost treasure you buried as a child.
When you find it, you’ll remember how good it felt, and how
Steven Funk, a former colleague of mine, dreamed of be-
coming a farmer. But somehow the Iowa farm kid ended up
pursuing an education in oral surgery. It wasn’t until he was
well into his post-secondary education that he realized he
was moving toward a destination that didn’t excite him.
So why did Steven choose a career in oral surgery? “I re-
member jumping up and down on the bed when I was a little
kid,” he says. “My dad was there and he was asking, ‘What are
you going to be when you grow up?’ I said, ‘Dad, I’m going to
be a farmer’—because my dad was a farmer. I remember him
saying, ‘You don’t want to be a farmer. Go be a doctor.’ ”


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Recognize the Genius Within

He did what his father wanted him to do. He studied at

the University of Iowa in his home state, and then moved to
Vancouver for his residency—a city he picked after reading a
National Geographic magazine.
Steven tried to find something about a career in oral
surgery that appealed to him, but his heart wasn’t in it. He
remembers returning to Iowa for Christmas one year, and
talking to a friend from dental school about how they hated
the job and couldn’t wait to retire. Steven said the thought of
an Iowa farm boy with a love of the outdoors spending the
rest of his working life cooped up in an office was unbearable.
He wanted to live more of a freelance lifestyle.
Uncertain about the future, Steven returned to Vancouver,
where I eventually met him. In fact, my business partner and
I hired him. One moment he was an oral surgery resident,
the next he was working for two fast-moving entrepreneurs
whose entire approach to life was full of enthusiasm—and
anything but 9 to 5. It was the freelance life he’d dreamed
about back in school. Steven went on to become founder and
chairman of a major corporation. And true to his farming
background, he now oversees nearly one hundred thousand
acres of precious sustainable development and environmental
custodianship in the rainforest of Belize. He also owns
agricultural farmland with his family in Iowa.
Like so many people, Steven had a potential and a call-
ing he almost denied. Although Steven’s father undoubtedly
wanted the very best for his son, the father’s dream wasn’t


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Steven’s dream. By looking deep inside, Steven found the

courage to pursue his dream and turn it into a success.
When I think of people like Kumar and Steven I’m re-
minded of what theologian Carl Bard said: “Though no one
can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start
from now and make a brand new ending.”
Don’t wait to feel like a genius before you set off on a
journey to a more fulfilling life. The time to act is now. You
have what you need. It’s time to believe in yourself and get
your ideas off the ground.


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