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Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17

KC : Communication
RC : Market and trends
GC : Fairness and development
SOI : A local invention can diffuse into a global
market through successful and targeted
Role : Designer : I am the designer of the
magazine we are going to do. I am going to
design the magazine with the help of the
research the researcher does. After i finish it, the
editor will make an necessary changes.

Task Specific Clarification

Design cycle:
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17

Inquiring and Analyzing

Identify the problem/issue/topic will you inquire?

Our topic is Art of Advertorial for this semester. Advertorial is a

newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information
about a product in the style of an editorial or objective
journalistic article.
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
In this semester we are going to research, design and edit
(create) a magazine on the topic we want to do on. We have
chosen the topic DIY/ Art. So this is basically our summative

Task 1-Design Need

Justify the need for a solution to this problem? Explain your
point of view.

For this semester we are going to do on advertorial, this is our

topic but not a problem. So you can say advertorials are
important because Advertisers can leverage this trust to
enhance the reader's opinion of their business. An advertorial in
a paper is viewed by consumers as trusted content. ... The
obvious advantage is that an advertorial is by definition, paid
advertising space. They can be used to increase both lineage
and revenue. We are going to create a magazine on DIY/arts
and crafts. This magazine will help students, people who are
into arts and crafts. This will help students get interested in DIY,
and may lead to choose this as their career.

Specify your client/target audience.

As our topic for our magazine is DIY/ art and craft, our target
audience will be general audience and people who likes craft, it
can also be students.
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17

Task 2-Research Plan (Mind map)

State a research plan to develop a solution to the problem.

Primary Research Secondary Research

Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
Survey Inquiring questions

In our groups we created a In our groups, we answered the

survey form in order to take inquiry that maam gave us
others opinion on advertorial. through research which helped
us know better about the topic.

Task 3 Existing Solutions

List the existing products you are aware of and analyze them

Arts and crafts home and the revival : This

magazine is pretty good. It is colourful, has got an
attractive cover page, good ideas of arts and crafts.
Fine woodworking : As per my opinion, this
magazine cover page is not that attractive and colourful,
though it is a very nice magazine.It is not exactly DIy arts
and crafts, but has something to do with artistic skills.
Craft and home projects : This magazine has a
very colourful and attractive cover page, and also good
information and ideas.
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17

Two best products that I choose

The two best products i choose is Arts and crafts home and the
revival and craft home magazines as it is more attractive,
colourful and more relevant to the topic of our magazine.

Survey Questionnaire
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17

Inquiry Questions
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
Factual questions :
1. What is an advertorial? And how can it be used
Advertorial is basically a newspaper, magazine, or any kind of
advertisement, giving us information about a new product or
anything which is going on currently.

2. What types of advertisement are most

influential over customer by behavior ?
The types of advertising which are most important are :
- Radio
- Newspaper
- The internet
- Outdoor advertising like billboards, etc.
- Magazines

Conceptual questions :
1. Why advertising is important?
Advertising is important as it helps new and existing
business to
communicate important information to the customer. It
awareness for different brands that are available in the

2. What is the primary purpose of advertorial?

The primary purpose of an advertorial is paid advertising
uses a narrative editorial format. You can also say that an
advertorial is an advertisement in the form of editorial or
educational content.

3. Why an advertorial will outperform most adds ?

You can understand this from the definition itself :
Advertorials are
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
paid advertisements that appear in newspapers,
magazines and
online as columns or articles designed to look like editorial
Advertorials are the betterments of an advertisement,
that is the reason advertorials will outperform most adds. Gouri

Debatable questions :
1. Do advertorial affect the customer service or
perceptions? Meghnad
Influencing Perception

Consumers continually synthesize all the information they have

about a company to form a decision about whether that
company offers value. In a sense, consumer perception is an
approximation of reality, notes the book Consumer
Behaviour, by Atul Kr. Sharma. Businesses attempt to
influence this perception of reality, sometimes through trickery
and manipulation but often just by presenting themselves in
the best possible light. For example, advertisements often
trumpet the quality and convenience of a product or service,
hoping to foster a consumer perception of high value, which
can pay off with increased sales.

Reaching Consumers

A key factor in influencing consumer perception is exposure.

The more information consumers have about a product, the
more comfortable they are buying it. As a result, businesses do
all they can to publicize their offerings. However, this causes a
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
problem: When every business bombards consumers with
marketing messages, consumers tend to tune out. To influence
consumer perception, a business not only must expose its
product to consumers, it also must make its product stand out
from the crowd.

Risk Perception

Consumer risk perception is another factor businesses must

take into account when trying to encourage buying behaviors.
The more risky a proposition is, the more difficult it is to get
consumers to act. If consumers arent familiar with a brand of
product, they cant assess the risk involved; it could be poorly
built, for instance, or too costly compared to substitutes.
Businesses can overcome this hesitancy by offering as much
product information as possible in the form of advertisements
or by encouraging product reviews. Allowing potential
customers to handle the product in stores or test it at home
also decreases risk perception, as does offering a flexible return

Customer Retention

Successful businesses dont relax once a customer makes a

purchase. Rather, they continue to foster perceptions that
result in profitable behaviors. Once consumers have tried a
product, the task becomes maintaining a good reputation and
establishing brand loyalty. Offering superior customer service is
an effective tactic because it maintains the perception that the
business cares about its customers best interests. In return,
customers become loyal to the business, which secures a
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17
consistent revenue stream for the company and makes it more
difficult for competitors to poach customers.

Task 4 Design Brief

I am going design and make a DIY magazine for students,
general audience, and people who are interested in arts and
crafts. Students, people, and and other general audience who
are not interested in arts and crafts will get interested and may
choose this as their career also.

Bibliography -MLA
Hume, Gary. "The Power of Art." RSA Journal 152.5515 (2005): 44-
47. Web. 4 Jan. 2017.
N.p., n.d. Web. <>.
"Arts & Crafts Magazine Subscriptions." Arts & Crafts Discounts &
Deals | N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2017.
Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17

Understanding of Inquiring and Analyzing

Gouri Bollam 8C


Date : 4/1/17


I think I will need a 7 as I explained and justified the need for a solution to
the problem, constructed a research plan, which states and prioritizes the
primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the
problem independently, analysed a group of similar products that inspire a
solution to the problem and developed a design brief, which presents the
analysis of relevant research.

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