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Charlie Martinez April 3, 2017

Brave New World Argument Outline

Brave new world is one of the most critically acclaimed and commonly-read novels in the
english language, it is a very sophisticated dystopia, so it shows the reader a hypothetical world
that is basically screwed up and something we really wish we wouldn't evolve into living. Brave
new world is still a very relevant book in todays literature community mainly because it presents
a very proper and well-written structure and because its thesis and ideas beyond its pages are
relevant to todays society in general; mainly in the areas of politics and philosophy. Today my
essay will explore how the horrible world in Brave new world is set up and how the ideas
integral to this world helped this world succeed.

In Brave new world, the government in this hypothetical world has set up a society where
traditional human nature has become obsolete; instead human beings are genetically
engineered into several different classes in order to create a very segregated system of social
rankings , additionally sexual taboos and human principles like monogamy have been abolished
and people live extremely promiscuous lives. People also take very powerful recreational drugs
to escape the worlds problems and never have to deal with suffering. Even though characters
like Bernard exist which disagree with the way this world works, most of the world are like robots
and nobody really debates against the worlds ideologies; this makes it very difficult to have
some kind of effective opposition against the world.

The novel introduces John a character that is a savage to the society in brave new world
because he does not agree and in no way lives with the ideologies of the rest of the world. As
he is introduced into the world after living secluded from it, he realizes how this world is horrible
and even though he attempts extensively to tolerate the ideologies and fit-in he reaches a point
of climax where he explodes psychologically after losing his mother. He then seems to be in a
troubled mental state where he is self-harming and is actively violent; he then ends up
committing suicide. Throughout this, Bernard and Heinzgerd try to create change in the world
but like John, end up defeated by the corrupt society. This supports my claim of how even
though people like John and Bernard had more conflicting ideas and tried to create change in
the world, the societys strong and nearly robotic way of living defeated any and all opposition to
them and shows how this world has been mostly successful.

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