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In a village, there lived a poor woman. He lives with his only child, his name is Malin Kundang.
Every day the woman works as a fisherman. However, their income cannot meet their daily needs so
that their lives are always lacking. When Malin Kundang grew up, he decided to go to the city. He
wanted to try his luck there. "Maybe by going to the city, I can change our destiny, Mother," said Malin
Kundang. With a heavy heart, his mother allowed it. Now, her mother is back to being a lonely old
woman. After Malin left, his mother always thought about his son's condition. She became sickly, while
Malin never sent news to her. Until several years later, Malin managed to change fate. He has become a
wealthy merchant. Malin has many ships. Malin's life is no longer difficult. Malin also married a very
beautiful noblewoman. One day, Malin wanted to see the state of his village. He hasn't been home for a
long time. Malin went with his wife and many workers. He also brought a lot of money to distribute
among the residents. Arrived Malin in his village. Arrogantly he distributes money to residents. The
people in his village were very happy. Among them there were those who recognized Malin, namely his
own neighbours. That person immediately went to Malin's house, wanting to give the good news to
Malin's mother. "Mother, do you already know, your son Malin has now become a rich man." cried the
neighbor. “How do you know that? So far I have never heard from him," said Malin's mother, surprised.
“Now head down to the pier. Your son Malin is there. He looks very handsome, and his wife is also very
beautiful," said his neighbor. Malin's mother could not believe it. Her eyes filled with tears. In fact, he
had missed his son so much over the past few years. So he immediately ran to the pier. Sure enough,
Malin was seen there with his wife who was very beautiful. "Malin, you go home, son," his mother
called. Malin recognized his mother. However, he was ashamed to admit the very shabby-dressed
parents. How was he going to explain to his wife all this? “You said your mother was dead. Is it true that
this parent is your mother?” asked Malin's wife, confused. "She's not my mother, she's a beggar who
claims to be my mother." cried Malin. Her mother really hurt to hear Malin's words. His mother then
cursed Malin. “Your heart is really as hard as a rock, Malin. So, I curse you to stone. You're a rebellious
child." said his mother. Malin was scared. He begged forgiveness from his mother. However, his mother
was already deeply hurt. Immediately it rained very heavily, and lightning flashed. At that time Malin
also turned into stone.

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