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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name __Melinda Powell______________ Activity Title _____We Know Our Rules

Number of children participating at one time _2 with ipads,18 total_______ Ages _3-5yrs____

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the
Ohio Early Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Learning &
Strand: Self
nt Topic: Self Regulation
Standard Statement: Manage the expression of feelings, thoughts, impulses and
List at least 1 behaviors with minimal guidance from adults.
standard that
is addressed Domain: Social and Emotional Development
by this
activity. Write Strand: Self
out each Topic: Sense of Competence
completely Standard Statement: Show confidence in own abilities and accomplish routine and
and exactly,
as published familiar tasks independently.
in ELDS.

Lesson With use of our classroom Ipads allow children to take turns noticing good (thumbs up)
choices and not so good (thumbs down choices) happening in our classroom and take
photos of these.
Estimated This lesson will take a week to complete as children will take turns using the ipads. We
Duration: need some children to be making typical classroom choices so only two will be taking
pictures at a time. The original group lesson will be 30 minutes on day one, followed by
four days of 20 minute sessions where we review the previously captured photos as a
Preparation What preparation is needed?
of I will need to bring out our thumbs up and thumbs down choices chart we made at the
materials beginning of the year for review. I will need to make sure our ipads are charged and ready.
and I will also have already spent time reviewing how to be safe with and take photos with the
environmen ipad.
What materials will be used?
Two classroom ipads. Large sheet of paper and markers for making a longer and more
specific list of what we could search for around the room.

How will the learning environment be set up?

For the group times we sit in a circle and the teacher instructs from a chair and easel. The
children that are using the ipads will be able to move around the classroom freely taking
pictures during our morning free choice centers.

Instructional Procedures:
This lesson will begin with a group time reviewing our previously written thumbs up and thumbs down
choices chart. Afterward we will make a list of more specific thumbs up and down choices that we can see
happening in our classroom (i.e. leaving marker caps off of markers, leaving the sink running, toilet paper
or paper towels on the ground.)
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: Teacher and students will spend talking about thumbs up and thumbs down choices.
Next 10 minutes: Teacher will go around the circle and ask each child to name a different thumbs up or
thumbs down choice they would take a picture of. (Teacher will start with young 3s and move toward 4s
and then 5s as it gets harder to think of new/specific ideas).
Last 10 minutes: Teacher will prompt if needed to compile a specific and lengthy list so children will have a
lot of options when it is their turn to take pictures.
Teacher will then choose 2 students to begin the activity and will help them get started. A timer will be set
for 10 minutes and then teacher will let 2 more students take pictures.

Day 2-5: Begin with a group time reviewing our class photography project idea. Next we will look at the
photos the students took the day before and have them share which kind of choice they took a picture of.
Afterward we will cross these off on our list so we do not repeat any. Then 2 more children are chosen to
take pictures around the room each day until all 18 students have had a turn.
Day 5: The teachers will print the photos and make a book out of them that children can read by picture
and reflect on thumbs up and down choices we can make each day.


This would apply more to parents in my classroom. They could see the standards we are hitting with this
group project as well as that they will see their child hit for their time in preschool.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or

altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students: These students can help by reading our list to
the younger children and helping them notice choices that are happening. They also can help add words
to our book at the end of the week.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: Teachers or older students can help these students in using the photo app on the ipad as well as
recognizing choices happening in the room if they are struggling to find any.

Vocabulary: Ipad, photography, thumbs up choices, thumbs down choices.

For teachers Ipads, charged and ready to go. Large paper ready on teacher easel/marker.
Premade list to use to prompt the group if they cannot think of many ideas.
For students Ipads, understanding of the ipad and how to handle it safely, understanding of
the photo app and how to use it.

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