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Sheva Erdiansyah Narrative Text

10 F


In a village, there lived a poor woman. She lived with her only son, named Malin Kundang. Everyday she
worked as a fisherman. However, his income could not meet the needs of their daily lives so that they were
always in need. When Malin Kundang got older, he decided to go to town. He wanted to change his fate

"Perhaps by going to the city, I could change our fate, Mother," said Malin Kundang.

With a heavy heart, her mother was allowed him to go. Now, her mother was back into a lonely old woman.
She always thoughtk about the condition of his son. She was so sickly, while Malin never sent word for him.

A few years later, Malin managed to change fate. He become a wealthy merchant. Malin had a lot of ships.
Malin life was no longer difficult. Malin also married a very beautiful woman.

One day, Malin wanted to see his village . itwas a long time he did not return. Malin went with my wife and a
lot of workers. He also brought a lot of money to be distributed to the villagers.

Malin came in his village. With arrogant he distributed money to the resident. They were very happy. Among
them recognized Malin, namely his own neighbor. The man immediately went to the house of Malin, wanted
to give the good news to Malins mother.

Did you already know, your son Malin has now become a rich man. "The neighbors exclaimed.

"How do you know that? All this time I never heard from him," said the mother of Malin, surprised.

"Now go down to the dock. Your son Malin was there. He looks very handsome, and his wife was also very
pretty," said her neighbor.

She did not believe about it. Her eyes filled with tears. Indeed, he missed his son for several years. So he
ran to the dock. There, it looked Malin and his wife were very handsome and pretty.

"Malin, you go home, son," said his mother.

Malin recognized his mother. However, he was ashamed to admit his mother who dressed very shabby.
How would he explain to his wife about all this?

"You said your mother was dead. Is she really your mother?" Malin wife asked, confused.

"She's not my mother, she was a beggar who claim as my mother," said Malin.

Her mother heard Malin. Then his mother cursed Malin.

"Your heart is really hard as a stone, Malin. So I curse you to stone. You were rebellious child," said her
mother.Malin was fear to dead. He asked forgiveness to his mother. However, his mother was in deep hurt.
Suddenly rained very hard and lightning. During that time, Malin turned to stone.

The moral message of the story of Malin Kundang is a paradise is under mother's feet. Always treat
your mother very well because she is the most meritorious woman in your life.

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